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KR2022Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and ReasoningProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Haifa, Israel. July 31–August 5, 2022.

Edited by

ISSN: 2334-1033
ISBN: 978-1-956792-01-0

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Copyright © 2022 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization

Who’s the Expert? On Multi-source Belief Change

  1. Joseph Singleton(Cardiff University)
  2. Richard Booth(Cardiff University)


  1. Belief revision and update, belief merging, information fusion
  2. Dealing with uncertain, incomplete or contradictory information
  3. Reasoning about knowledge, beliefs, and other mental attitudes


Consider the following belief change/merging scenario. A group of information sources give a sequence of reports about the state of the world at various instances (e.g. different points in time). The true states at these instances are unknown to us. The sources have varying levels of expertise, also unknown to us, and may be knowledgeable on some topics but not others. This may cause sources to report false statements in areas they lack expertise. What should we believe on the basis of these reports? We provide a framework in which to explore this problem, based on an extension of propositional logic with expertise formulas. This extended language allows us to express beliefs about the state of the world at each instance, as well as beliefs about the expertise of each source. We propose several postulates, provide a couple of families of concrete operators, and analyse these operators with respect to the postulates.