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luka prinčič

Computer musician. Dark funk, experimental media & abstract stories. more


image with handwriting for today journal. links to folders with some of dates transcribed content



date event
FEB·13 Image Snatchers @ Dnevi komedije, SLG Celje
FEB·25 Prince Lucija @ Tactics&Practice nightline @ Pritličje, Ljubljana
MAR·20 Prince Lucija @ ALGORAVE @ Klub GROMKA, Ljubljana
MAR·27 beepblip, Stela Ivšek, Prince Lucija @ Cirkulacija2, Ljubljana
MAR·28 major arcana #12: Anemagenta, Raketa, Prince Lucija @ Klub Monokel, Ljubljana and https://live.pretok.tv
APR·04 Prince Lucija @ Tresk / OSMO/ZA, Ljubljana
APR·05 Prince Lucija @ Mülheimer Nacht, KunstWerk, Cologne, DE
APR·06 Image Snatchers Present: Mad Jakale In a Film We Haven't Seen @ Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
MAY·09 Prince Lucija @ Radio Študent BD @ Ch0/GROMKA, Ljubljana
MAY·16 From Scratch & Algorave, ADELA, Ljudmila, Ljubljana (TBC)
MAY·21 Image Snatchers @ GROMKA, Ljubljana
MAY·28 (->MAY·31)ICLC, Barcelona
JUN·06 Image Snatchers @ PRIDE, Skopje, North Macedonia
JUN·21 Maja Delak: Declarations (premiere) [TBC]


btw, rss is coming some time soon.


website declarations

(data)based on folders&files.
self-hosted. home-grown.
smolweb. lofi computing.
made with php, html, css and emacs.
no javascript, no cookies.
underconstruction? always.

(construction notes)

adopt the pace of nature;
her secret is patience.


This work – making art and releasing it into the commons – is fuelled by 'name-your-price' donations and a voluntary subscription model. If you think what I do is worthwhile, and if you can spare a few coins without hardship, please support this lifelong pursuit.

XXIIVV webring luka at mirlo.space sonomu.club mastodon vid.pretok.tv peertube lukaprincic on matrix.org luka sometimes livestreams at live.pretok.tv email