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PPIG 2002 - 14th Annual Workshop 18 - 21 Jun 2002, Brunel University, London, UK

Tue, 18 June

Programming Tools   Chair: Markku Tukiainen

  1. A Comparison of Empirical Study and Cognitive Dimensions Analysis in the Evaluation of UML Diagrams
    Maria Kutar, Carol Britton & Trevor Barker, University of Hertfordshire, UK

  2. A Study of Usability of Z Formalism Based on Cognitive Dimensions
    Emma Triffitt & Babak Khazaei, Sheffield-Hallam University, UK

Coffee Break

Individual Differences   Chair: Maria Kutar

  1. Learning Styles in Distance Education Students Learning to Program
    Kit Logan & Pete Thomas, Open University, UK

  2. Programming Aptitude Testing as a Prediction of Learning to Program
    Markku Tukiainen & Eero Mönkkönen, University of Joensuu, Finland

  3. The Roles Beacons Play in Comprehension for Novice and Expert Programmers
    Martha E. Crosby, University of Hawaii, USA
    Jean Scholtz, NIST, USA
    Susan Wiedenbeck, Drexel University, USA

Dinner at Nonna Rosa

Wed, 19 June

Plenary Address

  1. Supporting Collaborative Design: Current Research Issues
    Françoise Détienne, INRIA-Rocquencourt, France

Coffee Break

Programmer Education 1   Chair: Linda McIver

  1. Softening the Complexity of Intelligent Systems Programming
    Simon Lynch, Botswana Accountancy College, Botswana

  2. Making the Analogy: Alternative Delivery Techniques for First Year Programming Courses
    Enda Dunican, Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland


Plenary Address

  1. Side-Effects Considered Harmful (but Rendered Harmless)
    Mark Harman, Brunel University, UK

Coffee Break

Programmer Education 2   Chair: Enda Dunican

  1. Evaluating Languages and Environments for Novice Programmers
    Linda McIver, Monash University, Australia

  2. Visualizing Roles of Variables to Novice Programmers
    Jorma Sajaniemi, University of Joensuu, Finland

  3. On Concurrency in Educational Software Authoring Systems
    Jan Erik Moström, Umeå University, Sweden
    David A. Carr, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Dinner, then Ceilidh at Newtoon Room, Brunel Refectory

Thu, 20 June

Social Organisations   Chair: Christian Holmboe

  1. Modelling Software Organisations
    David Hales, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
    Chris Douce, Feedback Instruments, Crowborough, UK

  2. The Misplaced Comma: Programmers’ Tales and Traditions
    Lindsay Marshall, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
    Jim Webber, HP-Arjuna Labs, UK

Coffee Break

Cognitive Dimensions   Chair: Alan Blackwell

  1. Patterns for HCI and Cognitive Dimensions: Two Halves of the Same Story?
    Sally Fincher, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

  2. Dimension Driven Re-Design - Applying Systematic Dimensional Analysis
    Chris Roast, Sheffield Hallam University, UK


Plenary Address

  1. Arenas of Interest in Designing a Notation: How Far do Cognitive Dimensions Go?
    Thomas R.G. Green, University of Leeds, UK

Coffee Break

Class Diagrams   Chair: Judith Segal

  1. Class Libraries: A Challenge for Programming Usability Research
    Kerry Rodden & Alan Blackwell, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, UK

  2. Revitalising Old Thoughts: Class diagrams in Light of the Early Wittgenstein
    Christian Holmboe, University of Oslo, Norway

PhD Session Moderator: Thomas R.G. Green

Conference Dinner at Quackers

Fri, 21 June

Cognitive Theories   Chair: Chris Douce

  1. What is Programming?
    Alan F. Blackwell, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, UK

  2. HASTI: A Lightweight Framework for Cognitive Reengineering Analysis
    Andrew Walenstein, University of Victoria, Canada

Coffee Break

Closing Session: PPIG Business
