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Create updated clean analysis for Android & iOS Image Recs
Closed, ResolvedPublic



There was a data pipeline issue that prevented the generation of fresh image suggestions for a period, around May 20 - July 25. This may have caused users accessing the image recommendations task on the Mobile Apps to see suggestions that had either A) already been incorporated into the article, or B) had already been rejected by another user. During this time, we completed our analysis on the newly released iOS "Add an image" feature, and saw reports from iOS users of images already being in the article. Both apps have a final check to see if there is an image in the article already before displaying it to the user, but Android's was more robust. iOS"s check has since been updated to match Android: T371055.

If lack of refreshed suggestions are having an effect on the end user, we would expect to see some or all of the following from this analysis:

  • Significantly lower rates of image Suggestion Accept Rate than the original analysis
  • Higher bounce rates than the original analysis
  • User reports of image already in article from rejection reasons survey
User story

As a product manager on iOS, I would like to know if it was primarily the data pipeline issue, or the app's final check that was causing repeat images to show to end users, so I can share the information with the maintainers of the image suggestions pipeline while advocating for more investment in the infrastructure.

  • Create updated version of the analysis for KR 1.5, showing the data for iOS & Android during same time period as was used for the iOS analysis, 2024-05-11 to 2024-06-10) with updated rates calculated in the same way as Growth
  • Image Accept -> Edit Success Rate
  • Image Suggestion Accept Rate
  • Reject Rate
  • Skip/Not Sure Rate
  • Bounce Rate
  • Look at rejection reasons & writeins for iOS in the month following the initial analysis to see if reports of repeated images have declined

Event Timeline

HNordeenWMF renamed this task from Create updated analysis from Android Image Recs to Create updated analysis for Android Image Recs.Aug 6 2024, 3:24 PM
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up Next on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.
HNordeenWMF renamed this task from Create updated analysis for Android Image Recs to Create updated analysis for Android/iOS Image Recs.Aug 6 2024, 7:22 PM
HNordeenWMF renamed this task from Create updated analysis for Android/iOS Image Recs to Create updated analysis for Android Image Recs.
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

As discussed, the insight we most want is how frequently were users seeing/engaging with duplicated images and how that affected task completion rates, etc.

Looking at Android image engagement by unique user we saw the following - this counts the image filename shown by each decision action of Accept, Reject or Skip

Android 90 Day Totals by Unique User
Total Unique Images29040
Duplicated Images seen by Unique Users2315
% Images Duplicated8.0%

iOS also saw duplicated image engagement but results are not 1:1 comparable with Android because image Filename is only recorded when user submits a reject action OR is issued a warning for clicking under 10 seconds,
instrumentation for filename was not as thorough on iOS because MVP. Considering the tech is the same behind both platforms we should use the Android duplication rate when assessing impact of duplicated images.

iOS 90 Day Total Rejected/Warned by Unique User
Total Rejected/Warned Unique Images1592
Duplicated Rejected/Warned Images seen by Unique Users10
% Rejected/Warned Images Duplicated0.6%

Looking at qualitative data where users can enter text to indicate rejection reasons reports of image already being in article were 13.1% of responses (out of 213 responses).


Will be adding Android/iOS Task Completion Rate by matching dates (as requested) to ticket next.

HNordeenWMF renamed this task from Create updated analysis for Android Image Recs to Create updated clean analysis for Android & iOS Image Recs.Aug 15 2024, 10:14 PM
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

'Clean' Event Analysis for Android: Data

'Clean' Event' Analysis for iOS: Data

  • Let's discuss how we want to organize this data to reduce cross-duplication, I added iOS results to Android sheet and Android results to iOS in sheets but we probably want to update decks or final outcomes.
  • Also for iOS I had to do a workaround way to get clean data because we aren't tracking image filenames on iOS as explicitly as we are on Android - should we add that value to all image selection events so we can track more closely in future? To be compatible with Android we would need to add image file name to data instrumentation for actions 'suggestion_accept', ' suggestion_reject', 'suggestion_skip' and action = 'impression' AND active_interface = 'recommendedimagetoolbar'

After discussion we have decided against adding any further analytics to iOS Image Recs since we only need it for yroubleshooting problems like duplicate images which we can also get from Android data (same API).

Thanks @SNowick_WMF!

Let's discuss how we want to organize this data to reduce cross-duplication, I added iOS results to Android sheet and Android results to iOS in sheets but we probably want to update decks or final outcomes.

Thanks, could you update the decks (Android, iOS)? I'll update the iOS narrative slides & project pages.

Also for iOS I had to do a workaround way to get clean data because we aren't tracking image filenames on iOS as explicitly as we are on Android - should we add that value to all image selection events so we can track more closely in future? To be compatible with Android we would need to add image file name to data instrumentation for actions 'suggestion_accept', ' suggestion_reject', 'suggestion_skip' and action = 'impression' AND active_interface = 'recommendedimagetoolbar'

We discussed in Data sync that we don't need to add this tracking for iOS.

Image recs results Narrative have been updated.

For image suggestion accept rates, reject rates, and skip rates all look comparable for iOS & Android, and don't necessarily point to repeated images being an issue. However we are still seeing a higher bounce rate for iOS compared to Android.

In looking at the updated rejection reasons for 2024-06-12 - 2024-08-22, rejections mentioning the infobox and image already being in article have declined compared to the analysis from 2024-05-11 to 2024-06-10. This is most likely due to the expanded check added on iOS for existing images, and the refresh of the mediawiki dumps on July 25.

@HNordeenWMF I have updated the Suggestion Accept Rate slides on both Android and iOS Image Recs decks and indicated data is newer, revised clean data.