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Calculate baselines for WE2.1/KE1 related to increasing the coverage of quality content in key topic areas
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Calculate baselines for KR WE2.1/KE1: By the end of Q2, support organizers, contributors, and institutions with specific tools, insights, & organizing approaches that increase the coverage of quality content in key topic areas [TBD] by X% per wiki.

Key topic areas & Target Languages

  • Biodiversity: Igbo, Dagbani, Spanish
  • Women’s Biographies : Japanese, Igbo, Swahili, Dagbani
  • Women's Health: Indonesian

Event Timeline

cchen triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 10 2024, 6:00 AM
cchen created this task.
cchen renamed this task from Calculate baselines for W.E 2.1/KE1 related to increasing the coverage of quality content in key topic areas to Calculate baselines for WE2.1/KE1 related to increasing the coverage of quality content in key topic areas.Apr 10 2024, 6:03 AM
cchen updated the task description. (Show Details)

Since we can't measure/narrow down to sub-topics such as Biographies & Women's Health, Climate & Sustainability, I used the content_gap_metrics database to access quality articles in different categories for a snapshot for February 2024 for some wikis. referring the queries from movement metrics.

ProjectTotal ArticlesQuality articles femaleQuality articles Latin America and CaribbeanQuality articles Middle East & North AfricaQuality articles Sub-Saharan Africa
Overall335,800,000375,097 (0.1%)62,041 (<0.1%)38,552 (<0.1%)29,602 (<0.1%)
English Wikipedia6,789,000103,365 (1.5%)10,031 (0.14%)27,520 (0.4%)38,780 (0.57%)
Spanish Wikipedia1,934,00025,177 (1.3%)19,271 (1%)6,102 (0.3%)6,263 (0.3%)
Portugues Wikipedia1,119,7009,832 (0.9%)7,059 (0.6%)4,539 (0.4%)1,129 (0.1%)
Indonesia Wikipedia685,5613,625 (0.5%)314 (<0.1%)1,717 (0.25%)1,085 (0.2%)

Number of quality articles on female topics in Indonesia Wikipedia, to see the growth of quality articles through campaigns:

MonthTotal ArticlesFemale Quality articles% Female Quality Articles

We looked at monthly net new quality content in topic areas and target languages' Wikipedia as baselines. The data is from December 2023 - May 2024. Refer to this notebook for detailed queries.

For Biodiversity topic area, we used ORES model's taxonomy and looked for sub-topics STEM. Biology AND STEM.Earth and environment to find quality articles. We found a monthly average of 24 net new quality content in the past 6 months in target wikis (detailed data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jsmp7m5Lan9lEAVrhId8sHWIZDenm4yYeTeo8fmpYJY/edit?gid=2100049438#gid=2100049438).

For Women’s Biographies and Women's Health Topic Areas, we use the content_gap_metrics.by_category dataset and look for categories of female and cisgender female to calculate the number of quality articles. We found a monthly average of 157 Women’s Biographies and 25 Women's Health net new quality content in the past 6 months in target wikis. (detailed data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jsmp7m5Lan9lEAVrhId8sHWIZDenm4yYeTeo8fmpYJY/edit?gid=2006222837#gid=2006222837)

In conclusion, there are, on average, 205 new quality articles each month in key topic areas of the target language Wikipedias. As discussed, we aim for a 10% increase from this average, which equates to an additional 20.5 quality articles per month (123 more quality articles over six months).

Sorry, the assignment got changed due to a trigger mistakenly.

KCVelaga_WMF changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jul 24 2024, 1:31 PM
KCVelaga_WMF moved this task from Priority to In progress on the LPL Analytics board.

Updating the baselines with June 2024 data.

For Biodiversity topic area, we found a monthly average of 25 net new quality content in the past 7 months in target wikis (detailed data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jsmp7m5Lan9lEAVrhId8sHWIZDenm4yYeTeo8fmpYJY/edit?gid=2100049438#gid=2100049438).

For Women’s Biographies and Women's Health Topic Areas, we found a monthly average of 180 Women’s Biographies and 24 Women's Health net new quality content in the past 7 months in target wikis. (detailed data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jsmp7m5Lan9lEAVrhId8sHWIZDenm4yYeTeo8fmpYJY/edit?gid=2006222837#gid=2006222837)

In conclusion, there are, on average, 229 new quality articles each month in key topic areas of the target language Wikipedias. As discussed, we aim for a 10% increase from this average, which equates to an additional 22.9 quality articles per month (138 more quality articles over six months).