ERROR: Couldn't load "wdio-mocha-framework" framework. You need to install it with `$ npm install wdio-mocha-framework`!
Error: Cannot find module 'wdio-mocha-framework'
Require stack:
The source of the problem was fibers package. I found out that using older node.js may help. I changed my node v14.14.0 to v12.19.0 using nvm, tried npm install again, but the result was the same. Then I switched to node v10.22.1, ran npm install again and didn't receive the same error messages (just some warnings, again from fibers) and was able to run the tests from the page.
As you can see it reports about 3 tests because of this section in the wdio.config.js:
specs: [
## Conclusion
I think the page should be updated.
1. We should mention that Node.js v10.22.1 is recommended. Or we may try to update the example repository. (I tried the latest versions of packages from package.json and deleted package.lock.json, but keep getting aforementioned errors).
2. In the WebdriverIO section we should use this command:
node webdriverio/stack/webdriverio.js
3. We should update Page object section to show actual output: