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mod_perl 1.0 User Guide

Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason

Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason

By Dave Rolsky, Ken Williams
mod_perl2 User's Guide

mod_perl2 User's Guide

By Stas Bekman, Jim Brandt
Practical mod_perl

Practical mod_perl

By Stas Bekman, Eric Cholet
The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

By Geoffrey Young, Paul Lindner, Randy Kobes
mod_perl Pocket Reference

mod_perl Pocket Reference

By Andrew Ford
Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C

Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C

By Lincoln Stein, Doug MacEachern

Deploying mod_perl technology to give rocket speed to your CGI/Perl scripts.

Part I: Getting Started
-Getting Your Feet Wet
This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions to get a basic statically-compiled mod_perl-enabled Apache server up and running. Having a running server allows you to experiment with mod_perl as you learn more about it.
-Introduction and Incentives
An introduction to what mod_perl is all about, its different features, and some explanations of the C API, Apache::Registry, Apache::PerlRun, and the Apache/Perl API.
-mod_perl Installation
An in-depth explanation of the mod_perl installation process, from the basic installation (in 10 steps), to a more complex one (with all the possible options you might want to use, including DSO build). It includes troubleshooting tips too.
-mod_perl Configuration
This section documents the various configuration options available for Apache and mod_perl, as well as the Perl startup files, and more esoteric possibilites such as configuring Apache with Perl.
Part II: Coding
-CGI to mod_perl Porting. mod_perl Coding guidelines.
This chapter is relevant both to writing a new CGI script or perl handler from scratch and to migrating an application from plain CGI to mod_perl.
-How to use mod_perl's Method Handlers
Described here are a few examples and hints on how to use method handlers with mod_perl.
-mod_perl and Relational Databases
Creating dynamic websites with mod_perl often involves using relational databases. Apache::DBI, which provides a database connections persistence which boosts the mod_perl performance, is explained in this chapter.
-mod_perl and dbm files
Small databases can be implemented pretty efficiently using dbm files, but there are still some precautions that must be taken to use them properly under mod_perl.
-Protecting Your Site
Securing your site should be your first priority, because of the consequences a break-in might have. We discuss the various authentication and authorization techniques available, a very interesting use of mod_perl.
-Code Snippets
A collection of mod_perl code snippets which you can either adapt to your own use or integrate directly into your own code.
-Apache::* modules
Overview of some of the most popular modules for mod_perl, both to use directly from your code and as mod_perl handlers.
Part III: Advanced Setup and Performance
-Choosing the Right Strategy
This document discusses various mod_perl setup strategies used to get the best performance and scalability of the services.
-Real World Scenarios
This chapter provides a step-by-step installation guide for the various setups discussed in Choosing the Right Strategy.
-Performance Tuning
An exhaustive list of various techniques you might want to use to get the most performance possible out of your mod_perl server: configuration, coding, memory use, and more.
Part IV: Troubleshooting
-Frequent mod_perl problems
Some problems come up very often on the mailing list. If there is some important problem that is being reported frequently on the list which is not included below, even if it is found elsewhere in the Guide, please report to mod_perl mailing list.
-Warnings and Errors Troubleshooting Index
If you encounter an error or warning you don't understand, check this chapter for solutions to common warnings and errors that the mod_perl community has encountered in the last few years.
-Debugging mod_perl
Tired of Internal Server Errors? Find out how to debug your mod_perl applications, thanks to a number of features of Perl and mod_perl.
-Getting Help
If your question isn't answered by reading this guide, check this section for information on how to get help on mod_perl, Apache, or other topics discussed here.

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