I just pushed a nice improvement for ek
. It allows you to use the name or uid of the channel in all commands. This makes working with it a lot easier. No need to remember random IDs.
You can now search for items in your system in specific fields. An example would be a query for name:weekly. The part "name:" would find items with the word weekly appearing in the name. All supported JF2 properties could be looked for.
A few days ago I saw a video by Aaron Parecki talking about PKCE. It seems to be a useful improvement to OAuth and Indieauth.
So today I added this to the weblog. It can now do the extra verification that happens, because of PKCE. It was pretty simple as you can add it as a few steps between the normal authentication. The structure itself stays very much the same. So this was the authorization server side of the protocol. Now I should add this to the clients that I created.
The solution I found was to pull a newer version of "drone/git" on the host machine where Drone runs. This solves the problem.
<a href="https://discourse.drone.io/t/issue-with-letsencrypt-and-ssl-certificates-in-old-drone-git/9852">solution</a>