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Curriculum Vitae

University of Oxford, Linacre College, Emeritus
H. Catherine Walter PhD (Cambridge) Licence-ès-lettres (Paris III), BA, DipTEFL Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellow HIGHLIGHTS OF CAREER TO DATE Teaching and teacher education University Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Department of Education, and Fellow of Linacre College, University of Oxford, 2009-present. 2011-present Founder, Course Leader and Lecturer, Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English Language in University Settings (TELUS) and MSc TELUS 2009-present Lecturer, MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition 2009-present Supervision of doctoral students in applied linguistics 2011-present Member, Departmental Research Ethics Committee 2009-present Linacre College Fellow coordinating provision for students with disabilities 2009-present Member, Oxford University Gender Equality Steering Group, 2009-2012; Oxford University Athena Swan and Gender Advisory Group, 2012-present Senior Lecturer in Education, Institute of Education, University of London, 2003-2009. 2004-2007: Course Leader, MA in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages. 2004-2007: Equal Opportunities Coordinator of the School of Culture, Language and Communication. 2007-2009: Equal Opportunities Coordinator of the Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy (0.2 of post) Supervision of doctoral students in applied linguistics Visiting Lecturer, University of Bristol, 2002-2003. Visiting Lecturer, University of Reading, 2000-2002. Visiting Academic, University of Cambridge, 2000-2002. Nine years of full-time teaching and teacher education, 1972-1981, principally in France but also, briefly, in the United States. I was a Diploma Tutor for the RSA DipTEFL. I held a tenured academic position as a lecturer in English and English language teaching at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électrotechnique et Électronique in Paris until resigning for family reasons in 1979. Materials development and consulting Free-lance author and consultant, 1981-2000. I authored and co-authored award-winning books, consulted for the British Council other institutions, and was invited to give lectures and workshops in over 30 countries in Europe, the Americas and the Pacific Rim. Advisory positions UK Committee for Linguistics in Education (Member: 2003-present; Secretary, 2004-2006; Chair, 2006-2009) Chair, British Council English Language Advisory Group, 2007-present; Member, British Council English Teaching Advisory Committee, 1998-2007. Member, British Council Russian English Teaching Advisory Committee, 1999-2005. Member, Advisory Committee to the UK Higher Education Authority Subject Centre on Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 2004-2006 Member, Linguistics Specialist Panel, UK Higher Education Authority Subject Centre on Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, subsequently reconstituted as the University Council for General and Applied Linguistics, 2005-2009 External Examining External Examiner for Master’s programmes at King’s College London (2003-2007), University of Essex (2004-2008) and Aston University (2009-present) External Examiner for PhD degrees at University of Cardiff, University of London, University of Reading Elected offices in professional organisations 1989 - Member at large, Executive Committee, British Association for Applied Linguistics, 2004-2009 Chair of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) from 1992 to 1996. Co-opted Committee member, 1996-1999 and 2001-present. Wider Membership Scheme Advisory Committee, 1998-present. Advisory Council, 2003-present Awards and honours 2012 (UK) Society of Authors and British Council Award for English Language Teaching Writing, with co-author Michael Swan, for Oxford English Grammar Course, Advanced 2012 OxTALENT Award (University of Oxford competitive award for the innovative use of information technology to support teaching and learning) 2008 Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship (national competitive award conferring lifetime status as exceptional teacher in higher education in the UK) 2001 Equal 2nd prize, English Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh Award, with co-author Michael Swan, for The Good Grammar Book 2001 (Japan) National Prize for the Promotion of International Understanding, with co-author Michael Swan, for The Good Grammar Book 1997 English Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh Award for the best book for English Language Teaching published in the UK in 1996, with co-author Michael Swan, for How English Works EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Prince2 Project Management Foundation Certificate 2008 PhD, English and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge 2000 MPhil, English and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge 1995 Royal Society of Arts Diploma in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (with Distinction) 1975 Licence-ès-lettres, Linguistics and French literature (Licence d'enseignement), Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle 1971 BA, French literature (Magna cum laude), University of St Thomas, Houston, Texas) 1970 Languages: French, native-like speaking and writing SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Academic publications Scott, D., Hughes, G., Evans, C., Burke, P.-J.,Walter, C. & Watson, D. (2013). Learning Transitions in Higher Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Busse, V. and Walter, C. (2013). Foreign language learning motivation in higher education: a longitudinal study of motivational changes and their causes. The Modern Language Journal (in press). Walter, C. and Briggs, J. (2012). What professional development makes the most difference to teachers? A report sponsored by Oxford University Press, available at Macaro, E., Handley, Z., and Walter, C. (2012). A systematic review of CALL in English as a second language: focus on primary and secondary education. Language Teaching 45(1):1-43. Walter, C. (2008). Phonology in L2 reading: not an optional extra. TESOL Quarterly 42/3: 455-474. Walter, C. 2007. First- to second-language reading comprehension: not transfer, but access. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17/1:14-37. Walter, C. 2004. Transfer of reading comprehension skills to L2 is linked to mental representations of text and to working memory. Applied Linguistics 25/3:315-339. Walter, H.C. 2003. Reading in a second language. LTSN Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (UK) (Ed.), The Guide to Good Practice. Walter, C. 2000. French learners. In M. Swan and B. Smith (Eds.), Learner English, A Teacher’s Guide to Interference and Other Problems (second edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Walter, C. & Florent, J. 1989. ‘A better rôle for women in TEFL’, ELT Journal, 43(3), 180-184. Textbooks Swan, M. and Walter, C. 2011. Oxford English Grammar Course. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced: Society of Authors / British Council Award for English Language Teaching) Swan, M. and Walter, C. 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Equal 2nd prize in the 2001 English Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh Award; Japanese version, Winner of the first Japanese National Prize for the Promotion of International Understanding.) Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1997. How English Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Winner of the 1997 English Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh Award) Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1992. The New Cambridge English Course 3 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1992. The New Cambridge English Course 4 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1990. The New Cambridge English Course 1 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Practice book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1990. The New Cambridge English Course 2 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Practice book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1987. The New Cambridge English Course 3 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Practice book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Walter, C. 1986. Genuine Articles. (Student’s book, Teacher’s manual and answer key). New York: Cambridge University Press. Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1985. The Cambridge English Course 2 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Practice book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Equal 2nd prize in the 1985 English Speaking Union Duke of Edinburgh Award) Swan, M. and Walter, C. 1984. The Cambridge English Course 1 (Student’s book, Teacher’s book, Practice book, Test book and cassettes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Walter, C. 1982. Authentic Reading (Student’s book, Teacher’s book). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. EXAMPLES OF FUNDED RESEARCH and CONSULTANCIES 2011-2012 The Teaching of Welsh to Adults in Wales, Welsh Assembly Government 2010-2011 New Technologies and English as a Second Language, Oxford University Press 2008-2011 Facilitating Transitions to Master’s-Level Learning through Improving Formative Assessment and Feedback, Higher Education Academy 2002-2003 Teachers into Researchers, Higher Education Academy H. Catherine Walter - page 5 of 3