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About us

Read about our history, philosophy and people responsible for developing free Quick.Cart and Quick.Cms, as well as paid Quick.Cart.Ext and Quick.Cms.Ext.

History of our scripts

Calendar icon

We've been programming since 2001. Our first free script was released in 2003. It was a discussion board script called Quick.Forum. 2004 was the year we've released another free script named Quick.Cart, and another one, Quick.Cms, another year later. We were getting more and more requests from users for more functionalities so we developed professional editions: Quick.Cms.Ext and Quick.Cart.Ext.

Target icon

Our philosophy

We're a stable team developing our scripts for over 9 years. We're true programmers who "break down when their software crashes" :)

We're mostly dedicated to keeping the admin panel intuitive, graphics modifications simple, performance of scripts high, compliant to standards and software designing conventions.

OpenSolution Team

OpenSolution logo

The OpenSolution company is based in Silesia, Poland. We pay taxes in this country.

We invest a lot of time in our every employee to make sure they're competent at their jobs. We don't like changing our staff too often, since it has bad impact on quality of services provided to our customers.

Strict core of the team consists of a few people, but it would be very unfair not to mention our partners, who actively participate in developing the scripts.

Picture of Zdzislaw Zawada

Zdzisław Zawada

From the beginning in OpenSolution team. One of the main authors of the software. He studied computer science at WSIiZ in Bielsko-Biała and at WSHE in Łódź. His work experience includes several years with the Interia.pl company.

He takes care of customer support. He specializes in Java Script, HTML and CSS code correctness, WAI standard.

His discussion board nick is: wewior. Find more information about him on his facebook profile ».

Favourite saying: only calm will save us!

Daniel Hydzik

Picture of Daniel Hydzik

Author of Quick.Forum, and then Quick.Cart and Quick.Cms. Together with Zdzisław they developed many free and paid plugins. He studied computer science at WSIiZ in Bielsko-Biała and at AGH in Cracow.

Main architect of scripts and the OpenSolution website. He specializes in the PHP language and databases. He is also responsible for contacts with partners and organizing training meetings for them.

On the discussion board his nick is: treewood, and you can find our more about him on his facebook profile »

Favourite saying: do today what you had planned for tomorrow!

Agnieszka Wapienik

Picture of Agnieszka Wapienik

She translates to English our tips, documentation, news and all other texts that we publish on our website.

Favourite saying: was I supposed to do that too?

Daniel Galas

Picture of Daniel Galas

Young and ambitious PHP and Java Script programmer. Develops our jQuery based scripts such as: Quick.Slider, Quick.Box and Quick.Form.

Helps us developing technical documentation.

Favourite saying: I am the master!

Dawid Heczko

Picture of Dawid Heczko

Dawid is a multipurpose person. He replies for tech support queries, helps on the forum (nick: deha), tests our software, writes plugins, and does many other things.

Favourite saying: calm down, don't panic

Ewa Zawada

Picture of Ewa Zawada

Responsible for the legal department of OpenSolution. She verifies legality of use of our scripts by their users.

She also contacts those who use our scripts illegally.

Krystian Szczypka

Picture of Krystian Sczypka

He helps users on the forum under the nick selekcjoner. He also writes modifications and tests scripts.

Favourite saying: don't think how much you've already done, think how much is left to do!

Agnieszka Szozda

Picture of Agnieszka Szozda

She is responsible for the skins section. She adjusts and updates skins for newer versions.

She proofreads contents published on our website and tests our scripts.

Favourite saying: two heads are better than one.


Below we present people, who we felt deserved to be mentioned for their significant contribution to our scripts' development.

Krzysztof Dobrzyński

Picture of Krzysztof Dobrzynski

He was actively involved in preparing interface and skins in the first stages of developing our scripts. He still remains our mentor and gives us ideas for new functionalities.

He works for the "Nasza Klasa" Ltd. and specializes in advertisement.

Marcin Morcinek

Picture of Marcin Morcinek

For several years he helped us handle the discussion board and e-mails from our customers. Nowadays he runs his own business MakWeb » and works for Ministerstwo Reklamy ».

He is our platinum partner one of the most fluent programmers when it comes to our scripts.

Zbigniew Sztandera

Picture of Zbigniew Sztandera

He's the master of sending us ideas for improving our scripts' functionalities. As openzibi he's been active on the discussion board for over 8 years.

Our platinum partner, runs StudioStrona »

Remigiusz Ciupek

Picture of Remigiusz Ciupek

Has designed websites and online shops based on our scripts for over 9 years! He holds the record for most projects based on our scripts.

Platinum partner for many years, you can see his rich portfolio at MasterOs.net »

Jarek Migoń

Picture of Jarek Migoń

He's the expert in video materials and visual identification of companies and individual people. He helps us to perfect our scripts' presentation.

A platinum partner, represents the grafiQa » company.

Sebastian Kocik

Picture of Sebastian Kocik

Creates banner ads and icons for our website. He designs very interesting visually projects based on our scripts.

Our platinum partner, owns VMDesign »

Daniel Gatner

Picture of Daniel Gatner

Writes articles for polish readers in the hints related to legal aspects of managing websites and online shops.

He helps us to update our terms & conditions and licenses. He works in the Zubek Gatner Anweiler » legal office.

Gabriel Gatner

Picture of Gabriel Gatner

He provides legal support for our customer: he writes terms & conditions, privacy policies, performs legal audits of on-line shops.

We recommend his top-level services presented at LexLab ».

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