Successful remembering and successful forgetting

a festschrift in honor of Robert A. Bjork

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Successful remembering and successful forgett ...
Robert A. Bjork, Robert A. Bjo ...

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January 4, 2023 | History

Successful remembering and successful forgetting

a festschrift in honor of Robert A. Bjork

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Psychology Press

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Table of Contents

On the symbiosis of remembering, forgetting, and learning / Robert A. Bjor
Intricacies of spaced retrieval : a resolution / Henry L. Roediger III and Jeffrey D. Karpick
Distributed learning and the size of memory : a 50-year spacing odyssey / Thomas K. Landa
The causes and consequences of reminding / Aaron S. Benjami and Brian H. Ros
Retrieval-induced forgetting and the resolution of competition / Benjamin C. Storeur
On the relationship between interference and inhibition in cognition / Michael C. Anderso n and Benjamin J. Levy
Sleep, retrieval inhibition, and the resolving power of human memory / Malcolm D. Mac Leod and Justin C. Hulb
Blocking out blocks : adaptive forgetting of fixation in memory, problem solving, and creative ideation / Steven M. Smith
A contextual framework for understanding when difficulties are desirable / Mark A. McDaniel and Andrew C. Butler
Testing, generation, and spacing applied to education : past, present, and future / Catherine O. Frit
Learning from and for tests / William B. Whitten
Can desirable difficulties overcome deceptive clarity in scientific visualizations? / Marcia C. Linn, Hsi n-Yi Chang, Jennifer L. Chiu, Zhihui Helen Zha ng, and Kevin McElhaney
Desirable difficulties and studying in the region of proximal learning / Janet Metcalfe
Data entry : a window to principles of training / Alice F. Healy, James A. Kole, Erica L. Wohldmann, Carolyn J. Buck-Gengler, and Lyle E. Bourne Jr
An output-bound perspective on false memories : the case of the Deese Roediger McDermott (DRM) paradigm / Asher Koriat, Ainat Pansky, and Morris Goldsmith
How should we define and differentiate metacognitions? / Harry P. Bahrick, Melinda K. Baker, LyndaáK. Hall, and Lise Abrams
Learning from the consequences of retrieval : another test effect / Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Benjamin C. Storm, and Patricia A. deWinstanley
Failing to predict future changes in memory : a stability bias yields long-term overconfidence / Nate Kornell
Relying on other people's metamemory / Barbara A. Spellman, Elizabeth R. Tenney, and Margaret J. Scalia
Multidimensional models for item recognition and source identification / Thomas D. Wickens
Pursuing a general model of recall and recognition / Troy A. Smith and Daniel R. Kimball
Memory for pictures : sometimes a picture is not worth a single word / Joyce M. Oates and Lynne M. Reder
Administration of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) increases serum levels of androgens and estrogens but does not enhance recognition memory in postmenopausal women / Bethany Stangl, Elliot Hirshman, and Joseph Verbalis
On the fruitful relationship between functional neuroimaging and cognitive theories of human learning and memory / Alan Richardson-Klavehn
Age-related changes in the episodic simulation of past and future events / Daniel L. Schacter, Brendan Gaesser, and Donna Rose Addis.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published in
New York, NY


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BF371 .S86 2011, BF371, BF371 .S86 2011eb

The Physical Object

p. cm.

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
709902971, 667990371

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