666 Finding Utility
I developed this program to show how ridiculous it is to say that a person is from Anti-Christ just because his name has the number 666 encoded in it.
Famous Persons with 666 number in their name - found with my system:Jesus Moses Paul Issac Hitler Graham Sachin Bush Woods Tom Holmes Kennedy |
[Jesus??? Yes Jesus!!] [Moses - Biblical character who lead Jews out of captivity] [Paul - 1st Century Evangalist] [Issac- Biblical Charecter, Issac Newton - Scientist] [Adolf Hitler - Dictator] [Graham - Billy Graham - Evangalist, Graham Bell - Inventor] [Sachin Tendulkar - Cricket Player] [George Bush - President of USA] [Tiger Woods - Golf Player] [Tom Cruise - Actor] [Sherlock Holmes - Fictional dectective] [John F Kennedy - President of USA] |
Common names with 666 number in their name - found with my system:
This list could be much longer. But I had to stop because it is 3:15 in the morning when I was searching.
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