Aggie One Stop

Your connection to the Aggie Nation!

We are a one-stop student service center designed to help both undergraduate and graduate students manage the business of going to college. We provide answers and information about admissions, financial aid, registration, bill payment, and student records - all in a single location!

Here, you will also find resources to connect with university departments such as academic advising, veterans benefits, housing, parking, health and wellness, and much more.

The Aggie One-Stop is staffed with a team of professionals who are ready to assist you. We know your time is valuable so let us help you make the most of it. To learn more, see the Aggie One-Stop's mission statement. We look forward to assisting you!

-Aggie One-Stop Team

Spring 2025 Important Dates and Deadlines
January 6 Disenrollment Due to Prior Balance (Financial)
January 15 Classes Begin
January 27 Last day to add course
January 31 Residency Tuition Application Deadline
January 31 Last day to drop a course without a "W"
March 20 Last day to drop a course with a "W"
May 2 Last day to Withdraw from the University by 4:59 PM
May 9 Last day of classes
Complete list of dates and details, including additional terms, are available on the University Student Records website.

Common Quick Links for Students