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PD4ML: PDF Attachments

PD4ML allows you to embed attachments to a resulting PDF file with a proprietary <pd4ml:attachment> tag. In the simplest scenarios the tag  defines a clickable icon (from the standard PDF attachment icons set) and provides a description.
<pd4ml:attachment src="http://old.pd4ml.com/i/logo.png" 
          description="attachment sample" icon="Paperclip"/>
There are 4 available icons, predefined by PDF specification: "Paperclip", "PushPin", "Graph" and "Tag"

Alternatively it is possible not define any icon, but a clickable area.

<pd4ml:attachment src="file:o:/work/DXL.pdf" 
          description="attachment sample" 
          icon="Area" height=18 width=108/> <font color=blue><u>Clickable area</u></font>
What is behind the area - is up to you. In the example above it is a line of text. For a precise definition of a clickable area, you may temporarily highlight it (the border will be visible in PD4Browser GUI application in preview mode):
<pd4ml:attachment src="../extreme-2.swf" 
          description="attachment sample" 
          icon="Area" height=18 width=108 
          style="border: 1 solid tomato"/> ...
Sometimes there is a need to define an attachment inline, without a referring to an external file.  It could be done with base64-encoded attachment body like that:
<pd4ml:attachment description="attached.txt" icon="PushPin">
Note: description attribute in the case should hint PDF viewer regarding the attachment type (using a file extension).
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