# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a358701 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A358701 #34 Apr 15 2024 16:20:09 %S A358701 4,5,7,14,79,831,6495,247614,7361278,743300286,121387475838 %N A358701 a(n) is the least number > 1 that needs n toggles in the trailing bits of its binary representation to become a square. %H A358701 Michael S. Branicky, Go program. %H A358701 Code Golf StackExchange, Toggle some bits and get a square, coding challenge started by user Arnauld, Aug 18 2018. %H A358701 Delbert L. Johnson, C# program %e A358701 a(0) = 4 = 100 in binary, 0 toggled bits needed; %e A358701 a(1) = 5 = 101_2, 1 toggled bit -> 100_2 = 4; %e A358701 a(2) = 7 = 111_2, 2 toggled bits -> 100_2 = 4; %e A358701 a(3) = 14 = 1110_2, 3 toggled bits -> 1001_2 = 9; %e A358701 a(4) = 79 = 1001111_2, 4 toggled bits -> 1000000_2 = 64; %e A358701 a(5) = 831 = 1100111111_2, 5 toggled bits -> 1100010000_2 = 784 = 28^2. %o A358701 See Code Golf link. - _Arnauld Chevallier_, Aug 18 2018 %o A358701 (Go) // see linked program %o A358701 (C#) // see linked program %Y A358701 Cf. A000120, A000290, A001737, A159918. %K A358701 nonn,base,hard,more %O A358701 0,1 %A A358701 _Hugo Pfoertner_, Dec 16 2022 %E A358701 a(9) from _Michael S. Branicky_, Dec 19 2022 %E A358701 a(10) from _Delbert L. Johnson_, Apr 13 2024 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE