# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a345357 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A345357 #22 Oct 02 2021 08:34:32 %S A345357 5,717,2637,14157,89037,112077,149517,156957,180477,235917,255357, %T A345357 267837,269997,293037,399357,447837,533517,592557,679677,703917, %U A345357 770157,909837,929997,1043997,1158237,1257597,1283037,1296477,1333197,1369197,1500237,1971357,1998717,2062557,2099997 %N A345357 Numbers m > 4 such that [m-2..m+2] belong to A327261. %C A345357 Terms > 5 have 7 for their units digit. This is because the units digit of A327261 terms can't be 0 or 3 (row 3 of A327259 has all numbers that end in 0 or 3) and there are at most 2 consecutive even terms (see comment for A327263). %H A345357 David Lovler, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..58 %o A345357 (PARI) T319929(n, k) = if (n%2, if (k%2, n+k-1, k), if (k%2, n, 0)); %o A345357 T(n, k) = 2*n*k - T319929(n, k); \\ A327259 %o A345357 list(nn) = {my(list = List()); for (n=2, nn, for (k=2, nn\n, listput(list, T(n, k)); ); ); setminus([1..nn], Set(list)); } \\ A327261 %o A345357 lista(nn) = {my(v=Vec(list(nn))); for (m=5, #v-1, my(x=v[m]); if (vecsearch(v, x-2) && vecsearch(v, x-1) && vecsearch(v, x+1) && vecsearch(v, x+2), print1(x, ", ")); ); } %Y A345357 Cf. A340748, A345473, A345474. %K A345357 nonn %O A345357 1,1 %A A345357 _David Lovler_, Jun 15 2021 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE