# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a135882 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A135882 #5 Mar 30 2012 18:37:07 %S A135882 1,2,7,34,215,1698,16220,182714,2378780,35219202,585245185, %T A135882 10797322816,219163958124,4856832298391,116735215192864, %U A135882 3025759884533190,84155831914971391,2500599947944218716,79072271422935678302 %N A135882 Column 1 of triangle A135880. %H A135882 Paul D. Hanna, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..79 %e A135882 Equals column 1 of triangle P=A135880: %e A135882 1; %e A135882 1, 1; %e A135882 2, 2, 1; %e A135882 6, 7, 3, 1; %e A135882 25, 34, 15, 4, 1; %e A135882 138, 215, 99, 26, 5, 1; %e A135882 970, 1698, 814, 216, 40, 6, 1; ... %e A135882 where column k of P^2 equals column 0 of P^(2k+2) %e A135882 such that column 0 of P^2 equals column 0 of P shift left. %o A135882 (PARI) {a(n)=local(P=Mat(1),R,PShR);if(n==0,1,for(i=0,n, PShR=matrix(#P,#P, r,c, if(r>=c,if(r==c,1,if(c==1,0,P[r-1,c-1]))));R=P*PShR; R=matrix(#P+1, #P+1, r,c, if(r>=c, if(r<#P+1,R[r,c], if(c==1,(P^2)[ #P,1],(P^(2*c-1))[r-c+1,1])))); P=matrix(#R, #R, r,c, if(r>=c, if(r<#R,P[r,c], (R^c)[r-c+1,1]))));P[n+2,2])} %Y A135882 Cf. A135880; other columns: A135881, A135883, A135884. %K A135882 nonn %O A135882 0,2 %A A135882 _Paul D. Hanna_, Dec 15 2007 %E A135882 Error in entries (false comma) corrected by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jan 23 2008 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE