# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a125702 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A125702 #12 Nov 03 2019 01:43:35 %S A125702 1,1,2,3,6,10,22,42,94,203,470,1082,2602,6270,15482,38525,97258, %T A125702 247448,635910,1645411,4289010,11245670,29656148,78595028,209273780, %U A125702 559574414,1502130920,4046853091,10939133170,29661655793 %N A125702 Number of connected categories with n objects and 2n-1 morphisms. %C A125702 Also number of connected antitransitive relations on n objects (antitransitive meaning a R b and b R c implies not a R c); equivalently, number of free oriented bipartite trees, with all arrows going from one part to the other part. %C A125702 Also the number of non-isomorphic multi-hypertrees of weight n - 1 with singletons allowed. A multi-hypertree with singletons allowed is a connected set multipartition (multiset of sets) with density -1, where the density of a set multipartition is the weight (sum of sizes of the parts) minus the number of parts minus the number of vertices. - _Gus Wiseman_, Oct 30 2018 %H A125702 Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..500 %F A125702 a(n) = A122086(n) for n > 1. %F A125702 G.f.: 2*f(x) - f(x)^2 - x where f(x) is the g.f. of A000081. - _Andrew Howroyd_, Nov 02 2019 %e A125702 From _Gus Wiseman_, Oct 30 2018: (Start) %e A125702 Non-isomorphic representatives of the a(1) = 1 through a(6) = 10 multi-hypertrees of weight n - 1 with singletons allowed: %e A125702 {} {{1}} {{12}} {{123}} {{1234}} {{12345}} %e A125702 {{1}{1}} {{2}{12}} {{13}{23}} {{14}{234}} %e A125702 {{1}{1}{1}} {{3}{123}} {{4}{1234}} %e A125702 {{1}{2}{12}} {{2}{13}{23}} %e A125702 {{2}{2}{12}} {{2}{3}{123}} %e A125702 {{1}{1}{1}{1}} {{3}{13}{23}} %e A125702 {{3}{3}{123}} %e A125702 {{1}{2}{2}{12}} %e A125702 {{2}{2}{2}{12}} %e A125702 {{1}{1}{1}{1}{1}} %e A125702 (End) %o A125702 (PARI) \\ TreeGf gives gf of A000081. %o A125702 TreeGf(N)={my(A=vector(N, j, 1)); for (n=1, N-1, A[n+1] = 1/n * sum(k=1, n, sumdiv(k, d, d*A[d]) * A[n-k+1] ) ); x*Ser(A)} %o A125702 seq(n)={Vec(2*TreeGf(n) - TreeGf(n)^2 - x)} \\ _Andrew Howroyd_, Nov 02 2019 %Y A125702 Same as A122086 except for n = 1; see there for formulas. Cf. A125699. %Y A125702 Cf. A000081, A000272, A007716, A007717, A030019, A052888, A134954, A317631, A317632, A318697, A320921, A321155. %K A125702 nonn %O A125702 1,3 %A A125702 _Franklin T. Adams-Watters_ and _Christian G. Bower_, Jan 05 2007 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE