# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a051470 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A051470 #33 Aug 07 2021 05:13:19 %S A051470 1,906150258,906150259,906150260,906150263,906150264,906150331, %T A051470 906150334,906150337,906150338,906150339,906150358,906150359, %U A051470 906150362,906150363,906150368,906150387,906150388,906150389,906150406,906150407 %N A051470 a(n) is least value of m for which the sum of Liouville's function from 1 to m is n. %C A051470 It was once conjectured that the sum of Liouville's function was never > 0 except for the first term. %C A051470 It follows from Theorem 2 in Borwein-Ferguson-Mossinghoff that a(n) < 262*n^2 infinitely often, improving on an earlier result of Anderson & Stark. - _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 14 2011 %C A051470 a(830) > 2 * 10^14 (probably around 3.511e14) and a(1160327) = 351753358289465 according to the calculations of Borwein, Ferguson, & Mossinghoff. - _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 14 2011 %C A051470 3.75 * 10^14 < a(1160328) <= 23156359315279877168. - _Hiroaki Yamanouchi_, Oct 04 2015 %C A051470 From _Jianing Song_, Aug 06 2021: (Start) %C A051470 a(n) is the smallest m such that A002819(m) = n. %C A051470 This sequence is strictly increasing since A002819(m) - A002819(m-1) = A008836(m) = +-1. (End) %D A051470 R. J. Anderson and H. M. Stark, Oscillation theorems, Analytic Number Theory (1980); Lecture Notes in Mathematics 899 (1981), pp. 79-106. %H A051470 Donovan Johnson and Hiroaki Yamanouchi, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100000 (terms a(1)-a(829) from _Donovan Johnson_) %H A051470 P. Borwein, R. Ferguson, and M. Mossinghoff, Sign changes in sums of the Liouville function, Mathematics of Computation 77 (2008), pp. 1681-1694. %H A051470 R. S. Lehman, On Liouville's function, Math. Comp., 14 (1960), 311-320. %H A051470 M. Tanaka, A Numerical Investigation on Cumulative Sum of the Liouville Function, Tokyo J. Math. 3, 187-189, 1980. %e A051470 The sum of Liouville's function from 1 through 906150258 is 2, that is the smallest value, so a(2)=906150258. %o A051470 (PARI) print1(r=1);t=0;for(n=906150257,906400000,t+=(-1)^bigomega(n);if(t>r,r=t;print1(", "n))) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 14 2011 %Y A051470 Cf. A008836 (Liouville's function), A002819, A028488. %K A051470 nonn %O A051470 1,2 %A A051470 _Jud McCranie_ # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE