# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a003752 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A003752 #29 Sep 08 2022 08:44:32 %S A003752 4,72,584,4016,24656,140624,761960,3976704,20173280,100097008, %T A003752 488003448,2345542720,11142878992,52426883056,244682331976, %U A003752 1134222633280,5227498311360,23975219772016,109500177006104,498322800625728,2260840364623472,10230065398683632 %N A003752 Number of Hamiltonian paths in C_4 X P_n. %D A003752 F. Faase, On the number of specific spanning subgraphs of the graphs G X P_n, Ars Combin. 49 (1998), 129-154. %H A003752 Vincenzo Librandi, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000 %H A003752 F. Faase, On the number of specific spanning subgraphs of the graphs G X P_n, Preliminary version of paper that appeared in Ars Combin. 49 (1998), 129-154. %H A003752 F. Faase, Counting Hamiltonian cycles in product graphs %H A003752 F. Faase, Results from the counting program %H A003752 Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (11,-36,16,67,-9,-10,2). %F A003752 a(1) = 4, %F A003752 a(2) = 72, %F A003752 a(3) = 584, %F A003752 a(4) = 4016, %F A003752 a(5) = 24656, %F A003752 a(6) = 140624, %F A003752 a(7) = 761960, %F A003752 a(8) = 3976704 and %F A003752 a(n) = 11a(n-1) - 36a(n-2) + 16a(n-3) + 67a(n-4) - 9a(n-5) - 10a(n-6) + 2a(n-7). %F A003752 G.f.: -4*x*(2*x^7 +4*x^6 -37*x^5 +21*x^4 +30*x^3 -16*x^2 +7*x +1)/((x +1)*(x^2 -4*x +1)^2*(2*x^2 +4*x -1)). - _Colin Barker_, Aug 30 2012 %t A003752 CoefficientList[Series[-4 (2 x^7 + 4 x^6 - 37 x^5 + 21 x^4 + 30 x^3 - 16 x^2 + 7 x + 1)/((x + 1) (x^2 - 4 x + 1)^2 (2 x^2 + 4 x - 1)), {x, 0, 40}], x] (* _Vincenzo Librandi_, Oct 14 2013 *) %t A003752 LinearRecurrence[{11,-36,16,67,-9,-10,2},{4,72,584,4016,24656,140624,761960,3976704},30] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, May 04 2018 *) %o A003752 (Magma) I:=[4,72,584,4016,24656,140624,761960,3976704]; [n le 8 select I[n] else 11*Self(n-1)-36*Self(n-2)+16*Self(n-3)+67*Self(n-4)-9*Self(n-5)-10*Self(n-6)+2*Self(n-7): n in [1..30]]; // _Vincenzo Librandi_, Oct 14 2013 %K A003752 nonn,easy %O A003752 1,1 %A A003752 _Frans J. Faase_ %E A003752 Added recurrence from Faase's web page. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Feb 03 2009 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE