Displaying 1-4 of 4 results found.
Length of longest prefix of n-th row in A261712 coinciding with row n+1.
1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 25, 46, 90, 172, 141, 275, 601, 1102, 2199, 4150
a261727 n = a261727_list !! (n-1)
a261727_list = map (length . takeWhile (== 0)) $
zipWith (zipWith (-)) a261712_tabf $ tail a261712_tabf
a(n) = smallest k such that A260273(k) >= 2^n.
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 19, 34, 61, 110, 200, 371, 697, 1310, 2484, 4739, 9072, 17458, 33671, 65128, 126225, 244802, 475124, 922891, 1793461, 3487348, 6784691, 13208038, 25731600, 50166771, 97873783, 191089176, 373349780, 729972649, 1428257200, 2796453078, 5478981032, 10741710906, 21072415837
The sequence indicates the first time a term in A260273 has binary length n+1.
a261396 n = a261396_list !! (n-1)
a261396_list = f 1 1 a260273_list where
f z k (x:xs) | x >= z = k : f (2 * z) (k + 1) xs
| otherwise = f z (k + 1) xs
Distance of A260273(n) to next power of 2.
1, 1, 3, 8, 5, 1, 15, 12, 9, 5, 1, 31, 28, 25, 20, 13, 8, 3, 63, 60, 57, 52, 47, 44, 41, 37, 33, 29, 24, 17, 13, 8, 3, 127, 124, 121, 116, 111, 108, 105, 99, 91, 88, 85, 81, 77, 70, 66, 62, 57, 52, 47, 40, 33, 29, 24, 15, 10, 6, 2, 254, 251, 248, 245, 239
. 1: 1
. 2: 1
. 3: 3
. 4: 8,5,1
. 5: 15,12,9,5,1
. 6: 31,28,25,20,13,8,3
. 7: 63,60,57,52,47,44,41,37,33,29,24,17,13,8,3
. 8: 127,124,121,116,111,108,105,99,91,88,85,81,77,70,... (27 terms)
. 9: 254,251,248,245,239,236,233,227,218,213,207,202,195,,... (49 terms)
a261644 n = a261644_list !! (n-1)
a261644_list = zipWith (-)
(map a062383 a260273_list) $ map fromIntegral a260273_list
a261644_tabf = [1] : f (tail $ zip a261645_list a261644_list) where
f dxs = (map snd (dxs'' ++ [dx])) : f dxs' where
(dxs'', dx:dxs') = span ((<= 0) . fst) dxs
a261644_row n = a261644_tabf !! (n-1)
1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 27, 49, 90, 171, 326, 613, 1174, 2255, 4333, 8386, 16213, 31457, 61097, 118577, 230322, 447767, 870570, 1693887, 3297343, 6423347, 12523562, 24435171, 47707012, 93215393, 182260604, 356622869, 698284551, 1368195878, 2682527954, 5262729874, 10330704931
a261646 = length . a261644_row
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