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Search: a257692 -id:a257692
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Square array A(row,col) read by antidiagonals: A(1,col) = A256450(col-1), and for row > 1, A(row,col) = A255411(A(row-1,col)); Dispersion of factorial base shift A255411 (array transposed).
1, 2, 4, 3, 12, 18, 5, 16, 72, 96, 6, 22, 90, 480, 600, 7, 48, 114, 576, 3600, 4320, 8, 52, 360, 696, 4200, 30240, 35280, 9, 60, 378, 2880, 4920, 34560, 282240, 322560, 10, 64, 432, 2976, 25200, 39600, 317520, 2903040, 3265920, 11, 66, 450, 3360, 25800, 241920, 357840, 3225600, 32659200, 36288000, 13, 70, 456, 3456, 28800, 246240, 2540160, 3588480, 35925120, 399168000, 439084800
The array is read by antidiagonals: A(1,1), A(1,2), A(2,1), A(1,3), A(2,2), A(3,1), etc.
The first row (A256450) contains all the numbers which have at least one 1-digit in their factorial base representation (see A007623), after which the successive rows are obtained from the terms on the row immediately above by shifting their factorial representation one left and then incrementing the nonzero digits in that representation with a factorial base shift-operation A255411.
A(1,col) = A256450(col-1), and for row > 1, A(row,col) = A255411(A(row-1,col)).
The top left corner of the array:
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13
4, 12, 16, 22, 48, 52, 60, 64, 66, 70, 76
18, 72, 90, 114, 360, 378, 432, 450, 456, 474, 498
96, 480, 576, 696, 2880, 2976, 3360, 3456, 3480, 3576, 3696
600, 3600, 4200, 4920, 25200, 25800, 28800, 29400, 29520, 30120, 30840
4320, 30240, 34560, 39600, 241920, 246240, 272160, 276480, 277200, 281520, 286560
(define (A257503 n) (A257503bi (A002260 n) (A004736 n)))
(define (A257503bi row col) (if (= 1 row) (A256450 (- col 1)) (A255411 (A257503bi (- row 1) col))))
Transpose: A257505.
Inverse permutation: A257504.
Row index: A257679, Column index: A257681.
Row 1: A256450, Row 2: A257692, Row 3: A257693.
Columns 1-3: A001563, A062119, A130744 (without their initial zero-terms).
Column 4: A213167 (without the initial one).
Column 5: A052571 (without initial zeros).
Cf. also permutations A255565 and A255566.
Thematically similar arrays: A083412, A135764, A246278.
Antti Karttunen, Apr 27 2015
Formula changed because of the changed starting offset of A256450 - Antti Karttunen, May 30 2016
The smallest nonzero digit present in the factorial base representation (A007623) of n, 0 if no nonzero digits present.
0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1
a(0) = 0 by convention, because "0" has no nonzero digits present.
a(n) gives the row index of n in array A257503 (equally, the column index for array A257505).
If A257687(n) = 0, then a(n) = A099563(n), otherwise a(n) = min(A099563(n), a(A257687(n))).
In other words, if n is either zero or one of the terms of A051683, then a(n) = A099563(n) [the most significant digit of its f.b.r.], otherwise take the minimum of the most significant digit and a(A257687(n)) [value computed by recursing with a smaller value obtained by discarding that most significant digit].
a(0) = 0, and for n >= 1: if A257680(n) = 1, then a(n) = 1, otherwise 1 + a(A257684(n)).
Other identities:
For all n >= 0, a(A001563(n)) = n. [n * n! gives the first position where n appears. Note also that the "digits" (placeholders) in factorial base representation may get arbitrarily large values.]
For all n >= 0, a(2n+1) = 1 [because all odd numbers end with digit 1 in factorial base].
Factorial base representation (A007623) of 4 is "20", the smallest digit which is not zero is "2", thus a(4) = 2.
a[n_] := Module[{k = n, m = 2, rmin = n, r}, While[{k, r} = QuotientRemainder[k, m]; k != 0 || r != 0, If[0 < r < rmin, rmin = r]; m++]; rmin]; Array[a, 100, 0] (* Amiram Eldar, Jan 23 2024 *)
(define (A257679 n) (let loop ((n n) (i 2) (mind 0)) (if (zero? n) mind (let ((d (modulo n i))) (loop (/ (- n d) i) (+ 1 i) (cond ((zero? mind) d) ((zero? d) mind) (else (min d mind))))))))
;; Alternative implementations based on given recurrences, using memoizing definec-macro:
(definec (A257679 n) (if (zero? (A257687 n)) (A099563 n) (min (A099563 n) (A257679 (A257687 n)))))
(definec (A257679 n) (cond ((zero? n) n) ((= 1 (A257680 n)) 1) (else (+ 1 (A257679 (A257684 n))))))
def A(n, p=2):
return n if n<p else A(n//p, p+1)*10 + n%p
def a(n):
return 0 if n==0 else min(int(i) for i in str(A(n)) if i !='0')
print([a(n) for n in range(201)]) # Indranil Ghosh, Jun 19 2017
Positions of records: A001563.
Cf. A256450, A257692, A257693 (positions of 1's, 2's and 3's in this sequence).
Cf. also A257079, A246359 and arrays A257503, A257505.
Antti Karttunen, May 04 2015
Square array A(row,col): A(row,1) = A256450(row-1), and for col > 1, A(row,col) = A255411(A(row,col-1)); Dispersion of factorial base shift A255411.
1, 4, 2, 18, 12, 3, 96, 72, 16, 5, 600, 480, 90, 22, 6, 4320, 3600, 576, 114, 48, 7, 35280, 30240, 4200, 696, 360, 52, 8, 322560, 282240, 34560, 4920, 2880, 378, 60, 9, 3265920, 2903040, 317520, 39600, 25200, 2976, 432, 64, 10, 36288000, 32659200, 3225600, 357840, 241920, 25800, 3360, 450, 66, 11, 439084800, 399168000, 35925120, 3588480, 2540160, 246240, 28800, 3456, 456, 70, 13
The array is read by downward antidiagonals: A(1,1), A(1,2), A(2,1), A(1,3), A(2,2), A(3,1), etc.
In Kimberling's terminology, this array is called the dispersion of sequence A255411 (when started from its first nonzero term, 4). The left column is the complement of that sequence, which is A256450.
A(row,1) = A256450(row-1), and for col > 1, A(row,col) = A255411(A(row,col-1)).
The top left corner of the array:
1, 4, 18, 96, 600, 4320, 35280, 322560, 3265920
2, 12, 72, 480, 3600, 30240, 282240, 2903040, 32659200
3, 16, 90, 576, 4200, 34560, 317520, 3225600, 35925120
5, 22, 114, 696, 4920, 39600, 357840, 3588480, 39553920
6, 48, 360, 2880, 25200, 241920, 2540160, 29030400, 359251200
7, 52, 378, 2976, 25800, 246240, 2575440, 29352960, 362517120
8, 60, 432, 3360, 28800, 272160, 2822400, 31933440, 391910400
9, 64, 450, 3456, 29400, 276480, 2857680, 32256000, 395176320
10, 66, 456, 3480, 29520, 277200, 2862720, 32296320, 395539200
11, 70, 474, 3576, 30120, 281520, 2898000, 32618880, 398805120
13, 76, 498, 3696, 30840, 286560, 2938320, 32981760, 402433920
14, 84, 552, 4080, 33840, 312480, 3185280, 35562240, 431827200
15, 88, 570, 4176, 34440, 316800, 3220560, 35884800, 435093120
17, 94, 594, 4296, 35160, 321840, 3260880, 36247680, 438721920
19, 100, 618, 4416, 35880, 326880, 3301200, 36610560, 442350720
20, 108, 672, 4800, 38880, 352800, 3548160, 39191040, 471744000
21, 112, 690, 4896, 39480, 357120, 3583440, 39513600, 475009920
23, 118, 714, 5016, 40200, 362160, 3623760, 39876480, 478638720
(define (A257505 n) (A257505bi (A002260 n) (A004736 n)))
(define (A257505bi row col) (if (= 1 col) (A256450 (- row 1)) (A255411 (A257505bi row (- col 1)))))
Transpose: A257503.
Inverse permutation: A257506.
Row index: A257681, Column index: A257679.
Columns 1-3: A256450, A257692, A257693.
Rows 1-3: A001563, A062119, A130744 (without their initial zero-terms).
Row 4: A213167 (without the initial one).
Row 5: A052571 (without initial zeros).
Cf. also permutations A255565, A255566.
Thematically similar arrays: A035513, A054582, A246279.
Antti Karttunen, Apr 27 2015
Formula changed because of the changed starting offset of A256450 - Antti Karttunen, May 30 2016
Numbers such that the smallest nonzero digit present (A257679) in their factorial base representation is 3.
18, 72, 90, 114, 360, 378, 432, 450, 456, 474, 498, 552, 570, 594, 618, 672, 690, 714, 2160, 2178, 2232, 2250, 2256, 2274, 2520, 2538, 2592, 2610, 2616, 2634, 2640, 2658, 2712, 2730, 2736, 2754, 2760, 2778, 2832, 2850, 2856, 2874, 2898, 2952, 2970, 2994, 3240, 3258, 3312, 3330, 3336, 3354, 3378, 3432, 3450, 3474, 3498, 3552
Numbers k for which A257679(k) = 3.
Factorial base representation (A007623) of 18 is "300" (as 18 = 3*3! + 0*2! + 0*1!), thus a(18) = 3.
q[n_] := Module[{k = n, m = 2, r, s = {}}, While[{k, r} = QuotientRemainder[k, m]; k != 0|| r != 0, AppendTo[s, r]; m++]; !ContainsAny[s, {1, 2}] && MemberQ[s, 3]]; Select[Range[3600], q] (* Amiram Eldar, Feb 14 2024 *)
(Scheme, with Antti Karttunen's IntSeq-library)
(define A257693 (MATCHING-POS 1 1 (lambda (n) (= 3 (A257679 n)))))
def A(n, p=2): return n if n<p else A(n//p, p+1)*10 + n%p
def a(n): return 0 if n==0 else min([int(i) for i in str(A(n)) if i !='0'])
print([n for n in range(1, 4001) if a(n)==3]) # Indranil Ghosh, Jun 19 2017
Row 3 of A257503.
Cf. also A257263.
Antti Karttunen, May 04 2015

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