Displaying 1-8 of 8 results found.
Number of nX1 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
6, 15, 33, 46, 44, 20, 214, 1055, 3020, 5124, 4965, 2136, 27564, 156000, 491176, 899572, 909040, 394760, 5486260, 32803375, 107532655, 203115730, 209292900, 91748000, 1319324175, 8093115065, 27032377190, 51739373280, 53721457020
Some solutions for n=3
Number of nX2 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
15, 30, 13, 649, 3247, 1483, 84463, 395138, 147370, 10892006, 61376744, 26060323, 1860718688, 9722469665, 3689916515, 298977508446, 1746612244800, 731620635705, 56300135952299, 307084986199367, 118048036603381
Some solutions for n=3
Number of n X n 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other.
6, 30, 1848, 352339, 218373106
Some solutions for n=3:
Number of nX3 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
33, 13, 1848, 1329, 219302, 142698, 28966191, 19687441, 4250955750, 2868249876, 653092745412, 444880771844, 102659474241588, 68568844067091
Some solutions for n=4
Number of nX4 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
46, 649, 1329, 352339, 8982755, 18172239, 6469118415, 184228587259, 391072885802
Some solutions for n=3
Number of nX5 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
44, 3247, 219302, 8982755, 218373106, 2162004143, 784706456797
Some solutions for n=3
Number of nX6 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
20, 1483, 142698, 18172239, 2162004143
Some solutions for n=3
Number of nX7 0..5 arrays with every row and column running average nondecreasing rightwards and downwards, and the number of instances of each value within one of each other
214, 84463, 28966191, 6469118415, 784706456797
Some solutions for n=2
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