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Search: a065284 -id:a065284
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The siteswap sequence (the deltas p[i]-i, i in ]-inf,+inf[, folded from Z to N, mapping 0->1, 1->2, -1->3, 2->4, -2->5, etc.) for A065284.
0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 8, 8, 8, 10, 8, 4, 8, 4, 16, 16, 16, 18, 16, 20, 16, 22, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 8, 32, 32, 32, 34, 32, 36, 32, 38, 32, 40, 32, 42, 32, 44, 32, 46, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 64, 64, 64, 66, 64, 68, 64, 70, 64, 72, 64, 74
The bisection of even terms (the positive half of Z) is given by A062383 and the bisection of odd terms (the nonpositive half of Z) is given by A065286.
Antti Karttunen, Oct 28 2001
A065281 conjugated with A059893, inverse of A065284.
1, 3, 7, 5, 13, 2, 15, 9, 25, 11, 27, 4, 29, 6, 31, 17, 49, 19, 51, 21, 53, 23, 55, 8, 57, 10, 59, 12, 61, 14, 63, 33, 97, 35, 99, 37, 101, 39, 103, 41, 105, 43, 107, 45, 109, 47, 111, 16, 113, 18, 115, 20, 117, 22, 119, 24, 121, 26, 123, 28, 125, 30, 127, 65, 193, 67, 195
a(n) = A059893(A065281(A059893(n)))
Antti Karttunen, Oct 28 2001
Reverse the order of all but the most significant bit in binary expansion of n: if n = 1ab..yz then a(n) = 1zy..ba.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8, 12, 10, 14, 9, 13, 11, 15, 16, 24, 20, 28, 18, 26, 22, 30, 17, 25, 21, 29, 19, 27, 23, 31, 32, 48, 40, 56, 36, 52, 44, 60, 34, 50, 42, 58, 38, 54, 46, 62, 33, 49, 41, 57, 37, 53, 45, 61, 35, 51, 43, 59, 39, 55, 47, 63, 64, 96, 80, 112, 72, 104, 88, 120
A self-inverse permutation of the natural numbers.
a(n)=n if and only if A081242(n) is a palindrome. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 12 2003
a(n) is the position in B of the reversal of the n-th term of B, where B is the left-to-right binary enumeration sequence (A081242 with the empty word attached as first term). - Clark Kimberling, Mar 12 2003
From Antti Karttunen, Oct 28 2001: (Start)
When certain Stern-Brocot tree-related permutations are conjugated with this permutation, they induce a permutation on Z (folded to N), which is an infinite siteswap permutation (see, e.g., figure 7 in the Buhler and Graham paper, which is permutation A065174). We get:
A065260(n) = a(A057115(a(n))),
A065266(n) = a(A065264(a(n))),
A065272(n) = a(A065270(a(n))),
A065278(n) = a(A065276(a(n))),
A065284(n) = a(A065282(a(n))),
A065290(n) = a(A065288(a(n))). (End)
Every nonnegative integer has a unique representation c(1) + c(2)*2 + c(3)*2^2 + c(4)*2^3 + ..., where every c(i) is 0 or 1. Taking tuples of coefficients in lexical order (i.e., 0, 1; 01,11; 001,011,101,111; ...) yields A059893. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 15 2015
From Ed Pegg Jr, Sep 09 2015: (Start)
The reduced rationals can be ordered either as the Calkin-Wilf tree A002487(n)/A002487(n+1) or the Stern-Brocot tree A007305(n+2)/A047679(n). The present sequence gives the order of matching rationals in the other sequence.
For reference, the Calkin-Wilf tree is 1, 1/2, 2, 1/3, 3/2, 2/3, 3, 1/4, 4/3, 3/5, 5/2, 2/5, 5/3, 3/4, 4, 1/5, 5/4, 4/7, 7/3, 3/8, 8/5, 5/7, 7/2, 2/7, 7/5, 5/8, 8/3, 3/7, 7/4, 4/5, ..., which is A002487(n)/A002487(n+1).
The Stern-Brocot tree is 1, 1/2, 2, 1/3, 2/3, 3/2, 3, 1/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/4, 4/3, 5/3, 5/2, 4, 1/5, 2/7, 3/8, 3/7, 4/7, 5/8, 5/7, 4/5, 5/4, 7/5, 8/5, 7/4, 7/3, 8/3, 7/2, ..., which is A007305(n+2)/A047679(n).
There is a great little OEIS-is-useful story here. I had code for the position of fractions in the Calkin-Wilf tree. The best I had for positions of fractions in the Stern-Brocot tree was the paper "Locating terms in the Stern-Brocot tree" by Bruce Bates, Martin Bunder, Keith Tognetti. The method was opaque to me, so I used my Calkin-Wilf code on the Stern-Brocot fractions, and got A059893. And thus the problem was solved. (End)
Alois P. Heinz, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..8191 (first 1023 terms from T. D. Noe)
Bruce Bates, Martin Bunder, and Keith Tognetti, Locating terms in the Stern-Brocot tree, European Journal of Combinatorics 31.3 (2010): 1020-1033.
Joe Buhler and R. L. Graham, Juggling Drops and Descents, Amer. Math. Monthly, 101, (no. 6) 1994, 507-519.
Dana G. Korssjoen, Biyao Li, Stefan Steinerberger, Raghavendra Tripathi, and Ruimin Zhang, Finding structure in sequences of real numbers via graph theory: a problem list, arXiv:2012.04625, 2020-2021.
Wikipedia, Calkin-Wilf Tree.
Wikipedia, Stern-Brocot tree.
a(n) = A030109(n) + A053644(n). If 2*2^k <= n < 3*2^k then a(n) = 2*a(n-2^k); if 3*2^k <= n < 4*2^k then a(n) = 1 + a(n-2^k) starting with a(1)=1. - Henry Bottomley, Sep 13 2001
a(11) = a(1011) = 1110 = 14.
With empty word e prefixed, A081242 becomes (e,1,2,11,21,12,22,111,211,121,221,112,...); (reversal of term #9) = (term #12); i.e., a(9)=12 and a(12)=9. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 12 2003
From Philippe Deléham, Jun 02 2015: (Start)
This sequence regarded as a triangle with rows of lengths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...:
2, 3;
4, 6, 5, 7;
8, 12, 10, 14, 9, 13, 11, 15;
16, 24, 20, 28, 18, 26, 22, 30, 17, 25, 21, 29, 19, 27, 23, 31;
32, 48, 40, 56, 36, 52, 44, ...
Row sums = A010036. (End)
# Implements Bottomley's formula
A059893 := proc(n) option remember; local k; if(1 = n) then RETURN(1); fi; k := floor_log_2(n)-1; if(2 = floor(n/(2^k))) then RETURN(2*A059893(n-(2^k))); else RETURN(1+A059893(n-(2^k))); fi; end;
floor_log_2 := proc(n) local nn, i; nn := n; for i from -1 to n do if(0 = nn) then RETURN(i); fi; nn := floor(nn/2); od; end;
# second Maple program:
a:= proc(n) local i, m, r; m, r:= n, 0;
for i from 0 while m>1 do r:= 2*r +irem(m, 2, 'm') od;
r +2^i
seq(a(n), n=1..100); # Alois P. Heinz, Feb 28 2015
A059893 = Reap[ For[n=1, n <= 100, n++, a=1; b=n; While[b > 1, a = 2*a + 2*FractionalPart[b/2]; b=Floor[b/2]]; Sow[a]]][[2, 1]] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 16 2012, after Harry J. Smith *)
ro[n_]:=Module[{idn=IntegerDigits[n, 2]}, FromDigits[Join[{First[idn]}, Reverse[ Rest[idn]]], 2]]; Array[ro, 80] (* Harvey P. Dale, Oct 24 2012 *)
(PARI) { for (n=1, 1023, a=1; b=n; while (b>1, a=2*a + 2*frac(b/2); b=floor(b/2); ); write("b059893.txt", n, " ", a); ) } \\ Harry J. Smith, Jun 30 2009
(PARI) a(n) = my(b=binary(n)); fromdigits(concat(b[1], Vecrev(vector(#b-1, k, b[k+1]))), 2); \\ Michel Marcus, Sep 29 2021
a059893 = foldl (\v b -> v * 2 + b) 1 . init . a030308_row
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, May 01 2013
(Scheme, with memoization-macro definec)
(definec (A059893 n) (if (<= n 1) n (let* ((k (- (A000523 n) 1)) (r (A059893 (- n (A000079 k))))) (if (= 2 (floor->exact (/ n (A000079 k)))) (* 2 r) (+ 1 r)))))
;; Antti Karttunen, May 16 2015
maxrow <- 6 # by choice
a <- 1
for(m in 0:maxrow) for(k in 0:(2^m-1)) {
a[2^(m+1)+ k] <- 2*a[2^m+k]
a[2^(m+1)+2^m+k] <- 2*a[2^m+k] + 1
# Yosu Yurramendi, Mar 20 2017
maxblock <- 7 # by choice
a <- 1
for(n in 2:2^maxblock){
ones <- which(as.integer(intToBits(n)) == 1)
nbit <- as.integer(intToBits(n))[1:tail(ones, n = 1)]
anbit <- nbit
anbit[1:(length(anbit) - 1)] <- anbit[rev(1:(length(anbit)-1))]
a <- c(a, sum(anbit*2^(0:(length(anbit) - 1))))
# Yosu Yurramendi, Apr 25 2021
def a(n): return int('1' + bin(n)[3:][::-1], 2)
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 101)]) # Indranil Ghosh, Mar 21 2017
{A000027, A054429, A059893, A059894} form a 4-group.
The set of permutations {A059893, A080541, A080542} generates an infinite dihedral group.
In other bases: A351702 (balanced ternary), A343150 (Zeckendorf), A343152 (lazy Fibonacci).
Marc LeBrun, Feb 06 2001
Infinite binary tree inspired permutation of N: 1 -> 1, 11ab..yz -> 11ab..yz1, 10ab..y1 -> 10ab..y, 10ab..y0 -> 11ab..y0.
1, 3, 7, 6, 2, 13, 15, 12, 4, 14, 5, 25, 27, 29, 31, 24, 8, 26, 9, 28, 10, 30, 11, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 48, 16, 50, 17, 52, 18, 54, 19, 56, 20, 58, 21, 60, 22, 62, 23, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 96, 32, 98, 33
On the right side every node replaces its right child, on the left side the right children replace their parents and the left children are transferred to the same offset at the right side (staying left children). See comment at A065263.
LeftChildTransferred := proc(n) local k; if(1 = n) then RETURN(1); fi; k := floor_log_2(n)-1; if(3 = floor(n/(2^k))) then RETURN((2*n)+1); fi; if(1 = (n mod 2)) then RETURN((n-1)/2); fi; RETURN(n + (2^k)); end;
A057114, A065263, A065269, A065275, A065287. Inverse: A065282, conjugated with A059893: A065283 and the inverse of that: A065284.
Antti Karttunen, Oct 28 2001

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