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Number of length-n binary strings that are the concatenation of two nonempty palindromes.
0, 4, 6, 14, 26, 48, 86, 148, 232, 400, 622, 982, 1514, 2440, 3482, 5680, 8162, 12932, 18398, 29146, 40706, 64856, 90070, 141880, 196448, 309712, 425412, 668978, 917450, 1437148, 1966022, 3074080, 4192882, 6545344, 8912278, 13877920, 18874298, 29341624, 39842594, 61835140, 83886002, 129977116, 176160686, 272563362
a(6618) has 1001 digits. - Michael S. Branicky, Feb 21 2024
R. C. Lyndon and M. P. Schützenberger, The equation a^M = b^N c^P in a free group, Michigan Math. J., 9(4):289-298, 1962.
a(n) = A007055(n) - A056458(n) (conjectured). - Michael S. Branicky, Feb 18 2024
From Daniel Gabric, Feb 21 2024: (Start)
Proof of the above formula: Let w be a length-n binary string that is the concatenation of two possibly empty palindromes. It suffices to show that w is not the concatenation of two nonempty palindromes iff w is a primitive palindrome.
We prove the forward direction. Suppose w is not the concatenation of two nonempty palindromes. By assumption, w is the concatenation of two possibly empty palindromes. Therefore, w must be a palindrome. Suppose, for the sake of a contradiction, that w is not primitive. Then w = z^i for some nonempty string z and some integer i>=2. But since w is a palindrome, we have that z^i = w = w^R = (z^i)^R = (z^R)^i, which implies z is a palindrome. Thus, w is the concatenation of the nonempty palindromes z and z^(i-1), a contradiction.
Now we prove the backward direction. Assume, for the sake of a contradiction, that w is a primitive palindrome, and w = uv for some nonempty palindromes u and v. Then uv = w = w^R = (uv)^R = v^Ru^R = vu. By Lemma 3 in a paper of Lyndon and Schützenberger (see links for reference), uv = vu implies w is not primitive, a contradiction. (End)
(Python) # see below and Links for faster programs
from itertools import product
def p(w): return w == w[::-1]
def c(w): return any(p(w[:i]) and p(w[i:]) for i in range(1, len(w)))
def a(n): return 2*sum(1 for w in product("01", repeat=n-1) if c(("1", )+w))
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 21)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Feb 18 2024
from itertools import product
def bin_pals(d): yield from ("".join(p+(m, )+p[::-1]) for p in product("01", repeat=d//2) for m in [[""], ["0", "1"]][d%2])
def a(n): return len(set(a+b for i in range(1, n) for a in bin_pals(i) for b in bin_pals(n-i)))
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 21)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Feb 18 2024
(Python) # uses formula above; functions/imports in A007055, A056458
def a(n): return A007055(n) - A056458(n)
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 45)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Feb 21 2024
Cf. A007055 (allows the palindromes to be empty), A056458.
Sequence in context: A027632 A175722 A200186 * A192782 A306742 A188576
Jeffrey Shallit, Feb 18 2024
a(21)-a(44) from Michael S. Branicky, Feb 18 2024