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a(n) is the least novel k such that d(k)|n, where d is the divisor counting function A000005.
1, 2, 4, 3, 16, 5, 64, 6, 9, 7, 1024, 8, 4096, 11, 25, 10, 65536, 12, 262144, 13, 49, 17, 4194304, 14, 81, 19, 36, 15, 268435456, 18, 1073741824, 21, 121, 23, 625, 20, 68719476736, 29, 169, 22, 1099511627776, 28, 4398046511104, 26, 100, 31, 70368744177664, 24
In other words, a(n) = Min{k_j; 1 <= j <= d(n), such that d(k_j) = m_j}, where m_j|n, and k_j has not appeared earlier.
a(n) is composite iff n is odd, and prime p (the least that has not occurred earlier) iff 2|n, and if for any other m|n, and k such that d(k) = m; k > p.
The primes appear in natural order, and records > 1 are 2^(prime(k)-1); k = 1,2,...
Conjectured to be a permutation of the positive integers.
For each n, there is some k <= n such that a(k*d(n)) = n, so (1) a((log 2 + o(1))*n log n/log log n) > n by Wigert's theorem and (2) this sequence is a permutation of the positive integers. - Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 03 2022
a(prime(k)) = 2^(prime(k) - 1) (see A061286).
n log log n/log n << a(n) <= 2^(n-1), see comments. - Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 03 2022
a(1)=1 since d(1)=1 and 1 has no other divisors.
a(2)=2 since 2 is the smallest number having just 2 divisors.
a(5)=16 since 5 is prime and 16 is the smallest number having 5 divisors.
a(15)=25 since 15 has divisors 25 is the least novel number having 3 divisors, 81 is the least having 5 divisors and 144 is the least having 15 divisors.
kk = 2^32; nn = 60; c[_] = False; s = Union[Flatten@ Monitor[Table[a^2*b^3, {b, kk^(1/3)}, {a, Sqrt[kk/b^3]}], b]]^2; u = 1; v = 1; w = 1; Do[Which[PrimeQ[n], k = 2^(n - 1), CoprimeQ[n, 6], k = w; While[Nand[! c[#], Divisible[n, DivisorSigma[0, #]]] &[s[[k]]], k++]; If[k == w, While[c[s[[k]]], w++]]; k = s[[k]], OddQ[n], k = v; While[Nand[! c[#], Divisible[n, DivisorSigma[0, #]]] &[k^2], k++]; If[k == v, While[c[v^2], v++]]; k *= k, True, k = u; While[Nand[! c[k], Divisible[n, DivisorSigma[0, k]]], k++]]; Set[{a[n], c[k]}, {k, True}]; If[k == u, While[c[u], u++]], {n, nn}]; Array[a, nn] (* Michael De Vlieger, Dec 03 2022 *)
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import count, islice
from sympy import divisor_count, isprime
def d(n): return divisor_count(n)
def agen():
mink, seen = 1, set()
for n in count(1):
k = mink if not isprime(n) else 2**(n-1)
dk = d(k)
while k in seen or n%dk != 0: k += 1; dk = d(k)
while mink in seen: mink += 1
yield k
print(list(islice(agen(), 22))) # Michael S. Branicky, Dec 02 2022
Cf. A000005, A005179, A061286, A128555 (inverse).
Sequence in context: A271363 A115399 A109429 * A366027 A114894 A183169
a(26) and beyond from Michael S. Branicky, Dec 02 2022
a(24) corrected by Michael De Vlieger, Dec 05 2022