No term can end in 0 or 1 as that would result in the last digit of a(n-1)*a(n) being the same as a(n)'s last digit. Currently the last known term is a(173) = 922989, the next being at least 5*10^10 if it exists. It is unknown if the sequence is infinite.
a(174) = 60060666070067077 and a(175) has 52 digits (see b-file). If a(176) exists, it is > 10^71. - Michael S. Branicky, Apr 10 2023
Michael S. Branicky, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..175
a(2) = 3 as 3 shares no digit with a(1) = 2 and a(1)*3 = 2*3 = 6 shares no digit with a(1) = 2 or 3.
a(9) = 42 as 42 shares no digit with a(8) = 9 and a(8)*42 = 9*42 = 378 shares no digit with a(8) = 9 or 42.
a(10) = 15 as 15 shares no digit with a(9) = 42 and a(9)*15 = 42*15 = 630 shares no digit with a(9) = 42 or 15. This is the first term that differs from A342442.
a(173) = 922989 as 922989 shares no digit with a(172) = 7154 and a(172)*922989 = 7154*922989 = 6603063306 shares no digit with a(172) = 7154 or 922989. This is currently the last known term.
def aupton(terms):
alst, aset = [2], {2}
while len(alst) < terms:
an, anm1_digs = 2, set(str(alst[-1]))
while True:
while an in aset: an += 1
an_digs = set(str(an))
if (an_digs & anm1_digs) == set():
prod_digs = set(str(an*alst[-1]))
if (anm1_digs | an_digs) & prod_digs == set():
alst.append(an); aset.add(an); break
an += 1
return alst
print(aupton(173)) # Michael S. Branicky, Mar 21 2021
Scott R. Shannon, Mar 20 2021