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Number of solutions to dft(p)^2 + dft(q)^2 = (4n-3), where p and q are even sequences of length 2n-1, p(0)=0, p(k)=+1,-1 when k<>0, q(k) is +1,-1 for all k, and dft(x) denotes the discrete Fourier transform of x.
2, 4, 4, 12, 12, 0, 12, 16, 0, 36, 24, 0, 20, 36, 0, 60
Each solution (p,q) corresponds to a family of symmetric Hadamard matrices of size 8n-4. To construct one member from this family, set A = circulant(p) + I, B = circulant(q), C = B, D = A - 2 I and H = [ [A, B, C, D], [B, D, -A, -C], [C, -A, -D, B], [D, -C, B, -A]]. Then A, B, C and D are symmetric and H is Hadamard and symmetric.
Since p and q are assumed to be even, dft(p) and dft(q) are real-valued.
2 divides a(n) for all n. If (p,q) is a solution, then (p,-q) is also a solution.
4 divides a(n) when n>1. If (p,q) is a solution, then (+/-p,+/-q) are also solutions. When n=1, p is the length-1 sequence, (0).
It is known that a(n)>0 for n=25, 26, 29.
Jeffery Kline, List of all pairs (p,q) that are counted by a(n), for 1<=n<=16.
Jeffery Kline, List of pairs (p,q) that establish a(n)>0, for n=25, 26, and 29.
Jeffery Kline, Geometric Search for Hadamard Matrices, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 778 (2019), 33-46.
J. Seberry and N.A. Balonin, The Propus Construction for Symmetric Hadamard Matrices, arXiv:1512.01732 [math.CO], 2015.
J. Seberry and N.A. Balonin, Two infinite families of symmetric Hadamard matrices, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 69 (2015), 349-357.
For n=1, the a(1)=2 solutions are ((0),(-)) and ((0),(+)). For n=2, the a(2)=4 solutions are ((0,-,-), (-,+,+)), ((0,-,-), (+,-,-)), ((0,+,+),(-,+,+)) and ((0,+,+), (+,-,-)).
Jeffery Kline, Dec 16 2018