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Number of nonisomorphic graphs on n vertices that are first-player-winning in the game of Col.
1, 0, 2, 4, 13, 52, 398, 4454, 85658, 3283444
The game of Col was studied by John Conway. It is played on a map. Here we slightly generalize the game so that players color the vertices of a graph.
Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, and Richard K. Guy, Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays (Vol. 1), Academic Press, New York, 1982, pages 37-39.
For n=3, there are 4 nonisomorphic graphs on 3 vertices, containing 0, 1, 2, or 3 edges respectively. Among them, the graphs with 0 or 1 edge are first-player-winning. Hence, a(3)=2.
We need to download the database of nonisomorphic simple graphs from http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/data/graphs.html
Assume that we have saved the file of nonisomorphic simple graphs with 10 vertices as "/.../10vertices.txt." This pathway is important as it is needed in the first line of the Mathematica program. Now, the Mathematica program codes are as follows.
rawdata = Import["/.../10vertices.txt", "Lines"]; length = Length[rawdata];
rawdata2 = Table[Delete[ToCharacterCode[rawdata[[i]]], 1], {i, length}] - 63;
DectoBin[n_] := Block[{quotient, binrep, length}, length = 6; quotient = n; binrep = Table[0, {i, length}]; Do[binrep[[i]] = Mod[quotient, 2]; quotient = (quotient - binrep[[i]])/2, {i, length, 1, -1}]; binrep];
rawdata3 = Table[Delete[ Flatten[Table[ DectoBin[rawdata2[[i, j]]], {j, Length[rawdata2[[1]]]}]], {{-1}, {-2}, {-3}}], {i, length}];
n = 10; edges = Table[Complement[ rawdata3[[i]]*{1 <-> 2, 1 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 1 <-> 4, 2 <-> 4, 3 <-> 4, 1 <-> 5, 2 <-> 5, 3 <-> 5, 4 <-> 5, 1 <-> 6, 2 <-> 6, 3 <-> 6, 4 <-> 6, 5 <-> 6, 1 <-> 7, 2 <-> 7, 3 <-> 7, 4 <-> 7, 5 <-> 7, 6 <-> 7, 1 <-> 8, 2 <-> 8, 3 <-> 8, 4 <-> 8, 5 <-> 8, 6 <-> 8, 7 <-> 8, 1 <-> 9, 2 <-> 9, 3 <-> 9, 4 <-> 9, 5 <-> 9, 6 <-> 9, 7 <-> 9, 8 <-> 9, 1 <-> 10, 2 <-> 10, 3 <-> 10, 4 <-> 10, 5 <-> 10, 6 <-> 10, 7 <-> 10, 8 <-> 10, 9 <-> 10}, {0}], {i, length}];
winning = Table[0, {i, length}]; Renew := Block[{}, Nocolor = Complement[Table[i, {i, n}], Alist, Blist]; Anonneighbor = Complement[Nocolor, Flatten[Select[graph, Length[Complement[#, Alist]] < 2 &]]]; Bnonneighbor = Complement[Nocolor, Flatten[Select[graph, Length[Complement[#, Blist]] < 2 &]]]; Anextmove = Complement[Anonneighbor, Aforbidden[[Length[Alist] + 1]]]; Bnextmove = Complement[Bnonneighbor, Bforbidden[[Length[Blist] + 1]]]];
Do[graph = edges[[j]]; Alist = {}; Blist = {}; Aforbidden = Table[{}, {i, Ceiling[n/2] + 1}]; Bforbidden = Table[{}, {i, Floor[n/2] + 1}]; Renew; While[Not[MemberQ[Aforbidden[[1]], n]] && Not[MemberQ[Bforbidden[[1]], n]] && Length[Union[Alist, Bforbidden[[1]]]] != n, If[Anextmove != {} && Length[Alist] == Length[Blist], AppendTo[Alist, Anextmove[[1]]]; Renew]; If[Bnextmove != {} && Length[Alist] - 1 == Length[Blist], AppendTo[Blist, Bnextmove[[1]]]; Renew]; If[Anextmove == {} && Length[Alist] == Length[Blist], AppendTo[Aforbidden[[Length[Alist]]], Alist[[-1]]]; Do[Aforbidden[[i]] = {}, {i, Length[Alist] + 1, Length[Aforbidden]}]; Alist = Delete[Alist, -1]; Do[Bforbidden[[i]] = {}, {i, Length[Blist], Length[Bforbidden]}]; Blist = Delete[Blist, -1]; Renew]; If[Bnextmove == {} && Length[Alist] - 1 == Length[Blist], AppendTo[Bforbidden[[Length[Blist]]], Blist[[-1]]]; Do[Bforbidden[[i]] = {}, {i, Length[Blist] + 1, Length[Bforbidden]}]; Blist = Delete[Blist, -1]; Do[Aforbidden[[i]] = {}, {i, Length[Alist], Length[Aforbidden]}]; Alist = Delete[Alist, -1]; Renew]; If[MemberQ[Bforbidden[[1]], n] || Length[Union[Alist, Bforbidden[[1]]]] == n, winning[[j]] = 1]], {j, length}]
Plus @@ winning
A291342 gives the number of labeled graphs on n vertices that are first-player-winning in the game of Col.
Sequence in context: A030917 A030863 A030800 * A129091 A030970 A030842