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P-defects p - N(p) of the congruence y^2 == x^3 - 1 (mod p) for primes p, where N(p) is the number of solutions given by A272202(n).

%I #19 Nov 26 2016 03:00:55

%S 0,0,0,4,0,2,0,-8,0,0,4,-10,0,-8,0,0,0,14,16,0,-10,4,0,0,14,0,-20,0,2,

%T 0,-20,0,0,16,0,4,14,-8,0,0,0,26,0,2,0,28,16,28,0,-22,0,0,14,0,0,0,0,

%U 28,26,0,-32,0,16,0,-22,0,-32,-34,0,14,0,0,4,38,-8,0,0,-34,0,38,0,-22,0,2,28,0,0,-10,0,-20,0,0,-44,0,-32,0,0,0,-8,-46,40,0,0,0,16,-46

%N P-defects p - N(p) of the congruence y^2 == x^3 - 1 (mod p) for primes p, where N(p) is the number of solutions given by A272202(n).

%C The analysis of this elliptic curve runs along the same lines as in A000727, A272197 and A272198, and it is inspired by the Silverman reference where the curve y^2 = x^3 + 1 modulo primes is treated.

%C The series showing the modularity pattern is the expansion of the 67th modular cusp form of weight 2 and level N=144, given in the table I of the Martin reference, i.e., eta^{12}(12*z)/( eta^4(6*z)*eta^4(24*z)), symbolically 12^{12} 6^(-4) 24^{-4}, in powers of q = exp(2*Pi*i*z), with Im(z) > 0. Here eta is the Dedekind function. See A187076 for the expansion in powers of q^6 (after deleting a factor q^(1/6)). Note that also for the possibly bad prime 2 and the bad prime 3 this expansion gives the correct numbers 0 (the discriminant of this elliptic curve is -3^3).

%C See also the comment on the Martin-Ono reference in A272202 which implies that 12^{12} 6^(-4) 24^{-4} provides the modularity sequence for this elliptic curve.

%C If prime(n) == 1 (mod 3) = A002476(m) (for a unique m = m(n)) then prime(n) = A(m)^2 + 3*B(m)^2 with A(m) = A001479(m+1) and B(m) = A001480(m+1), m >= 1. In this case (4*prime(n) - a(n)^2)/12, seems to be a square, q(m)^2. In fact is seems that (the positive) q(m) = B(m). If this conjecture is true then a(n) = 2*(+-sqrt(prime(n) - 3*B(m)^2)) = +- 2*A(m) for prime(n) = A002476(m). This leads to a bisection of the primes 1 (mod 3) into two types: type I if the + sign applies, and type II for the - sign. Primes of type I are given in A272204: 7,13,31,61,67, ... and those of type II in A272205: 19,37,43,73,103, ...

%D J. H. Silverman, A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Inc, 2006, Exercise 45.5, p. 405, Exercise 47.2, p. 415, and pp. 400 - 402 (4th ed., Pearson 2014, Exercise 5, p. 371, Exercise 2, p. 385, and pp. 366 - 368).

%H Seiichi Manyama, <a href="/A272203/b272203.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%H Y. Martin, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-96-01743-6">Multiplicative eta-quotients</a>, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), no. 12, 4825-4856, see page 4852 Table I.

%H Yves Martin and Ken Ono, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-97-03928-2">Eta-Quotients and Elliptic Curves</a>, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125, No 11 (1997), 3169-3176.

%F a(n) = prime(n) - N(prime(n)), n = 1, where N(prime(n)) = A272202(n), the number of solutions of the congruence y^2 == x^3 - 1 (mod prime(n)).

%F a(n) = 0 for prime(n) == 0, 2 (mod 3) (see A045309).

%F The above given conjecture for primes 1 (mod 3) is expected to be true by analogy to the case A272198 where only the signs differ.

%F a(n) = +2*A001479(m+1) if prime(n) == A002476(m) (m is unique) is a prime of A272204 (type I).

%F a(n) = -2*A001479(m+1) if prime(n) == A002476(m) is from A272205 (type II).

%F See a comment above for this bisection of the primes 1 (mod 3) into type I and II.

%e a(1) = 2 - A272202(1) = 0, and 2 == 2 (mod 3).

%e a(4) = 7 - A272202(4) = 7 - 3 = +4, and 7 = A002476(1) = 2^2 + 3*1^2, 2 = A001479(1+1), 7 = A272204(1), hence a(4) = +2*2 = +4.

%e a(8) = 19 - A272202(8) = 19 - 27 = -8, and 19 = A002476(3) = 4^2 + 3*1^2; 4=A001479(3+1), 19 = A272205(1), hence a(8) = 2*(-4) = -8.

%Y Cf. A000040, A187076, A272202, A272204, A272205.

%K sign,easy

%O 1,4

%A _Wolfdieter Lang_, May 05 2016