A073846(n) is defined as follows: if n = 2m for some integer m, A073846(n) is the m-th prime, if n = 2m-1 for some integer m, A073846(n) is the m-th nonprime.
Consider the (totally) ordered set {n, A073846(n), A073846(A073846(n))...} and let us append to this the ordered set {...b(b(b(n))),b(b(n)),b(n)} where b(m) = A073898(m) is the inverse of A073846. Let us call the result R#(n). It is clear that if m is a value in R#(n), R#(m) is just R#(n) with a different offset. Therefore, unless there is a need to do otherwise, let us denote each sequence by its lowest value. {a(n)} when extended to all integers (the last few unlisted values are ... 36, 61, 45, 34) is R#(34).
A given sequence c(n) can be one of two kinds. It can either be periodic with c(m) = c(0) for some m, or it can include infinitely many distinct values. R#(n) is finite for all n<34. However, this sequence has been checked up to a(86) = 1091595086717 without reaching 34. Instead it seems to be slowly climbing in value in both the negative and positive directions. Hence, its period is either extremely large or nonexistent (infinite). I conjecture that the latter is the case. Thus I dubbed the sequence "Rocket" because, as opposed to the "Hailstone" sequences, it never seems to "fall".
Chayim Lowen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..86
f[n_, lim_] := Block[{p = Prime@ Range@ PrimePi@ lim, c, s, a = {34}}, c = Complement[Range@ lim, p]; s = Riffle[Take[c, Length@ p], p]; Do[AppendTo[a, s[[a[[k]]]]], {k, n}]; a]; f[48, 10000000] (* Michael De Vlieger, Aug 26 2015, after Harvey P. Dale at A073846 *)
Chayim Lowen, Aug 14 2015