These are the primitive elements of A024606, the integers which are expressible as x^2 + xy + y^2 with distinct nonzero x and y.
As a subsequence of A003136 (Loeschian numbers), the sequence is related with the triangular lattice: circles with radius sqrt(a(n)) centered at a grid point in this lattice hit exactly 12 points, cf. A004016.
Numbers with exactly one prime factor of form 6k+1 with multiplicity one and no prime factor of form 3k+2 with odd multiplicity, that is a(n) is of form 3^a*p*q^2, with a>=0, p a prime of form 6k+1, and q an integer with all its prime factors of form 3k+2. There is thus no square in the sequence.
From a(n) = 3^a*p*q^2, it is easily seen that sigma(a(n)) = 2 mod 6,
thus this sequence is a subsequence of A074628: the two sequences are equal up to a(308) = 1723; then A074628(309)= 1729 = a(1)*a(2)*a(3), the famous Ramanujan's taxi number, and a(309) = A074628(310) = 1731.
The square of these numbers is also uniquely decomposable into the form x^2 + xy + y^2 with x and y > 0, thus this sequence is a subsequence of A232437.
Ray Chandler, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 6364 terms from Jean-Christophe Hervé)
A. Mazel, I. Stuhl, Y. Suhov, Hard-core configurations on a triangular lattice and Eisenstein primes, arXiv:1803.04041 [math.PR], 2018.
G. Nebe and N. J. A. Sloane, Home page for hexagonal (or triangular) lattice A2
Michael Somos, Introduction to Ramanujan theta functions
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Ramanujan Theta Functions
a(1)= 7 = 2^2+2+1, a(2)= 13 = 3^2+3+1. However 3 = 1+1+1 and 4 = 2^2+0*2+0 are not in the sequence because the unique decomposition of these numbers is not with two distinct nonzero numbers; 49, 147 are also excluded because there are two decompositions of these numbers (including one with equal or zero components x and y).
r[k_] := Reduce[x != 0 && y != 0 && x != y && k == x^2 + x y + y^2, {x, y}, Integers];
selQ[k_] := If[IntegerQ[Sqrt[k]], False, Which[rk = r[k]; rk === False, False, rk[[0]] === And && Length[rk] == 2, True, rk[[0]] === Or && Length[rk] == 12, True, True, False]];
Select[Range[1000], selQ] (* Jean-François Alcover, Feb 20 2020 *)
Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 23 2013