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Sum{floor(j*sqrt(12)) : 1<=j<=n}; n-th partial sum of Beatty sequence for sqrt(12).

%I #11 Feb 27 2023 08:06:33

%S 3,9,19,32,49,69,93,120,151,185,223,264,309,357,408,463,521,583,648,

%T 717,789,865,944,1027,1113,1203,1296,1392,1492,1595,1702,1812,1926,

%U 2043,2164,2288,2416,2547,2682,2820,2962,3107,3255,3407,3562,3721

%N Sum{floor(j*sqrt(12)) : 1<=j<=n}; n-th partial sum of Beatty sequence for sqrt(12).

%t c[n_] := Sum[Floor[j*Sqrt[12]], {j, 1, n}];

%t c = Table[c[n], {n, 1, 90}]

%Y Cf. A194028 (Beatty sequence for sqrt(12)).

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Aug 16 2011