%I #7 Sep 20 2024 05:45:25
%S 14,52,78,133,152,248,345,538,1115,1404,1501,1790,1983,2080,2273,2562,
%T 2851,2948,3237,3430,3527,3816,4009,4298,4683,4876,4973,5166,5263,
%U 5456,6129,6322,6611,6708,7189,7286,7575,7864,8057,8346,8635,8732,9213,9310,9503
%N The first 8 values are predefined, the remaining set to a(n) = 48*prime(n)+n+2.
%C The motivation for these two sequences is that the order-168 Kleinian n=7 group seems to demand a non-Euclidean E9 type of manifold and my work in cosmology led me to think in terms of an E10 exceptional group.
%F Limit_{n->oo} A129025(n)/A129024(n) = 2.
%t a0 = {14, 52, 78, 133, 152, 248, 345, 538}
%t a = Table[If[n <= 8, a0[[n]], Prime[n]*48 + n + 2], {n, 1, 25}]
%t Join[{14,52,78,133,152,248,345,538},Table[48Prime[n]+n+2,{n,9,80}]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Feb 11 2015 *)
%Y Cf. A129024.
%K nonn,easy,less
%O 0,1
%A _Roger L. Bagula_, May 06 2007
%E More terms from _Harvey P. Dale_, Feb 11 2015