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Card-matching numbers (Dinner-Diner matching numbers).
1, 9, 8, 6, 0, 1, 297, 672, 736, 480, 246, 64, 24, 0, 1, 13833, 49464, 84510, 90944, 69039, 38448, 16476, 5184, 1431, 216, 54, 0, 1, 748521, 3662976, 8607744, 12880512, 13731616, 11042688, 6928704, 3458432, 1395126
This is a triangle of card matching numbers. A deck has 4 kinds of cards, n of each kind. The deck is shuffled and dealt in to 4 hands with each with n cards. A match occurs for every card in the j-th hand of kind j. Triangle T(n,k) is the number of ways of achieving exactly k matches (k=0..4n). The probability of exactly k matches is T(n,k)/((4n)!/n!^4).
Rows have lengths 1,5,9,13,...
Analogous to A008290 - Zerinvary Lajos, Jun 22 2005
F. N. David and D. E. Barton, Combinatorial Chance, Hafner, NY, 1962, Ch. 7 and Ch. 12.
J. Riordan, An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis, Wiley, 1958, pp. 174-178.
R. P. Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics Volume I, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 71.
F. F. Knudsen and I. Skau, On the Asymptotic Solution of a Card-Matching Problem, Mathematics Magazine 69 (1996), 190-197.
B. H. Margolius, The Dinner-Diner Matching Problem, Mathematics Magazine, 76 (2003), 107-118.
S. G. Penrice, Derangements, permanents and Christmas presents, The American Mathematical Monthly 98(1991), 617-620.
G.f.: sum(coeff(R(x, n, k), x, j)*(t-1)^j*(n*k-j)!, j=0..n*k) where n is the number of kinds of cards (4 in this case), k is the number of cards of each kind and R(x, n, k) is the rook polynomial given by R(x, n, k)=(k!^2*sum(x^j/((k-j)!^2*j!))^n (see Stanley or Riordan). coeff(R(x, n, k), x, j) indicates the coefficient for x^j of the rook polynomial.
There are 736 ways of matching exactly 2 cards when there are 2 cards of each kind and 4 kinds of card so T(2,2)=736.
Triangle begins:
9, 8, 6, 0, 1;
297, 672, 736, 480, 246, 64, 24, 0, 1;
13833, 49464, 84510, 90944, 69039, 38448, 16476, 5184, 1431, 216, 54, 0, 1;
p := (x, k)->k!^2*sum(x^j/((k-j)!^2*j!), j=0..k); R := (x, n, k)->p(x, k)^n; f := (t, n, k)->sum(coeff(R(x, n, k), x, j)*(t-1)^j*(n*k-j)!, j=0..n*k);
for n from 0 to 5 do seq(coeff(f(t, 4, n), t, m)/n!^4, m=0..4*n); od;
p[x_, k_] := k!^2*Sum[x^j/((k-j)!^2*j!), {j, 0, k}]; r[x_, n_, k_] := p[x, k]^n; f[t_, n_, k_] := Sum[ Coefficient[r[x, n, k], x, j]*(t-1)^j*(n*k-j)!, {j, 0, n*k}]; Table[ Coefficient[f[t, 4, n], t, m]/n!^4, {n, 0, 4}, {m, 0, 4*n}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Dec 17 2012, translated from Maple *)
Cf. A008290.
Row sums give A008977.
Sequence in context: A200292 A155791 A327341 * A059069 A084660 A002391
Barbara Haas Margolius (margolius(AT)math.csuohio.edu)