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Binary palindromes of even length divided by 3.
0, 1, 3, 5, 11, 15, 17, 21, 43, 51, 55, 63, 65, 73, 77, 85, 171, 187, 195, 211, 215, 231, 239, 255, 257, 273, 281, 297, 301, 317, 325, 341, 683, 715, 731, 763, 771, 803, 819, 851, 855, 887, 903, 935, 943, 975, 991
Let the length of A048701(n) in binary be 2k. Since it is a palindrome of even length, its digits come in pairs which are equal: one in the left half and the other in the right half. Thus, A048701(n) is a sum of numbers of the form d * 2^m * (2^(2k-2m-1) + 1). The number 2^(2k-2m-1) = 2 * 4^(k-m-1) is congruent to 2 (mod 3), so 2^(2k-2m-1) + 1 is divisible by 3. This means A048701(n) is divisible by 3, and therefore a(n) is an integer. - Michael B. Porter, Jun 18 2019
a(n) = A048701(n)/3.
Conjecture: a(n) = 2^floor(log_2(n)) * Sum_{i=1..n} 1/(2^v_2(i)), for n >= 1, where v_2(i) = A007814(i) is the exponent of the highest power of 2 dividing i.
Conjecture: a(n) = n*2^floor(log_2(n)) - Sum_{i=1..floor(log_2(n))} 2^(floor(log_2(n)) - i)*floor(n/(2^i)).
# Two unproved formulas which are not based upon first generating a palindrome and then dividing by 3, recursive and more direct:
# Here d is 2^(the distance between the most and least significant 1-bit of n):
bper3_rec := proc(n) option remember; local d; if(0 = n) then RETURN(0); fi; d := 2^([ log2(n) ]-A007814[ n ]);
if(1 = d) then RETURN((2*bper3_rec(n-1))+d); else RETURN(bper3_rec(n-1)+d); fi; end;
# or more directly (after K. Atanassov's formula for partial sums of A007814):
bper3_direct := proc(n) local l, j; l := [ log2(n) ]; RETURN((2/3*((2^(2*l))-1))+1+ sum('(2^(l-j)*floor((n-(2^l)+2^j)/(2^(j+1))))', 'j'=0..l)); end;
# Can anybody find an even simpler closed form? See A005187 for inspiration.
Join[{0}, Reap[For[k = 1, k < 3000, k += 2, bb = IntegerDigits[k, 2]; If[bb == Reverse[bb], If[EvenQ[Length[bb]], Sow[k/3]]]]][[2, 1]]] (* Jean-François Alcover, Mar 04 2016 *)
Cf. A048701, A048704 (base 4 palindromes of even length divided by 5), A044051 (binary palindromes plus one divided by 2: (A006995(n)+1)/2), A000975.
Sequence in context: A086284 A136500 A024897 * A003546 A353395 A082421
Antti Karttunen, Mar 07 1999