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Half-quartan primes: primes of the form p = (x^4 + y^4)/2.
(Formerly M5276 N2294)
41, 313, 353, 1201, 3593, 4481, 7321, 8521, 10601, 14281, 14321, 14593, 21601, 26513, 32633, 41761, 41801, 42073, 42961, 49081, 56041, 66361, 67073, 72481, 90473, 97241, 97553, 104561, 106921, 111521, 139921, 141121, 165233, 195353, 198593
The 1001-digit number ((10^250 + 5659)^4 + (10^250 + 5661)^4)/2 is currently the largest known half-quartan prime. - Paul Muljadi, Mar 03 2011
The largest known is now ((2*3960926^2048 + 1)^4 + 1^4)/2 with 54051 digits. - Jens Kruse Andersen, Mar 20 2011
Primes of the form p = a^2 + b^2 with a > b > 0 such that a + b and a - b are squares. - Thomas Ordowski, Jul 07 2016
Primes p = a^2 + b^2 with a > b > 0 such that a^2 - b^2 is a square. - Thomas Ordowski, Feb 14 2017
Primes p > 5 such that the Diophantine equation X^4 + Y^2 = p^2 has a solution X,Y with nonzero X. Then X must be odd. - Thomas Ordowski and Robert G. Wilson v, Nov 29 2017
A. J. C. Cunningham, Binomial Factorisations, Vols. 1-9, Hodgson, London, 1923-1929; see Vol. 1, pp. 245-259.
J.-M. De Koninck, Ces nombres qui nous fascinent, Entry 41, p. 16, Ellipses, Paris 2008.
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
A. J. C. Cunningham, High quartan factorisations and primes, Messenger of Mathematics 36 (1907), pp. 145-174.
A. J. C. Cunningham, Binomial Factorisations, Vols. 1-9, Hodgson, London, 1923-1929. [Annotated scans of a few pages from Volumes 1 and 2]
Tim Evink, Jaap Top, and Jakob Dirk Top, A remark on prime (non)congruent numbers, arXiv:2105.01450 [math.NT], 2021. See p. 12.
41 is in the sequence since it is prime and 41 = (3^4 + 1^4)/2. - Michael B. Porter, Jul 07 2016
N:= 10^6: # to get all terms <= N
sort(select(isprime, convert({seq(seq((x^4+y^4)/2, y=x..floor((2*N-x^4)^(1/4)), 2), x=1..floor((2*N-1)^(1/4)), 2)}, list))); # Robert Israel, Jul 11 2016
nmax = 200000; jmax = Floor[(nmax/8)^(1/4)]; s = {}; Do[n = ((2 j + 1)^4 + (2 k + 1)^4)/2; If[n <= nmax && PrimeQ[n], AppendTo[s, n]], {j, 0, jmax}, {k, j, jmax}]; Union[s] (* Jean-François Alcover, Mar 23 2011 *)
Sort[Select[Total/@(Union[Sort/@Tuples[Range[0, 50], 2]]^4)/2, PrimeQ]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Feb 12 2012 *)
a002646 n = a002646_list !! (n-1)
a002646_list = [hqp | x <- [1, 3 ..], y <- [1, 3 .. x - 1],
let hqp = div (x ^ 4 + y ^ 4) 2, a010051' hqp == 1]
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Jul 15 2013
More terms from Len Smiley