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Henry Olsen

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Harris could be doomed by black voters' fading Dem loyalty

Younger black voters are much less wedded to the Democrats than their parents and grandparents were — and in the swing states, any slip in their support will end Harris' White House...

Why Trump needs to 'WOW' Wisconsin this November to win back the White House

Win big here, and the Republican has a real shot at victory.

Donald Trump must do better among white voters if he hopes to win in November

Kamala Harris’ emergence as the Democratic presidential nominee has upended the race. She now leads in most national polls and in many recent swing state polls. Momentum is clearly on...

To win Michigan, Trump must earn the urban black and Latino vote

Michigan is the most Democratic of the key swing states. Former President Donald Trump can win it, however, if he can do what many national polls suggest he can: get...

Why Nevada could hold the key to Trump's path to victory this November

Assuming registered independents vote as they have previously, this means the Republicans should have a narrow expected 10-20,000 vote lead after the votes are counted.

The 'double haters' will decide the presidential election — even with Biden out

Kamala Harris’ emergence as the Democrats’ presidential nominee seems to have upset the pre-Harris narrative that the race would be decided by the “double haters” — voters who disliked Donald...

Elite capture of the Democrats gives GOP a rare opportunity

The Republicans might be on the cusp of an historic realignment if the party can capitalize on this election's trends.

No need for controversial phone calls to election officials — Trump looks set to earn plenty of votes in Georgia

Georgia has been on Donald Trump’s mind since his achingly close margin of defeat there in 2020.

What Biden's departure means for the race — and what Kamala Harris must do

President Biden’s historic but not-so-shocking choice to end his re-election campaign has upended the presidential race.

This swing state is likely to return to its historic role as a Republican-leaning state

Arizona was one of the closest states in 2020, perhaps the epitome of the modern purple state. Recent trends and demographic analysis nonetheless suggest it’s strongly moving toward the GOP.

JD Vance is a serious political figure who genuinely cares about average people — the perfect pick for Trump and America

Ohio Sen. JD Vance is an ideal pick for Trump and one that presages the transformation of the Republican Party into a true, multi-ethnic working-class coalition.

Here's how Biden does the inevitable and withdraws from presidential race

This shows the game is up. It’s no longer a question of if; it’s only a matter of when and how Biden will withdraw.

This is the only Democratic ticket that could replace Biden-Harris

President Biden’s debate meltdown has thrown Democrats into a frenzy. Many think Biden is a goner, but they wonder who might replace him even if they could persuade him to...

Trump’s VP pick will have little impact on voters’ choice for president, despite fevered speculation: Post poll

Donald Trump’s upcoming vice-presidential pick attracts attention and speculation daily. If a new poll for The Post is any indication, it’s likely to be much ado about nothing.

How Brexit can save Britain from EU's sinking ship

British Prime Minister Theresa May has survived, but her drive for Brexit may not. That would be bad for Britain. Whatever challenges Brexit poses for the UK, they pale in...

No, Hillary -- the main reason you lost is ... you

Denial is more than a river in Egypt: It’s Hillary Clinton’s take on why she lost the presidency. But the data are clear: She didn’t lose because of Russian interference,...

How Trump will change the Republican Party

Donald Trump has won what might be the greatest “change election” in decades. Republican leaders are only now waking up to the fact that the change Trump’s voters want will...

Behind Hillary's defeat: Her pathetic appeal to undecided voters

America’s political elite remains in shock over Donald Trump’s historic upset. Some blame bad polling while Hillary Clinton herself blames James Comey. Neither explanation is correct. The truth is the...

Super Tuesday will determine whether Trump can be stopped

After Super Tuesday, we should know with certainty if Donald Trump is unstoppable or if another candidate has a chance. Whether Ted Cruz can stay in the race after Tuesday...

Best shot for GOP in 2016? Look to the governors

Democrats are looking to Hillary Clinton as their party’s savior after the drubbing of the midterms. But Republicans need not be afraid of her second coming. This month’s wave showed...