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Cuomo’s disappointing record and more: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 24, 2023

Cuomo questions

Andrew Cuomo always lets you down.

He likes to promise “it’ll be different this time” (“Andy’s game with no shame,” Michael Goodwin, Dec. 20).

When he ran for governor in 2010 he was reasonably centrist, opposing thoughtless tax increases that would drive out wealthier New Yorkers who pay the lion’s share of taxes.

But by the time he left office, we had disastrous bail reform and crippling COVID shutdowns.

Not to forget that he allegedly harassed female staffers.

Now he’s talked about as a mayoral candidate, and despite myself, I feel almost relieved.

But can he be trusted?

Will he strike us down again if it suits him?

One more thought: The main tragedy about Donald Trump is that he would have been happiest, had the most fun and been more successful as mayor of New York City, not president.

Ed Altman, Manhattan

Big coup bucks

The unrealistic award to the Georgia poll workers reveals how too many people cannot see the big picture (“Ga. duo sue Rudy again,” Dec. 20).

This is a totally absurd move by the left to silence anyone who supports Trump or believes Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection.

I for one believe that it would be very difficult to overthrow a nuclear power with broomsticks and flagpoles.

The left has got America in a stranglehold. I’m uncertain that anyone can reverse the destruction of this country.

Patrick Rizzo, Staten Island

Baldwin blues

Alec Baldwin was verbally accosted for refusing to condemn Israel (“Alec Baldwin Is . . . Right,” Editorial, Dec. 20).

At that same anti-Israel rally in Manhattan, protesters brandished signs saying “Zionism is Terrorism” and asked Joe Biden how many kids he’s responsible for killing, while also suggesting the NYPD is the same as the KKK.

It’s bad enough that these radical agitators have malignly updated that old United Nations anti-Israel determination that “Zionism is racism.” Now they’re enjoying a violent clash with New York’s Finest.

James Hyland, Beechhurst

Out of line

Why did the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/Local 2325 think it necessary to pass a resolution that aligns with supporting a terrorist group (“Lawyers union in defiant BDS call,” Dec. 20)?

With antisemitic declarations, the group is sullying its name and diverting attention from its mission to provide legal services to poor New Yorkers.

“Every day, our members fight for justice for poor and low-income New Yorkers” is their alleged mission.

If this is truly their stated purpose, why are they suddenly thrusting themselves into international politics that do not involve them?

Their employers should be defunded and not supported by anyone until they cancel their hateful, harmful, and ignorant resolution.

Jewish lawyers especially should quit their organization.

Quit championing a group that hates America, mistreats women, and assaults gays. The ALAA is on the wrong side.

Brian Feinblum, New Rochelle

Colo. coverage

The Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling against former President Donald Trump should have made the front page (“Colo. kicks Trump off the ballot,” Dec. 20).

Instead, Thursday’s paper featured a picture of the Mexican border, which we see all the time; taking Trump off the ballot was buried. Hopefully, the Supreme Court decision will make the cover at some point.

Carol Meltzer, Manhattan

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.