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Letters to the Editor — March 29, 2023

The Issue: A Post editorial arguing that Donald Trump’s antics will prevent him from winning in 2024.

Former President Donald Trump has become a caricature of himself (“Trump won’t change, and he won’t win,” Editorial, March 25).

Since his loss in 2020 he has made a fool of himself at every turn. No sensible conservative should support him in 2024.

He has become even more boorish and childish in his rants and insults to anyone who might compete with him for the Republican nomination.

His narcissism is on display every time he opens his mouth.

It’s no wonder that his daughter and other family members are backing away from his plan to run again.

Time for conservatives to focus on the other Republicans considering a run.

John E. Sheehan

White Plains

No, Trump won’t change, but neither will Biden. And I’d rather have a flawed Trump than a really flawed Biden any day.

Or haven’t you had enough of open borders, runaway inflation, international tensions, decaying public schools and rising crime? I certainly have.

Terry Valentine

Phoenix, Ariz.

You are right on the mark in proclaiming that Trumpty Dumpty will never change. I am beyond tired of the constant drama, anger, victimhood and just plain nastiness.

His fearmongering over the violence he promises will ensue if he’s indicted for the Stormy Daniels hush-money payment cost the city tax dollars, as the NYPD had to prepare for an onslaught of his angry and possibly armed supporters.


Several months ago, I stopped following this loser, his family and top supporters on social media.


Lower anxiety, decreased depression, a return of some semblance of hope for a peaceful future and lower blood pressure.

I wholeheartedly suggest this tried-and-true fast-track to optimum mental and physical health.

I am a new man and couldn’t be happier.

Laurence P. Mitchell

Upper West Side

Your editorial commentary regarding Trump was way off base.

There is no need for him to change his way of doing things.

His presidential tenure was marked by one accomplishment after another and was a far cry from the abysmal failure of the Biden administration.

He remains the strongest contender for the Republican nomination, and his chances at winning are excellent.

David Shapiro


I don’t like Trump.

He’s a showman at heart, always flamboyant and often outrageous.

He dotes on public attention.

I voted for him, however, for the policies he promised to implement and for the traditional American values of individual freedom and initiative they represent.

I don’t regret my choice.

This country fared much better under his leadership than it would have under Hillary Clinton or as it presently is under the feckless President Biden.

The political establishment hasn’t tried to destroy Trump these past six years because it dislikes his personality, but rather for his policies and his success in carrying them out.

The very rambunctiousness that I dislike has made him a formidable champion, someone who will not be crushed by the powerful forces arrayed against him and, for that matter, against Americans.

Daniel Mercer

Pennsauken, NJ

Your editorial was right on target.

Personally, I oppose the liberal policies that President Jimmy Carter espoused, but I think Trump could learn a great deal from Carter.

After losing his re-election bid in 1980, Carter left elective politics and dedicated his life to doing good works that help others.

He did not try to run for president again, as he knew that being the nominee of a major party three times in a row would only bring defeat for the Democrats.

Carter knew it was time to step aside and give other people a chance to run.

He wanted the Democrats to win.

John L. Purcell

The Bronx

Your editorial was spot-on.

Trump has a better chance of winning Powerball than the 2024 presidential election.

He’s nuts and has more baggage than a carousel at JFK.

Mike Rice

Wellfleet, Mass.

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