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Democratic Rep. Max Rose calls de Blasio worst mayor in history of NYC

First-term Staten Island congressman Max Rose is running digitals ads calling fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio “the worst mayor in the history of New York City.”

Rose is locked in a tough re-election battle against Republican challenger Nicole Malliotakis in the 11th congressional district that encompasses Staten Island and southern Brooklyn.

“Bill de Blasio is the worst mayor in the history of New York City,” Rose says in a six second spot as he looks into the camera. “That’s the whole ad.”

Rose makes the same accusation in a 15-second spot. Having a few seconds of air time left, he chuckles, “That’s it guys. Seriously. That’s the whole ad.”

De Blasio is unpopular in the 11th CD.

Malliotakis, a state assemblywoman, was the Republican candidate for mayor against the incumbent in 2017.

While de Blasio handily won re-election citywide, Malliotakis trounced the mayor in more conservative  Staten Island, where she captured 70 percent of the vote.

Rose has been critical of de Blasio despite hailing from the same party.

He endorsed former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s bid for president before the billionaire dropped out of the Democratic primary. De Blasio’s presidential bid also flamed out.

Rose is attacking de Blasio while Malliotakis and the GOP have run ads trying to link Rose to the mayor on issues such as rising crime and anti-police protests. The PBA and other police unions have endorsed Malliotakis.

The GOP also has run ads slamming Rose for voting to impeach President Trump following the Russia election meddling probe.

Rose complained that de Blasio failed to provide a real plan to reopen schools and accused the mayor of “actively trying to kill” New York City restaurants by delaying the reopening of indoor dining.

After a night of looting across New York City during protests following the death of George Floyd, Rose said the mayor “lost control of the situation,” and called on the National Guard to enforce curfew. Rose, a military veteran who served in Afghanistan, is a member of the National Guard.

Rose also criticized de Blasio during his first run for Congress in 2018, when he toppled Republican incumbent Dan Donovan.

De Blasio spokesman Bill Neidhardt responded, “So Max Rose prefers Fernando Wood? That’s a strange take.”

Neidhardt was referring to Wood, the Tammany Hall Democratic mayor during the Civil War who expressed sympathy for the confederacy.

The Malliotakis campaign got a kick out of Rose’s attempt to disassociate himself from de Blasio.

“It’s fun to watch two far-left politicians like Max Rose and Bill de Blasio squabble over who’s worst. The question Max Rose needs to answer is if he joined the nearly 70% of his constituents who voted for Nicole Malliotakis in the 2017 race for mayor,” said Malliotakis spokesman Rob Ryan.