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BY GEORGE, I THINK HE’S GOT IT: George Clooney’s directorial debut, “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind,” in which he also stars, is proof that this Hollywood leading man is more than just a body of great looks and stellar acting skills. The complex plot is based on the autobiography of “Gong Show” host Chuck Barris, who allegedly moonlighted as a CIA assassin. While most viewers were scratching their heads as they tried to separate reality from fiction at last week’s premiere screening, Clooney managed to entwine both worlds. The result is an unpredictable, at times convoluted (think “Pulp Fiction”) yet brilliantly mastered flick.

Clooney’s peers agree. At the premiere, his co-stars, Sam Rockwell (superb as Barris), Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts gave him a standing ovation. I caught up with Clooney at the after-party at the W hotel (yes, ladies, Santa came early for me). We chatted about why he chose such a complex project for his maiden voyage behind the camera.

“I chose the script because of its complexity – Chuck’s story fascinated me from the start,” Clooney told me, adding he also liked the “challenges of psychological profiling” the script offered.

Miramax boss and neurotic perfectionist Harvey Weinstein pranced as proud as a peacock at the premiere. Although often labeled a meanie, Harvey is a teddy bear to those who know him – except when he has a case of pre-premiere jitters.

When a cell phone went off just as the curtain went up for the premiere, Weinstein jumped out of his seat and sailed across the aisle – to my seat. “I think it’s coming from your section”, he snarled. “Not me, Harv,” I shot back. Hey, I would never confess to a dangerous mind!

TAKING ONE FOR THE TEAM: Adrien Brody, star of Roman Polanski’s critically acclaimed “The Pianist,” was nominated last week for a Golden Globe. Hopefully, that’s just the start of rewards for what Brody deems one of his most difficult roles.

Brody, who plays Wladyslaw Szpilman, the finest pianist in Poland who was also the last person heard on Polish radio before the Nazis seized Warsaw, had to shoot his scenes in Poland. As a result, he told me, he lost his Manhattan apartment, his girlfriend and had to gain 30 pounds. He also gave up all communication with his family.

Why? “I didn’t want to act the part – I wanted to live it.” Brody told me. Win or lose at the Globes, he gets an “A” for effort from me!

FEELING HOT, HOT, HOT: One of the hottest holiday parties in town last week was hosted by p.r. princess Lizzie Grubman and her pal, supermodel Naomi Campbell.

The pair were dressed as opposites. Grubman was svelte and buff in basic black, while Campbell was stunning in head-to-toe white. But Campbell may as well have been invisible, for all eyes were on Grubman. That was, until Campbell accidentally set the a table afire while lighting a cigarette. Guests, including Sean Combs’ sexy mom, Janice, had to leave the table briefly while staff put out the small blaze.

Meanwhile, dapper daddy Allen Grubman told me how glad he was to have his “princess” home and even more glad “it’s all over.”

CABIN FEVER: Nicole Kidman endured a miscarriage and a messy divorce from Tom Cruise, but the flame-tressed beauty was telling me last week how she “escaped” to a cabin in the woods. There she found solace in her work on the film adaptation of “The Hours.” Kidman plays Virginia Wolf, opposite Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep.

“It helped being isolated and captive with my thoughts,” she confided. “I was so drawn to Wolf. It was so important to go into her psychology.” Kidman, who won an Oscar nomination last year for “Moulin Rouge,” admits it wasn’t easy taking her mind off of her problems, but says “The Hours” helped her cope with “such a roller-coaster year.”

VICTORIAS SECRET: Sean Penn’s recent visit to Baghdad sparked outrage, but I

know there was no malicious intent. Penn is interested in politics and told me over dinner he intends to run for office one day when he “obtains a stronger platform.” Is there a stronger platform than world peace?