Papers by Rusmanto Maryanto

Cooperatives are social business entities which should be formed with the principle of transparen... more Cooperatives are social business entities which should be formed with the principle of transparency, equality and togetherness among its members. Fraud is one of the top problems that exist in cooperatives movement, especially in developing countries, in terms of recording transactions and managing assets. Blockchain as an emerging technology that can be a solution to prevent the problem and increase member trust to cooperative system, because financial data do not only hold on one party. Hence, there are many types of blockchain and its consensus that should be analyzed to determine which one that fits into cooperatives business operation. This study aims to design an architectural model of blockchain system by taking cooperatives as the case of implementation. This study uses a comparative analytical study to identify the type of blockchain and the consensus system that is most suitable for use in cooperatives, along with a description of the design of applications at different cooperative scales.

2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2019
Cooperatives are social business entities which should be formed with the principle of transparen... more Cooperatives are social business entities which should be formed with the principle of transparency, equality and togetherness among its members. Fraud is one of the top problems that exist in cooperatives movement, especially in developing countries, in terms of recording transactions and managing assets. Blockchain as an emerging technology that can be a solution to prevent the problem and increase member trust to cooperative system, because financial data do not only hold on one party. Hence, there are many types of blockchain and its consensus that should be analyzed to determine which one that fits into cooperatives business operation. This study aims to design an architectural model of blockchain system by taking cooperatives as the case of implementation. This study uses a comparative analytical study to identify the type of blockchain and the consensus system that is most suitable for use in cooperatives, along with a description of the design of applications at different co...
1. Akun Google untuk email, blog, drive, office, dan lain-lain.
2. Google Docs (Word Processor)... more 1. Akun Google untuk email, blog, drive, office, dan lain-lain.
2. Google Docs (Word Processor).
3. Google Sheets (Spreadsheet).
4. Google Slides (Presentation).
5. WPS (Word, Presentation, Spreadsheet) KingSoft Office.
6. AndrOpen Office (Writer, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing, Database).
Conference Presentations by Rusmanto Maryanto

Aplikasi media sosial web atau mobile tergolong sistem elektronik. Server, laptop, pc (personal c... more Aplikasi media sosial web atau mobile tergolong sistem elektronik. Server, laptop, pc (personal computer), tablet pc, smartphone untuk menjalankan aplikasi media sosial tergolong komputer dan sistem elektronik. “Menulis” (sharing/posting) di media sosial tergolong mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik.
UU ITE mengancam dengan hukuman penjara 4 hingga 6 tahun dan/atau denda maksimum 750 juta hingga 1 milyar kepada orang yang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang mengandung unsur melanggar kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik, pemerasan atau pengancaman, berita bohong (hoax) dan menyesatkan, menimbulkan rasa kebencian atau permusuhan berdasarkan SARA, dan ancaman kekerasan atau menakuti-nakuti (bullying).
Papers by Rusmanto Maryanto
2. Google Docs (Word Processor).
3. Google Sheets (Spreadsheet).
4. Google Slides (Presentation).
5. WPS (Word, Presentation, Spreadsheet) KingSoft Office.
6. AndrOpen Office (Writer, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing, Database).
Conference Presentations by Rusmanto Maryanto
UU ITE mengancam dengan hukuman penjara 4 hingga 6 tahun dan/atau denda maksimum 750 juta hingga 1 milyar kepada orang yang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang mengandung unsur melanggar kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik, pemerasan atau pengancaman, berita bohong (hoax) dan menyesatkan, menimbulkan rasa kebencian atau permusuhan berdasarkan SARA, dan ancaman kekerasan atau menakuti-nakuti (bullying).
2. Google Docs (Word Processor).
3. Google Sheets (Spreadsheet).
4. Google Slides (Presentation).
5. WPS (Word, Presentation, Spreadsheet) KingSoft Office.
6. AndrOpen Office (Writer, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing, Database).
UU ITE mengancam dengan hukuman penjara 4 hingga 6 tahun dan/atau denda maksimum 750 juta hingga 1 milyar kepada orang yang mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang mengandung unsur melanggar kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik, pemerasan atau pengancaman, berita bohong (hoax) dan menyesatkan, menimbulkan rasa kebencian atau permusuhan berdasarkan SARA, dan ancaman kekerasan atau menakuti-nakuti (bullying).