A magnetogram is an image taken by an instrument (magnetograph) that shows the strength, polarity, and location of the magnetic fields on the Sun. In a grayscale magnetogram, regions of strong magnetic field (active regions) are shown as white (positive polarity, magnetic field lines coming toward the observer) and black (negative polarity, magnetic field lines pointing away from the observer) areas, while gray areas indicate regions of week magnetic fields.
The following two images show examples of magnetograms taken during solar minimum and solar maximum. The complexity of the magnetic morphology during periods of high level of solar activity during solar maximum is clear.
Both SOLIS and GONG facilities produce daily magnetograms. Full-disk line-of-sight photospheric magnetograms are obtained every minute at GONG’s six sites in the NiI 676.8 nm spectral line, with an image scale of 2.5 arcsec/pixel.
VSM Magnetograms
- Photospheric full-disk vector-magnetograms using the FeI 630.15 and 630.25 nm lines
(field strength, azimuth, inclination, flux, Doppler velocity, continuum intensity) - Chromospheric full-disk line-of-sight magnetograms using the CaII 854.2 nm line
- Photospheric full-disk longitudinal magnetograms using the FeI 630.15 and 630.25 nm lines.
A full disk magnetogram is constructed by scanning the solar image, which is achieved by moving the telescope in declination. It takes about 0.6 seconds to record one scan line in FeI 630.15-630.25 nm region, and about 1.2 seconds for the Ca II 854.2 nm line, which translates to about 20/40 minutes for a full disk magnetogram in the photospheric/chromospheric spectral lines.
The pixel size is 1.14 x 1.14 arc seconds for data taken before January 2010, and 1 x 1 arseconds for newer data.
In addition to full disk, VSM can take a series of area scans by scanning portion of solar disk in the declination.

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