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NODC Welcome to the National Oceanographic Data Centre

The Italian reference within the International Oceanographic Data Exchange System (IODE) of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)

View and access marine data

Data archive (physical and biogeochemical)

The Search and Download Service gives access to the largest Italian collection of controlled and validated data. The measurements have been collected from 1880 to today in the Mediterranean Sea and in the neighboring sea basins. Data are provided by all Italian marine science institutions, with minor contributions from other countries.

Real-time data

Fixed stations

The Data Viewer shows the distribution of observatories in the Adriatic Sea and gives access to the latest data recorded by OGS.

Mobile platforms

The Euro-Argo-Italy website managed by OGS gives access to data collected through drifters, floats and gliders in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Southern Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

Latest news


EMODnet Chemistry

Active since 2009, the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) has been the main long-term project of the EU Commission for the Blue Growth strategy - Marine Knowledge 2020. Through a central portal, EMODnet provides open access to interoperable and re-usable European marine data, covering different disciplines. EMODnet Chemistry is the gateway to harmonized and validated data, spatial maps and graphics on pollution (eutrophication, acidification, contamination, and marine litter), which support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

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Establishing standardized and interchangeable monitoring methods to understand and tackle the plastic pollution problem is the ambitious goal of EUROqCHARM. Operational since 2020, the project has embraced all environmental compartments (water, soil/sediment, air, biota) and targeted a broad size spectrum of plastics (nano-, micro-, macro-). EUROqCHARM also aims at the realisation of international best-practices in the form of standards and recommendations for policy and legislation.

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Since 2019, ENVRI-FAIR has been the connecting link between the Cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI), working together to observe the Earth as one system, to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the European environment to support EU science. Thanks to this project, the ENVRI community has been devoting huge efforts to improve openness and FAIRness of data (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability), tools and services, connecting them to the EOSC.

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