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nep-mig New Economics Papers
on Economics of Human Migration
Issue of 2022‒01‒10
nine papers chosen by
Yuji Tamura
La Trobe University

  1. The supply of foreign talent: How skill-biased technology drives the location choice and skills of new immigrants By Beerli, Andreas; Indergand, Ronald; Kunz, Johannes S.
  2. Effects of migration with endogenous labor supply and heterogeneous skills By M. Delogu; D. Paolini; G. Atzeni; LG Deidda
  3. Migrants know better: Migrants' networks and FDI By Filippo Santi; Giorgia Giovannetti; Margherita Velucchi
  4. Education and Internal Migration: Evidence from a Child Labor Reform in Spain By Jorge González Chapela; Sergi Jiménez-Martín; Judith Vall Castello
  5. Matching and sorting across regions By Lacava, Chiara
  6. Does Immigration AffectWages? A Meta-Analysis By Aubry, Amandine; Héricourt, Jérôme; Marchal, Léa; Nedoncelle, Clément
  7. Testing for Ethnic Discrimination in Outpatient Health Care: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany By Martin Halla; Christopher Kah; Rupert Sausgruber
  8. Securitized reception: revisiting contexts confronting Afghan and Vietnamese forced migrants By Phi Hong Su; Hameed Hakimi
  9. Origin and residential influences on the first partnership choices of the children of immigrants in Norway By Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik; Jennifer A. Holland

  1. By: Beerli, Andreas; Indergand, Ronald; Kunz, Johannes S.
    Abstract: An important goal of immigration policy is to facilitate the entry of foreignborn workers whose skills are in short supply in national labor markets. In recent decades, information and communication technology [ICT] has fueled the demand for highly educated workers at the expense of lower educated groups. Exploiting the fact that different regions in Switzerland have been differentially exposed to ICT due to their pre-ICT industrial composition, we present evidence suggesting that more exposed regions experienced stronger ICT adoption, accompanied by considerably stronger growth in relative employment and wage-premia for college-educated workers. Following this change in the landscape of relative economic opportunities, we find robust evidence that these regions experienced a much stronger in ux of highly educated immigrants in absolute terms as well as relative to lower educated groups. Our results suggest that immigrants' location decisions respond strongly to these long-run, technology-driven changes in their economic opportunities.
    Keywords: immigrant sorting,international migration,skill-biased technical change,information and communication technology,skill supply
    JEL: F22 J61 J24 J31 J23
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:glodps:998&r=
  2. By: M. Delogu; D. Paolini; G. Atzeni; LG Deidda
    Abstract: We analyze the effects of migration allowing for endogenous labor supply in a standard two-region model with monopolistically competitive producers and love for variety. We find that the welfare effects of migration depend on firms' market power in the final good markets. If market power is sufficiently high, migration of low-skill individuals positively affects the welfare of native high skill individuals in the destination region, while low skill individuals are unaffected. Natives of the origin region are always better off, irrespective of their skills. Differently, if market power is sufficiently low, low skill migration makes both high and low individuals native of the destination region better off.
    Keywords: Welfare Analysis;Monopolistic Competition;migration;Labor Supply
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:cns:cnscwp:202111&r=
  3. By: Filippo Santi; Giorgia Giovannetti; Margherita Velucchi
    Abstract: We use the instruments of the social network analysis to revisit the relationship between international migration and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows in the period between 2000 and 2015. Applying a multilevel mixed estimator inspired to the gravity literature, we test how and to what extent the structure of the international migrants’ network contributes to bilateral FDI flows. We find that the inclusion of network level statistics exposes a much larger degree of complexity in the relationship between international migration and investments. Testing the assumption that migrants networks act as preferential channel for information with their homeland, we find evidence that a more diverse immigrant community in investing countries could “perturb†the flow of information at bilateral level, de facto translating into lower bilateral FDI
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:frz:wpaper:wp2021_17.rdf&r=
  4. By: Jorge González Chapela; Sergi Jiménez-Martín; Judith Vall Castello
    Abstract: We exploit a child labor regulation that raised the minimum working age from 14 to 16 while leaving the age for compulsory education at 14 to provide new evidence on the causal effect of education on migration. Individuals born at the beginning of the year are more likely to complete compulsory and post-compulsory education if they turn 14 after the reform. Men’s internal migration flows were unaffected by the reform. For women, long-distance migration and the distance moved by migrants declined after the reform, whereas certain types of short-distance moves increased. Some implications of these findings and a consideration of their external validity are also provided.
    Date: 2021–12
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:fda:fdaeee:eee2021-34&r=
  5. By: Lacava, Chiara
    Abstract: I measure the effects of workers' mobility across regions of different productivity through the lens of a search and matching model with heterogeneous workers and firms estimated with administrative data. In an application to Italy, I find that reallocation of workers to the most productive region boosts productivity at the country level but amplifies differentials across regions. Employment rates decline as migrants foster job competition, and inequality between workers doubles in less productive areas since displacement is particularly severe for low-skill workers. Migration does affect mismatch: mobility favors co-location of agents with similar productivity but within-region rank correlation declines in the most productive region. I show that worker-firm complementarities in production account for 33% of the productivity gains. Place-based programs directed to firms, like incentives for hiring unemployed or creating high productivity jobs, raise employment rates and reduce the gaps in productivity across regions. In contrast, subsidies to attract high-skill workers in the South have limited effects.
    Keywords: cross-regional mobility,mismatch,search-matching,sorting,productivity differentials
    JEL: J61 J64 R13
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:icirwp:4421&r=
  6. By: Aubry, Amandine; Héricourt, Jérôme; Marchal, Léa; Nedoncelle, Clément
    Abstract: Does immigration affect wages? No decisive answer has been provided until now. We propose an up-to-date meta-analysis of the literature investigating this question, based on 2,146 estimates from 64 studies published between 1972 and 2019. We find that, on average, the literature reports a negative and close to zero effect of immigration on native wages. This result holds for both low/medium-skilled and high-skilled native individuals. This average effect, however, hides a large heterogeneity across studies. Variation across estimates can be explained by the presence of structural heterogeneity such as the country of analysis or the use of micro-level data, as well as to heterogeneity in research designs such as the use of difference-in-differences. Finally, we estimate a significant and negative effect of publishing in leading academic journals and propose a discussion on the potential publication bias in the literature.
    Keywords: Immigration, Labor Market, Meta-Analysis, Wage
    Date: 2022–01
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:cpm:docweb:2202&r=
  7. By: Martin Halla; Christopher Kah (Department of Economic Theory, Policy and History, University of Innsbruck); Rupert Sausgruber
    Abstract: To test for ethnic discrimination in access to outpatient health care services, we carry out an email-correspondence study in Germany. We approach 3,224 physician offices in the 79 largest cities in Germany with fictitious appointment requests and randomized patients’ characteristics. We find that patients’ ethnicity, as signaled by distinct Turkish versus German names, does not affect whether they receive an appointment or wait time. In contrast, patients with private insurance are 31 percent more likely to receive an appointment. Holding a private insurance also increases the likelihood of receiving a response and reduces the wait time. This suggests that physicians use leeway to prioritize privately insured patients to enhance their earnings, but they do not discriminate persons of Turkish origin based on taste. Still, their behavior creates means-based barriers for economically disadvantaged groups
    Keywords: Discrimination, immigrants, ethnicity, health care markets, health insurance, inequality, correspondence experiment, field experiment
    JEL: I11 J15 I14 I18 H51 C93
    Date: 2021–11
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:jku:econwp:2021-15&r=
  8. By: Phi Hong Su; Hameed Hakimi
    Abstract: In a 2017 UNU-WIDER project, 'Forced migration and inequality', one of us collaborated on a comparison of Afghan and Vietnamese refugee resettlement across four Western countries. In the light of the Taliban return to power in August 2021, we revisit the contributions of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies special issue that resulted from that earlier project. In doing so, we re-evaluate the framework of contexts of reception that shape the resettlement of (forced) migrants: governance policies, labour markets, and coethnic communities.
    Keywords: Afghanistan, Context of reception, Middle East and South Asia, Migration, Refugees, Securitization
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:unu:wpaper:wp-2021-190&r=
  9. By: Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik (Statistics Norway); Jennifer A. Holland
    Abstract: Using Norwegian register data on migrant-background individuals born 1985 to 2001 who were either native born or who immigrated as children or teens, in combination with data from the World Marriage Database, we investigate how residential partner markets and marriage behavior in countries of origin shape partner choice and choice of union type in Norway. Results from crossclassified multilevel hazards models confirmed that a higher share of “co-ethnics” in the county of residence was negatively related to exogamy and positively related to cohabiting endogamously. Further, a pattern of less traditional partnership behavior in countries of origin was associated with less traditional behavior in Norway. More specifically, a later singulate mean age of marriage (SMAM) in countries of origin was positively related to cohabitation, whereas those originating from a country with a higher share of unmarried in ages 25 to 29 were less prone to marry endogamously. These associations varied by ages at arrival and gender. Taken together, our results provide evidence that norms and behaviors in countries of origin continue to shape the partnership behaviors of young migrant-background individuals, even among those who were born and raised in Norway.
    Keywords: Partner choice; Partnership markets; Countries of origin; Cohabitation; Marriage; The second generation; Childhood immigrants; Norway
    JEL: J10 J12 J15 Y8
    Date: 2021–11
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ssb:dispap:968&r=

This nep-mig issue is ©2022 by Yuji Tamura. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.