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nep-mig New Economics Papers
on Economics of Human Migration
Issue of 2021‒05‒03
five papers chosen by
Yuji Tamura
La Trobe University

  1. Refugee-Specific Government Aid, Institutional Embeddedness and Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in Life: Evidence from Post-WWII GDR Refugees By Black, Sandra E.; Liepmann, Hannah; Remigereau, Camille; Spitz-Oener, Alexandra
  2. Aversion to Breaking Rules and Migration By Anelli, Massimo; Colussi, Tommaso; Ichino, Andrea
  3. National Identity and the Integration of Second-Generation Immigrants By Monscheuer, Ole
  4. Ancestors, inter-generational transmission of attitudes, and corporate performance: Evidence from the Italian Mass Migration By Florio, Erminia; Manfredonia, Stefano
  5. Understanding the Origins of Populist Political Parties and the Role of External Shocks By Eugenio Levi; Isabelle Sin; Steven Stillman

  1. By: Black, Sandra E. (Columbia University); Liepmann, Hannah (International Labor Organization); Remigereau, Camille (HU Berlin); Spitz-Oener, Alexandra (HU Berlin)
    Abstract: We exploit a unique historical setting to investigate how refugee-specific government aid affects the medium-term outcomes of refugees who migrate as children and young adults. German Democratic Republic (GDR) refugees who escaped to West Germany between 1946 and 1961 who were acknowledged to be “political refugees” were eligible for refugee-targeted aid, but only after 1953. We combine several approaches to address identification issues resulting from the fact that refugees eligible for aid are both self-selected and screened by local authorities. We find positive effects of aid-eligibility on educational attainment, job quality and income among the refugees who migrated as young adults (aged 15-24). We do not find similar effects of aid-eligibility for refugees who migrated as children (aged 1-14). The overall results suggest that factors coming from the refugee experience per se do not impact negatively on the later-in-life socio-economic success of refugees. The often-found negative effects in various measures of integration in other refugee episodes are therefore likely driven by confounding factors that our unique historical setting allows mitigates.
    Keywords: ;
    Date: 2019–12–18
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:rco:dpaper:224&r=
  2. By: Anelli, Massimo (Bocconi University); Colussi, Tommaso (Catholic University Milan); Ichino, Andrea (European University Institute)
    Abstract: Migration movements may increase the geographic dispersion of the Aversion to Breaking Rules (ABR) in a population, with possible long-term economic consequences. We show this result with Italian Census data, using indicators of false birth date registrations for families of South-North migrants and remainers in the two macro-regions. Within locality×biennium cells, deterrence and cheating benefits are similar in the two groups and thus cheating differences are informative about the underlying ABR, as our theory suggests. We also exploit the Fascist reforms of 1926 as shocks to deterrence, offering additional information on the underlying ABR of migrant and remainer families.
    Keywords: migration, aversion to breaking rules, Italy
    JEL: J61 C93 R23
    Date: 2021–04
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14286&r=
  3. By: Monscheuer, Ole (HU Berlin)
    Abstract: This paper studies the effect of immigrants' national identity on integration in an inter-generational context. Economic theory predicts that the origin country identity of immigrants affects their children's integration through its effects on social network choices and incentives to invest in country-specific human capital. Yet, it is difficult to identify these effects empirically due to potential endogeneity. The empirical analysis of this paper relies on a novel IV strategy inspired by the epidemiological approach, and exploits rich survey data from the U.S. Results show that children whose parents are strongly attached to their origin country have less contact to natives and develop a stronger origin country identity. Consistent with the theoretical argument, they speak English less frequently and more poorly, and perform worse in school compared to peers whose parents are less attached to their origin country. Additional results from the CPS suggest that there exist negative long-term effects on labor market outcomes.
    Keywords: ;
    JEL: F22 J15 Z13
    Date: 2020–11–10
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:rco:dpaper:262&r=
  4. By: Florio, Erminia; Manfredonia, Stefano
    Abstract: We study the effect of the attitudes of a CEO's ancestors on firm performance. To do so, we collect detailed information on emigrants from Italian municipalities during the Age of Mass Migration (1892-1924) from Ellis Island ships lists and use emigration experience as a proxy for ancestors' risk propensity. We adopt an epidemiological approach complemented with an instrumental variables strategy and find that Italian firms managed by a CEO that belongs to a family with past emigration experience tend to perform better and to be more productive. In line with an inter-generational transmission of attitudes hypothesis, we show a positive relationship between the emigration experience of a CEO's ancestors and alternative measures of corporate risk-taking. The attitudes of a CEO's ancestors have as well consequences on firm solvency and on the cost of capital.
    Keywords: Emigration,Attitudes,Corporate Performance,Mass Migration
    JEL: G30 M14 Z1
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:glodps:830&r=
  5. By: Eugenio Levi; Isabelle Sin; Steven Stillman
    Abstract: We use electoral survey data to examine the impact that two large external shocks had on the development of New Zealand First (NZF), one of the oldest populist parties in the OECD. We find that structural reforms, which led to large negative impacts on particular locations, and immigration reforms, which led to large spatially concentrated increases in skilled migration, both increased voting for NZF in its first years of existence. These shocks led to changes in political attitudes and policy preferences and had persistent effects on voting for NZF even twenty years later. Overall, they play an important role in explaining the rise of populism in NZ. Understanding how these shocks led to the development of NZF is particularly relevant for thinking about how populism has been extending its reach in the 2010s.
    Keywords: populism, political parties, trade, immigration, shocks
    JEL: D72 P16 H40
    Date: 2021
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9036&r=

This nep-mig issue is ©2021 by Yuji Tamura. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at http://nep.repec.org. For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <director@nep.repec.org>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.