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nep-mig New Economics Papers
on Economics of Human Migration
Issue of 2012‒10‒20
five papers chosen by
Yuji Tamura
Australian National University

  1. Do family ties with those left behind intensify or weaken migrants' assimilation? By Stark, Oded; Dorn, Agnieszka
  2. Education and Migration Choices in Hierarchical Societies: The Case of Matam, Senegal. By Auriol, Emmanuelle; Demonsant, Jean-Luc
  3. The Impact of Immigration on the Educational Attainment of Natives By Hunt, Jennifer
  4. The Human Capital (Schooling) of Immigrants in America By Smith, James P.
  5. Sharing Norm Pressures and Community Remittances: Evidence from a Natural Disaster in the Pacific Islands By Richard P.C Brown; Gareth Leeves; Prabha Prayaga

  1. By: Stark, Oded; Dorn, Agnieszka
    Abstract: Strong ties with the home country and with the host country can coexist. An altruistic migrant who sends remittances to his family back home assimilates more the more altruistic he is, and also more than a non-remitting migrant. --
    Keywords: Assimilation of migrants,Acculturation identity,Links with the home country,Altruism,Remittances
    JEL: D01 D13 D64 F22 F24
    Date: 2012
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:tuewef:45&r=mig
  2. By: Auriol, Emmanuelle; Demonsant, Jean-Luc
    Abstract: This paper examines determinants of schooling in traditional hierarchical societies with an established history of outmigration. In the village, a ruling caste controls local political and religious institutions. For children who do not belong to the ruling caste, migration is a strategy to increase social mobility, a process that is enhanced by formal schooling. Since formally educated migrants tend not to return to the home community, the ruling caste seeks to develop family loyalty by choosing religious education instead. The theory hence predicts that the social status of the family has a significant impact on the parental educational choices of future migrant children. Children from the ruling caste who are encouraged by their parents to migrate have a lower probability of being sent to formal school than children from the low caste. The theoretical predictions are tested on data from the Matam region in Senegal, a region where roughly one of every two children has ever attended school.
    JEL: I21 O12 O15 O17 Z13
    Date: 2012–05
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ner:toulou:http://neeo.univ-tlse1.fr/3236/&r=mig
  3. By: Hunt, Jennifer
    Abstract: Using a state panel based on census data from 1940-2010, I examine the impact of immigration on the high school completion of natives in the United States. Immigrant children could compete for schooling resources with native children, lowering the return to native education and discouraging native high school completion. Conversely, native children might be encouraged to complete high school in order to avoid competing with immigrant high-school dropouts in the labor market. I find evidence that both channels are operative and that the net effect is positive, particularly for native-born blacks, though not for native-born Hispanics. An increase of one percentage point in the share of immigrants in the population aged 11-64 increases the probability that natives aged 11-17 eventually complete 12 years of schooling by 0.3 percentage points, and increases the probability for native-born blacks by 0.4 percentage points. I account for the endogeneity of immigrant flows by using instruments based on 1940 settlement patterns.
    Keywords: Education; Immigration
    JEL: I21 J15
    Date: 2012–10
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9170&r=mig
  4. By: Smith, James P. (RAND)
    Abstract: This paper deals with several salient issues about immigrants to the United States and their education. These issues include a comparison of the schooling accomplishments of immigrants and the native-born that emphasizes the considerable diversity in the schooling accomplishments among different immigrant sub-groups and between legal and undocumented migrants. I also examine the role of the foreign-born who come to the United States for post-secondary schooling. Finally, I show that the educational generational progress among all groups of immigrants to the United States has been quite impressive during the 19th and 20th centuries.
    Keywords: immigration, education
    JEL: I20 I23 I28 J10 J15 J61
    Date: 2012–10
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izadps:dp6899&r=mig
  5. By: Richard P.C Brown (School of Economics, The University of Queensland); Gareth Leeves; Prabha Prayaga (School of Economics, The University of Queensland)
    Abstract: Migrants are often subject to social pressures to remit beyond their own households, to share the benefits of migration with the wider community in their home country; these are ‘community remittances’. We hypothesize that community sharing norm pressures are stronger in locations with more extensive home-community networks. We also postulate that the responsiveness of remittances to sharing pressures is subject to diminishing returns, attributable to a donor fatigue effect. Using customized survey data from three Polynesian migrant groups in metropolitan and regional Australia, we estimate double-hurdle regression models of community remittances. To identify the effects of sharing norm pressures we exploit an exogenous (cyclone) shock to home country incomes affecting one sub-group. We find strong evidence in support of the postulated responsiveness of community remittances to location-related differences in sharing norm pressures, and the presence of a donor fatigue effect. The policy implications are discussed.
    Date: 2012–10–01
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:qld:uq2004:471&r=mig

This nep-mig issue is ©2012 by Yuji Tamura. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.