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Curriculum Vitae

University of Notre Dame, Department of English, Faculty Member
ERNEST MORRELL Coyle Professor of Literacy Education Director, Notre Dame Center for Literacy Education Professor, English and Africana Studies Departments University of Notre Dame 107 Carole Sandner Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556 Email: EDUCATION 2001 Ph.D., Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of California at Berkeley (Recipient of Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2001) 1997 M.A., Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of California at Berkeley 1994 Credential, Secondary English, University of California at Berkeley 1993 B.A., English Literature, University of California at Santa Barbara EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 2017- Director, Notre Dame Center for Literacy Education University of Notre Dame 2017- Director, Notre Dame African Diaspora Initiative University of Notre Dame 2010-2017 Director, Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME) Columbia University, Teachers College 2005-2011 Associate Director, Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access University of California, Los Angeles 2008-2011 Division Head, Urban Schooling Division, Department of Education University of California, Los Angeles 2008-2010 Director, Educational Studies Minor, Department of Education University of California, Los Angeles FACULTY POSITIONS 2017- Coyle Professor in Literacy Education Professor, English and Africana Studies Departments Professor, Education, Schooling, and Society Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies Fellow, Institute for Educational Initiatives University of Notre Dame 2011- 2017 Macy Professor of English Education Columbia University, Teachers College 2005-2011 Associate Professor & Division Head, Urban Schooling Director, Education Studies Minor (ESM) Affiliated Faculty, Bunche Center for African-American Studies Graduate School of Education & Information Studies University of California, Los Angeles 2001-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education Affiliated faculty, African-American and African Studies Department Affiliated faculty English Department Michigan State University 2001-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, American Educational Research Association 2001-2004 Faculty Fellow & Co-Director, Critical Research and Writing Seminar Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access University of California, Los Angeles 2000-2001 Research Associate, Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access University of California, Los Angeles 1999-2000 Research Associate, Center X, Graduate School of Education University of California, Los Angeles 1999-2001 Coordinator of Teacher Recruitment, Graduate School of Education University of California, Los Angeles 1998-1999 Supervisor of Student Teaching, University of San Francisco 1997-1999 Instructor, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley 1997 College Writing Instructor, University of California, Berkeley 1996-1999 Research Associate, Graduate School of Education University of California, Berkeley 1994-1999 Secondary English & Social Studies Teacher, Basketball Coach Oakland High School, Oakland, California ELECTED POSITIONS AND NATIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2017-2020 Elected member, American Educational Research Association Council 2017-2020 Co-Convener, African Diaspora International Research Forum (IRN) World Educational Research Association (WERA) 2015- 2017 Appointed member, Literacy Research Panel, International Literacy Association (ILA), appointed members serve 3-year terms 2011-2015 President, Vice President, President-Elect, and Past President (Elected) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) 2013-2014 National Advisor, Advisory Board Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) 2011-2014 National Academy of Education, Spencer Postdoc Retreat Committee 2010-2013 Social Justice Action Committee (Appointed) American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2009-2010 Literacy Assessment Commission (Appointed) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) 2003-2007 Conference on English Education Executive Committee (Elected) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) AWARDS AND HONORS Top 200 in the 2019 Education Week-RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Top 200 in the 2018 Education Week-RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Annual Jean B. Carlson Lectureship, Northeastern Illinois, 2017 Commencement Speaker, Michigan State University College of Education, 2017 Selected Co-Convener of African Diaspora International Research Network, 2017-2020 2017 Divergent Award for Excellence in 21st Century Literacies Invited member of International Literacy Association (ILA) Research Panel Top 200 in the 2017 Education Week-RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Top 200 in the 2016 Education Week-RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Top 200 in the 2015 Education Week-RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings 2014 Outstanding Academic Title Book Award, American Library Association Harvard Graduate School of Education, Dean’s Distinguished Lecturer Class of 2014 AERA Fellow, American Educational Research Association President of the National Council of Teachers of English (Elected) Beacon Press-Simmons College 2011 Race, Education, & Democracy Lecturer Who’s Who in Black Los Angeles UCLA Department of Education Distinguished Teaching Award Winner Selected for inclusion in Academic Keys Who’s Who in Education (WWE) Executive Committee Member, Conference on English Education, Outstanding Dissertation Award, UC, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education, Recipient, AERA/OERI Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient, University of California Office of the President Postdoctoral Fellowship, UCLA, Teacher Education Program—Social Justice Fellow University of California, Berkeley--Passed Qualifying Examinations with Distinction, University of California, Berkeley-- Myrtle L. Judkins Memorial Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley-- Ned Flanders for Urban Education California Senate Certificate of Recognition for commitment to Oakland High University of California at Berkeley--Outstanding Instructor Award Recipient Oakland Unified School District--Certificate of Recognition Included in Positive Images of Oakland Calendar UC, Santa Barbara-- Vice Chancellor Award for Outstanding High School Teachers, San Jose State University--Dorothy Wright Award for Teaching Excellence Louise M. Patterson Award for service to the African American community University of California, Berkeley--Graduate Opportunity Program Fellowship Who's Who Among America's Teachers BOARD SERVICE Board of Directors, LitWorld, an International non-profit literacy organization Board of Directors, Education for Democracy Institute Expert Advisory Board, Book Trust AP Seminar Development Committee, College Board Academic Advisory Committee, College Board Advisory Board, Center for Education Equity, Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) Planning and Advisory Committee (Chair), African-Diaspora Consortium Advisory Board, Tucson Unified Desegregation Initiative Advisory Board, Mikva Action Civics Los Angeles Project Advisory Board, Young Global Scholars, Institute of Education, University of London Advisory Board, Hip-Hop Education Center (New York) (Past) Advisory Board, Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) (Past) Advisory Board, HOPE Foundation Courageous Leadership Awards (Past) Advisory Board, Campaign for Educational Equity, Teachers College (Past) Advisory Board, Ralph J. Bunche Center for African-American Studies, UCLA (Past) Advisory Board, African and African-American Studies Department, Michigan State (Past) PUBLICATIONS Books and Edited Special Journal Issues Erickson, A., and Morrell, E. (2019). Educating Harlem: Schooling and Resistance in an American Community. New York: Columbia University Press. Morrell, E, and Rowsell, J. (Eds.) (2019) Stories from the Digital Divide. New York: Routledge. Allyn, P., and Morrell, E. (2016). Every Child a Super Reader: 7 Strengths to Open a World of Possible. New York: Scholastic. Mirra, N., Garcia, A., and Morrell, E. (2016). Doing youth participatory action research: Transforming Inquiry for researchers, educators, and students. New York: Routledge. Morrell, E., and Scherff, L. (Eds.) (2015). New Directions in Teaching English: Reimagining Teaching, Teacher Education and Research. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Morrell, E., Duenas, R., Garcia, V, and Lopez, J. (2013). Critical Media Pedagogies: Teaching for Achievement in City Schools. New York: Teachers College Press. [Winner of the 2014 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine of the American Library Association] Garcia, A., and Morrell, E. (Eds.) (2013). City Youth and the Pedagogy of Participatory Media. Learning, Media, and Technology. London: Taylor and Francis [Special Issue] Duncan-Andrade, J., and Morrell, E. (2008) The Art of Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools. New York: Peter Lang. Morrell, E. (2008). Critical Literacy and Urban Youth: Pedagogies of Access, Dissent, and Liberation. New York: Routledge. Morrell, E. (2004). Linking Literacy and Popular Culture: Finding Connections for Lifelong Learning. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon. Morrell, E. (2004). Becoming Critical Researchers: Literacy and Empowerment for Urban Youth. New York: Peter Lang. Book Chapters, Articles, and Encyclopedia Entries Morrell, E., Mirra, N., and Filipiak, D. (2018). From digital consumption to digital invention: Toward a new critical theory of multiliteracies. Theory Into Practice, 57 (1), 12-19. Morrell, E. (2018). Foreword. In N. Mirra, Educating Toward Empathy: Literacies for a 21st Century Democracy. New York: Teachers College Press. Lyiscott, J., Caraballo, L., and Morrell, E. (2018). An anticolonial framework for urban teacher preparation. The New Educator Morrell, E. (2017). Towards equity and diversity in literacy research, policy, and practice: A critical, global approach. Journal of Literacy Research, 49 (3), 454-463. Rowsell, J., Morrell, E., & Alvermann, D. E. (2017). Confronting the digital divide: Debunking brave new world discourses. The Reading Teacher, 71 (2) 157-165. Scorza, D., Bertrand, M., Bautista. M., Morrell, E., & Matthews, C., (2017). The dual pedagogy of YPAR: Teaching students and students as teachers. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 39 (2) 139-160. Rajan, S., Roberts, K.J., Guerra, L, Pirsch, M., and Morrell, E. (2017). Integrating health education efforts into core curriculum classrooms: Successes, challenges, and implications for urban middle school. Journal of School Health, 87 (12), 949-957. Caraballo, L., Lozenski, B., Lyiscott, J., and Morrell, E. (2017). Youth Participatory Action Research and Critical Epistemologies: Rethinking Educational Research. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 311-336. Rowsell, J., Morrell, E., and Alvermann, D. (2017). Overcoming the Digital Divide: Four Critical Steps [Policy brief]. Newark, DE: International Literacy Association. de los Rios, C., Lopez, J., and Morrell, E. (2016). Critical Ethnic studies in the high school classroom: Academic achievement via social action. In P. Noguera, J. Pierce, and R. Ahram (Eds). The unfulfilled promise of racial equality in education: Current realities and future prospects. New York: Springer. Morrell, E. (2015). Teaching English Powerfully: Four Challenges. English in Texas, 45 (1) 5-7. Morrell, E. (2015). The 2014 Presidential Address. NCTE Council Chronicle, 24 (3) 14. Morrell, E. (2015). Powerful English at NCTE Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Toward the Next Movement. Research in the Teaching of English, 49 (3), 307-327. Morrell, E. (2015). Strategic governance and NCTE’s next movement. In D. Cambridge and P. Stock (Eds.) Structural kindness: Essays on literacy education in honor of Kent D. Williamson (pp. 156-162). Urbana, IL: NCTE Press. de los Rios, C., Lopez, J., and Morrell, E. (2015). Toward a critical pedagogy of race: Ethnic studies and literacies of power in high school classrooms. Race and Social Problems, 7(1), 84-96. Garcia, A., Mirra, N., Morrell, E. Scorza, D., and Martinez, A. (2015). The council of youth research: Critical literacy and civic agency in the digital age. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 31(2) 151-167. Morrell, E. (2015). Popular culture 2.0: Teaching critical media literacy in the English Language Arts classroom. New England Reading Association Journal, Morrell, E. (2014). English Teaching as Teaching Students to Read the Word and the World: A Presidential Commentary. NCTE Council Chronicle, 24 (2). Morrell, E. (2014). Critical Action Research and the Future of English Education: A Presidential Commentary. NCTE Council Chronicle, 24 (1). Morrell, E. (2014). Toward a Critical Model of Teacher Learning: Lessons from the South Carolina Reading Initiative. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 30 (3). Morrell, E. (2014). Cultures, contexts, and codes: An interview with NCTE President Ernest Morrell. English Journal, 103 (4) 12-15. Bautista, M., Bertrand, M., Morrell, E., Scorza, D., and Matthews, C. (2013). Participatory Action Research and City Youth: Methodological Insights from the Council of Youth Research. Teachers College Record, 115 (2). Mirra, N., Morrell, E., Cain, E., Scorza, D., and Ford, A. (2013). Educating for a critical democracy: Civic participation re-imagined in the council of youth research. Democracy and Education, 21 (1) 1-10. Morrell, E. (2013). Inventors of the Future: A Vision for NCTE and Our Affiliates. Statement. Morrell, E. (2013). 21st century literacies, critical media pedagogy, and the future of English language arts. Reading Teacher, 66 (4) Scorza, D., Mirra, N., and Morrell, E. (2013). It should just be education: Critical pedagogy normalized as academic excellence. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4 (2), 15-34. Morrell, E. (2012). Teachers as critical researchers: An empowering model for urban education. In G. Cannella & S. Steinberg (Eds). The Critical Qualitative Research Reader (pp. 364-379). New York: Peter Lang. Morrell, J., and Morrell, E. (2012). Linking the Word to the World: Connecting Multicultural Literature to the Lives of 21st Century Youth. The Dragon Lode. Morrell, E., and Morrell, J. (2012). Multicultural Readings of Multicultural Literature and the Promotion of Social Awareness in ELA Classrooms. New England Reading Association Journal, 47(2), 10-16. Garcia, A., and Morrell, E. (2013). City youth and the pedagogy of participatory media. Learning, Media, and Technology, 38 (2), 123-137. Morrell, E., and Noguera, P. (2011). A framework for change: A broader and bolder approach to school reform. Teachers College Record. August 4, 2011: ID Number 16503. Morrell, E., Maloney, E. and De Maret, P. (2011) A Conversation Between Three Literacy Educators. Statement, 48 (1), 21-25. Morrell, E. (2011). Critical Approaches to Media in Urban English Language Arts Teacher Development. Action in Teacher Education, 33 (2), 157-171. Morrell, E. (2011). The Importance of Context in Literacy Instruction. In D. Fisher and D. Lapp. (Eds.)The Handbook of Research on English Language Arts (pp. 69-76). New York: Routledge. Rogers, J., and Morrell, E. (2011). A Force to Reckon With: The Campaign for College Access in Los Angeles. In M. Orr and J. Rogers (Eds.). Public Engagement and Public Education: Joining Forces to Revitalize Democracy and Equalize Schools (pp. 227-250). Stanford: Stanford University Press. Mirra, N., and Morrell, E. (2011). Teachers as Civic Agents: Toward a Critical Democratic Theory of Urban Teacher Development Journal of Teacher Education, 62 (4), 408-420. Morrell, E. (2011). Powerful Leadership in English Education. English Leadership Quarterly, 34(2) 14-18. Florio-Ruane, S. and Morrell, E. (2011). Discourse Analysis: Conversation. In N. Duke and M. Mallette. Literacy Research Methodologies. New York: Guilford, Completely revised second edition. Morrell, E. (2010). Critical Literacy, Educational Investment, and the Blueprint for Educational Reform: An Analysis of the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 54 (2) 146-149. Morrell, E. (2009). Critical Research and the Future of Literacy Education. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 53 (2), 96-104. Morrell, E. (2009). Teaching Hip-hop in the English Classroom. In R. Hammer and D. Kellner (Eds.) Media/Cultural Studies: Critical Approaches (pp. 152-164). New York: Peter Lang. Morrell, E (2009). Media Literacy. In K. Lomotey (Ed.) Encyclopedia for African-American Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Morrell, E. (2008). Teaching Became a Revolution. In S. Nieto (Ed.) Dear Paulo: Letters from those who dare teach (pp. 102-103). New York: Paradigm. Morrell, E. (2008). Rebel Musics: African Diaspora Popular Culture and Critical Literacies. In C. Payne and C. Strickland (Eds.)Teach Freedom: The African American Tradition of Education for Liberation (pp. 222-235). New York: Teachers College Press. Morrell, E., and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). Comin’ from the School of Hard Knocks: Hip and the Revolution of English Classrooms in City Schools. In B. Ayres, G. Ladson-Billings, G. Michie, and P. Noguera (Eds.) City Kids, City Schools: More reports from the front row (pp. 197-207). New York: New Press. Morrell, E. (2008). The Critical Uses of Hip-hop in Antiracist Education. In M. Pollock (Ed.) Everyday Antiracism (pp. 161-165). New York: New Press. Morrell, E. (2008). Creating Communities of Writers and Connections Between Writers and Communities: Professional Resources for Teachers. Language Arts, 85 (4), 322-324. Morrell, E. (2007). Youth Participatory Action Research, Civic Engagement, and Educational Reform: Lessons from the IDEA Seminar. In J. Camarrota and M. Fine (Eds). Revolutionizing Education: Youth Participatory Action Research in Motion (pp. 155-185). New York: Routledge. Morrell, E. (2007). Preface. In sj Miller and L. Norris. Unpacking the Loaded Teacher Matrix: Negotiating Space and Time Between University and Secondary English Classrooms (pp. xi-xv). New York: Peter Lang. Duncan-Andrade, J., and Morrell, E. (2007). Critical Pedagogy and Popular Culture in an Urban English Classroom. In J. Kincheloe and P. McLaren (Eds.) Critical Pedagogy: Where Are We Now? (pp. 183-201). New York: Peter Lang. Morrell, E. (2007). Critical Literacy and Popular Culture in Urban Education: Toward a Pedagogy of Access and Dissent. In C. Clark and M. Blackburn (Eds.). Literacy Research for Political Action and Social Change (pp. 235-255). New York: Peter Lang. Morrell, E. (2007). Urban Students as Critical Ethnographers: Critical Textual Production through Community-Based Research. In J. Kincheloe & K. Hayes (Eds.), Teaching City Kids: Understanding and Appreciating Them (pp. 267-281). New York: Peter Lang. Rogers, J., Morrell, E., and Enyedy, N. (2007). Contexts for becoming critical researchers: Designing for identities and creating new learning opportunities. American Behavioral Scientist, 51 (3), 419-443. Barone, D., and Morrell, E. (2007). Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading: Preparing Teachers for a Changing World. Reading Research Quarterly, 42 (1), 167-180. Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2007). Youth Culture. In Kathryn Borman, Spencer Cahill, and Bridget Cotner (Eds.) The Praeger Handbook of the American High School. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Morrell, E. (2007) Media Literacy. In C. Claus- Ehlers (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology. Springer International. Morrell, E. (2007). Academic Achievement. In Kathryn Borman, Spencer Cahill, and Bridget Cotner (Eds.) The Praeger Handbook of the American High School. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Morrell, E., and Rogers, J. (2006). Students as Critical Public Historians: Insider Research on Diversity and Access in Post Brown v. Board Los Angeles. Social Education, 70 (6), 366-369. Morrell, E. (2006). Critical Participatory Action Research and the Literacy Achievement of Ethnic Minority Groups. 55th Annual Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 55, 60-78. Morrell, E., and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). Popular Culture and Critical Media Pedagogy in Secondary Literacy Classrooms. International Journal of Learning, 12 (9), 273-280. Boyd, F., Morrell, E., et. al. (2006). Real teaching for real diversity: Preparing English language arts teachers for 21st century classrooms. English Education, 38 (4), 329-350. Morrell, E., and Orellana, M. (2006). Professional Resources for Teaching Multimodal Literacies. Language Arts, 84 (1), 87-92. Morrell, E. (2006). Toward a Bottom-Up Accountability System in Urban Education: Students as Researchers in Urban Schools. In J. Cammarota, S. Ginwright, and P. Noguera (Eds.) Beyond Resistance! Youth Activism and Community Change (pp. 111-129). New York: Routledge. Burns, L., and Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Discourse Analysis in Literacy Research. 54th Annual Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 54, 132-143. Morrell, E. (2005). Toward a Critical English Education: Reflections on and Projections for the Discipline. English Education, 37 (4), 312-322 Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2005). Turn Up That Radio, Teacher: Popular Cultural Pedagogy in New Century Urban Schools. Journal of School Leadership, 15, 284-308. Morrell, E. (2004). Bahktin’s Dialogic Pedagogy: Implications for Critical Pedagogy, Teacher Research, and Literacy Education in the United States. Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology, 42 (6), 90-95. Collatos, A., Morrell, E., Lara, R., and Nuno, A. (2004). Critical Sociology in K-16 Early Intervention: Remaking Latino Pathways to Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 3 (2), 164-180. Morrell, E., & Duncan-Andrade, J. (2004) What Youth Do Learn in School: Using Hip-Hop as a Bridge to Canonical Poetry. In J. Mahiri (Ed.), What They Don't Learn in School: Literacy in the Lives of Urban Youth (pp. 247-268). New York: Peter Lang. Florio-Ruane, S. and Morrell, E. (2004). Discourse Analysis: Conversation. In N. Duke and M. Mallette. Literacy Research Methodologies (pp. 46-61). New York: Guilford. Morrell, E. (2003). English/Language Arts Curriculum Revisited: Using Court Trials to Teach Writing in Secondary English Classrooms. Florida English Journal, 39 (1), 20-22. Reprinted as “Focus” on Writing for NCTE’s Classroom Notes Plus, January 2004. Morrell, E., & Collatos, A. (2003). Toward a Critical Teacher Pedagogy: Utilizing Student Sociologists as Teacher Educators. Social Justice, 29 (4), 60-71. Morrell, E. (2003). Writing to Change the World: Creating Critical and Relevant Texts in Secondary English Classrooms. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 19 (1), 25-27. Morrell, E. (2003). Legitimate Peripheral Participation as Professional Development: Lessons from a Summer Research Seminar. Teacher Education Quarterly, 30 (2), 89-99. Collatos, A., & Morrell, E. (2003). Apprenticing Urban Youth as Critical Researchers: Implications for School Reform. In B. Rubin and E. Silva (Eds.) Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living Through Change (pp.113-132). New York: Routledge/Falmer. Morrell, E. (2003). Teaching about Diversity through Popular Film in Secondary English Classrooms. Arizona English Bulletin, 45 (2), 23-27. Morrell, E. (2002). Putting Chaucer on Trial: Using Popular Cultural Schemata to Increase Critical Reading in Secondary Classrooms. California English, 7 (5), 24-25. Morrell, E. (2002). Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Popular Culture: Literacy Development among Urban Youth. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 46 (1), 72-77. Reprinted through the peer-reviewed internet journal of the International Reading Association Reading Online: Focus on Urban Education initiatives, 2003. Morrell, E., & Duncan-Andrade, J. (2002). Toward a Critical Classroom Discourse: Promoting Academic Literacy through Engaging Hip-hop Culture with Urban Youth. English Journal, 91 (6), 88-94. Morrell, E. (2002). Getting Tuned In: Teaching Television and Film in Diverse Secondary English Classrooms. Indiana English, 25 (1), 22-25. Morrell, E. (2002). Cybercommunities of Practice: Implications for Secondary English Teachers. Michigan English Teacher, 54 (2), 14. Morrell, E. (2002). Teaching Popular Culture to Diverse Students in Secondary English Classrooms: Implications for Literacy Development. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 18 (1), 9-12. Oakes, J., Rogers, J., Lipton, M., & Morrell, E. (2002). The Social Construction of College Access: Confronting the Technical, Cultural, and Political in Eligibility. In Tierney, W.G. and Haggerdon, L.S. (Eds.), Extending our Reach: Strategies for Increasing Access to College (pp.105-121). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Morrell, E. (2001). Using Hip-hop Culture to Promote Academic and Critical Literacy in Urban Schools. Center X Forum. Morrell, E. (2000) In Their Words, For Their Worlds: Academic and Critical Literacy Development in a High School Urban Studies Seminar. Center X Quarterly. Dissertation Morrell, E. (2001). Transforming Classroom Discourse: Academic and Critical Literacy Development through Engaging Popular Culture. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley. [Winner, Outstanding Dissertation Award.] PRESENTATIONS TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES Morrell, E. (2018). The Joy and Power of Reading. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. Houston, TX Morrell, E. (2018). Literacy and Justice for All: Developing Powerful Readers and Writers in Perilous Times. Paper Delivered at the annual meeting of the California Association of Teachers of English. San Diego, CA. Morrell, E. (2018). Towards a Strengths-based Social Emotional Framework for Improving Reading for Children. Texas CREST. Austin, TX. Morrell, E. (2018). Literacy, Leadership, and Racial Justice. Paper presented at the Teaching Race in the ELA Classroom Conference of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English. Waterford, MI. Morrell, E. (2018). New Directions in Literacy Teaching. Paper presented to the Florida Council of Language Arts Supervisors. Clearwater, FL Morrell, E. (2018). Developing Powerful Readers and Writers: A District Leader’s Call to Action. Paper presented at the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators conference. Madison, WI Morrell, E. (2018). Every Child a Super Reader: Seven Strengths to Open a World of Possible. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Association of Tennessee Morrell, E. (2017). The Joy and Power of Reading. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. St. Louis, MO. Morrell, E. (2017). Edmund W. Gordon’s Pedagogical Imagination. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX. Morrell, E. (2017). Researching Youth Identities in Contentious Political Moments. George Washington University Dean’s Salon Address delivered at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX. Morrell, E., and Khan, N. (2017). The Curriculum of the African Diaspora. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX. Manning, P., Morrell, E., and Freeman, K. (2017). The African Diaspora Course: Interventions for African American Educational Excellence. Talk delivered to the ETS Conference on Assessment and African American Educational Excellence, Washington, DC. Morrell, E. (2017). Social Justice, Leadership, and the future of the United States Military Academy. Paper and talk delivered at the 15th annual Diversity Leadership Conference, West Point, New York. Morrell, E. (2017). How Does the Work of Teaching Become the Work of Social Justice? Paper and Major Forum presentation at the annual meeting of the AACTE, Tampa, Florida. Morrell, E. (2017). The African Diaspora AP Course: Background, Pedagogy, Implementation, Research, and Significance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Atlanta, GA. Morrell E. (2016). Radical Self-Love, Critical Literacy, and the Future of Civic Education. Invited plenary session talk delivered at the annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education, Harvard University. Morrell, E. (2016). On Courage, Hope, Joy and the Power of Reading in Perilous Times. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. Atlanta, Georgia. Morrell, E. (2016). Critical Hermeneutics: Reading Theory for 21st Century English. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta, GA. Morrell, E. (2016). Toward a Critical Comparative Approach to Equity, Diversity and Policy in Literacy Teaching and Learning. Invited research panel presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA. Morrell, E. (2016). Promoting Digital Literacies in Middle Grades Classrooms. Literacy Research Panel Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA. Morrell, E. (2016). Academic and Critical Literacy Development through Social Action Projects. Invited Research Poster session at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA. Allyn, P., and Morrell, E. (2016). Every Child a Super Reader: 7 Strengths to Open a World of Possible. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA. Morrell, E (2016). Educating the African Diaspora: A Critical, Comparative Perspective. Inaugural Henry M. Levin lecture delivered at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Vancouver, BC. Morrell, E. (2015). The Joy and Power of Reading. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Minneapolis, MN. Morrell, E. (2015). New Directions in Teaching English: Reimagining Teaching, Teacher Education, and Research. Bi-Annual Meeting of the International Federation of Teachers of English. Morrell, E. (2015). Educational Scholarship AS Praxis: Fighting for Justice in Local and Global Contexts. Invited keynote address given at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Morrell, E. (2015). Critical Media Pedagogy: Transforming Adolescent Literacy Instruction. Invited keynote address given at the annual meeting of the Manitoba Reading Association, Winnipeg, MB. Morrell, E. (2014). Powerful English Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Toward the Next Movement. Invited Presidential address delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Washington DC. Morrell, E. (2014). Critical Media Pedagogy and Supports for Struggling Readers. Invited Keynote presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA. Morrell, E. De los Rios, C. and Lopez, J. (2014). Toward a critical pedagogy of race: Ethnic Studies and literacies of power in High School Classrooms. Invited keynote delivered at the NYU Brown@60 Conference, New York, NY. Morrell, E. (2013). Cultivating Youth Voices: Teaching Writing in the Media Age. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. Morrell, E. (2013). Powerful Writing Instruction for the 21st Century. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX. Morrell, E. (2012). (Re)Inventing the Future of English. Invited keynote and paper delivered to the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Las Vegas, NV. Morrell, E. (2012). The Educational Imperative for Hip Hop Education. Invited paper delivered to the Hip-Hop Think Tank II Summit, New York, NY. Morrell, E. (2012). Popular Culture, Action Research, and Math Achievement in City Schools. Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), Columbus, OH. Morrell, E. (2012). The Literacies They Need: Teaching Reading and Writing in the 21st Century. Invited keynote delivered at the Diamond State Reading Association Conference, Dover, DE. Morrell, E. (2012). Our Second Century: A Grassroots Vision for Affiliates and the Future of NCTE. Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the NCTE Affiliates, St. Louis, MO. Morrell, E. (2012). Engaged Research and the Re-Imaging of Classroom Life. Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Critical Race Studies in Education Association, New York, NY. Morrell, E. (2012). Powerful English Language Arts: Reading and Writing Pedagogies for the 21st Century. Invited Teaching Edge Keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL. Morrell, E. (2012). Critical Media Pedagogy and Critical Language Awareness: Youth Production and the Re-Imaging of Classroom Life. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC. Morrell, E. (2012). Toward a grounded theory of engaged literacy research. Keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research (NCTEAR), Tuscaloosa, AL. Morrell, E. (2011). The Uses of Paulo Freire in 21st Century English Education. Paper given to the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Chicago, IL. Morrell, E. (2011). Community Engagement in Education: Does it Really Take a Village? Invited panel participant on the 5th Annual Children’s Storefront Urban Education Symposium. New York, NY. Morrell, E. (2011). Multicultural Readings of Multicultural Literatures in Diverse ELA Classrooms. Invited workshop keynote given to the annual meeting of the New England Reading Association, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Morrell, E. (2011). Critical Literacies and 21st Century Youth: New Possibilities for English Language Arts. Invited workshop keynote given to the annual meeting of the Colorado Language Arts Society, Golden, Colorado. Morrell, E. (2011). Accounting for Demographic Differences in Powerful English Language Arts Classrooms. Paper presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, Florida. Bautista, M., Bertrand, M., Morrell, E, Matthews, C., and Scorza, D. (2011) Youth research, democracy, and education transformation: Defying tradition in research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Morrell, E., Garcia, A., Martinez, A., Mirra, N., and Scorza, D. (2011). Learning for social change: Youth as Critical Researchers and Community Advocates. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Morrell, E. (2011). Critical Democratic Theory and Urban Teacher Development. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego, CA. Morrell, E. (2010). Context Specific Literacy Instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Orlando, Florida. Morrell, E. (2010). Academic and Critical Literacy through Documentary Filmmaking: Apprenticeships in Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Orlando, Florida. Morrell, E. (2010). Youth Voice and Adolescent Literacy Development: Toward a critical framework for Twenty-first Century Reading Pedagogies. Keynote address given to the annual meeting of the California Reading Association, Riverside, CA. Morrell, E., et. al. (2010). Proceedings. NSF Sponsored Colloquy on Minority Males in STEM. Baltimore, MD. Morrell, E. (2010). I Too Sing, America: Youth Voice and College Access for African-American Youth. Keynote address delivered to the annual meeting of the California Alliance of African-American Educators, Los Angeles, California. Morrell, E. (2010). Rigor, Relevance, and Powerful Literacies in Diverse 21st Century Classrooms. Keynote and presentation delivered at the NCTE Spring Virtual Conference. Morrell, E. (2010). Developing Youth Voices: Literacy, Identity and Achievement through Community Centered Activity. Keynote address delivered to the 20th annual meeting of the Superintendents’ Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity, Chicago, Illinois. Morrell, E. (2010). High School Students as Researchers of the Social Ecologies of their Lives. Presidential Session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, Colorado. Morrell, E., Mirra, N., and Rogers, J. (2010). Youth Research and Advocacy: Actions and Achievements for Change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, Colorado. Morrell, E. (2010). Critical Urban Literacy as Critical Documentary Filmmaking: Apprenticeships in Practice. Paper given to the Digital Media and Learning Conference, University of California, San Diego. Morrell, E. (2010). Literacy, Learning, and Leadership in 21st Century Schools. Presentation given to the annual meeting of the American Association of School Administrators, Phoenix, AZ. Alvermann, D., Duffy, G., Morrell, E., & Siegel, M. (2009). Integrative Research Review - A Debate With Ourselves About the Contributions of Literacy Research to Practice and Policy. Review of Research Address presented to the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Morrell, E. (2009) Critical Literacy for ALL Learners: Pedagogies of Access, Dissent, and Liberation. Invited keynote address given to the annual meeting of the California State University Center for the Advancement of Reading (CAR) Conference, Sacramento, California. Morrell, E. (2009). Teachers in Communities: Collaborations for Action and Change. Invited keynote and workshop given to the Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Conference, Tucson, Arizona. Morrell, E. (2009). Youth Research and the Project of Urban School Reform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California. Morrell, E. (2009). Plotting the Revolution: Being and Becoming Critical Educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California. Morrell, E. (2008). Conducting Community-Based Research with Urban Youth: Writing the Word and the World. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, Florida. Morrell, E. (2008). Oral Storytelling and Multimodal Presentations in a Powerful Urban English Classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, San Antonio, Texas. Morrell, E. (2008). Powerful English in Diverse 21st Century Classrooms. Paper presented to the NCTE Institute for 21st Century Literacies. Indianapolis, Indiana. Morrell, E. (2008). Critical Literacy Education in an Era of Globalization: Designs for Action, Achievement, and Change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York. Morrell, E. (2008). Critical Pedagogy in High School English: Achievement, Advocacy, and Small Spaces for Revolutionary Love. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York. Morrell, E. (2007). Bloggers, Texters, Rappers, and More: Youth Literacies in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York. Morrell, E. (2007). Critical Literacy and Popular Culture in Urban Education: Toward a Pedagogy of Access and Dissent. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York. Morrell, E. (2007). Becoming Documentary Filmmakers: Adolescent Learning and Literacy Development. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York. Morrell, E. (2007). Critical Pedagogy, Popular Culture, and Literacy Development in K-12 Classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Toronto, Ontario. Morrell, E. (2007). Critical Research and Urban Youth: Methodological Insights from a Summer Research Seminar. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Morrell, E. (2007). Academic Literacy Development During the Making of an iMovie: Multimodal Literacy Instruction for Urban Adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Morrell, E. (2007). Tensions, Possibilities, and a New Critical Pedagogy in Urban K-12 Education. Paper presented at the Oxford Critical Pedagogy Conference. Oxford, UK. Morrell, E. (2006). Critical Approaches to Teaching Film and Media Culture in Secondary English Classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Nashville, TN. Burns, L., and Morrell, E. (2006). Why Critical Discourse Analysis in Literacy Research. Paper virtually presented at the international virtual conference; The Role of Description and Explanation in Educational and Social Research. Morrell, E. (2006). Youth Participatory Action Research as Critical Pedagogy: Lessons from Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Morrell, E., and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). Toward a Critical Pan-Ethnic Studies Framework for Educational Research and Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Morrell, E. (2006). Teaching Critical Literacy through Popular Culture: Increasing Academic Achievement and Civic Engagement in Urban Education. Paper and interactive workshop delivered to the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research, Chicago. Morrell, E. (2005) A Review of the Research: Critical/Action Research and the Academic Achievement of Ethnic Minority Groups. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami Beach, FL. Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Approaches to Teaching Hip-Hop in Secondary English Classrooms. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Pittsburgh, PA. Morrell, E. (2005). Popular Culture, Cultural Studies, and Critical English Education. Paper presented at the Conference on English Education Colloquium, Pittsburgh, PA. Morrell, E. (2005). Toward a Radical/ International/ Decolonizing Model of Teacher Development. Paper virtually presented at the 4th annual conference of the Centre for Caribbean Thought, University of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Duncan-Andrade, J., and Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Media Literacy and Urban Youth. Paper virtually presented at the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Learning, Grenada Spain. Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Sociology as Civic Engagement: Urban Teens as Indigenous Researchers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal. Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Pedagogy, Popular Culture, and CHAT: Implications for literacy research and Praxis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal. Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Literacy, Media Production, and Civic Engagement among Urban Youth. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal. Morrell, E. (2005). Rebel Music on the Black Atlantic: From Urban Literacies to Academic and Social Transformations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Cushman, E., and Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Approaches to English Education: Sites for Pre-service Teacher Training. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal. Morrell, E. (2005). The Critical Uses of Hip-Hop in Antiracist Pedagogies in Secondary Classrooms. Paper presented at the fourth annual Race in the 21st Century conference, East Lansing, Michigan. Morrell, E. (2005). Critical Literacy and Popular Culture in Urban Education: Toward a Pedagogy of Access and Dissent. Invited paper and lecture presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research, Columbus, Ohio. Morrell, E., and Burns, L. (2004). Critical Discourse Analysis in Literacy Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference. San Antonio, Texas. Morrell, E. (2004). Toward a Bottom-Up Accountability System in Urban Education: Students as Researchers in Urban Schools. Paper presented at the Youth, Communities, and Social Justice conference. Sponsored by the Ford Foundation, New York. Morrell, E. (2004). Discourse Analysis: Conversation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. Morrell. E. (2004). Enacting Pedagogies and Literacies of Power: Lessons from a Research Seminar for Urban Students, Teachers, and Parents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. Morrell, E. (2004). Critical and Digital: New Media and Textual Production for Social Action in a Research and Writing Seminar. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Antonio. Morrell, E. (2004). Critical Ethnography in Urban Education: Promoting Literacy and Social Change through Community Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Conference for Urban Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania. Morrell, E. (2003). Parents and Students as Partners in Critical Research: Implications for Literacy Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, San Francisco. Morrell, E. (2003). Urban Students as Critical Ethnographers: Pedagogy and Production in Community-Based Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago. Morrell, E. and Collatos, A. (2003) Critical Pedagogy in a College Access Program for Students of Color. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Collatos, A. and Morrell, E. (2003) Futures in Theory and Practice: Critical Sociology in a College Access Intervention Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Collatos, A., & Morrell, E. (2003). Apprenticing Urban Youth as Critical Researchers: Implications for School Reform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Morrell, E. (2003). Teachers as Critical Researchers: The Role of Critical Research in Urban Teacher Transformation and Development. Paper prepared for the annual forum of the Center for Urban Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania. Morrell, E. and Rogers, J. (2003). Critical Learning and Critical Research in the IDEA Summer Seminar. Paper presented the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2003). E”race”ing, Enabling: Toward a Critical Media Pedagogy in Urban Secondary Literacy Classrooms. Paper presented at the NCTE Assembly for Research Midwinter Research Conference; Teaching and Researching Across Color Lines: Literacies, Pedagogies, and Politics of Difference; Minneapolis, MN. Morrell, E. (2003). Writing the Word and the World: Critical Literacy and Counter-textual Production in College Composition Courses. Paper presented at the Conference of College Composition and Communication, New York, NY. Collatos, A. and Morrell, E. (2003). Engaging Urban Students as Critical Researchers in the Sociology of Education: Disrupting Social Reproduction and Increasing Access to Higher Education. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Morrell, E. (2002). Legitimate Peripheral Participation as Professional Development: Lessons from a Summer Research Seminar. Paper presented at the first annual conference of the Urban Teacher Educator Network, Los Angeles, CA. Morrell, E. (2002). Becoming Critical Researchers: Literacy and Empowerment for Urban Youth. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami. Morrell, E. (2002). Teaching Popular Culture in Secondary English Classrooms. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta. Morrell, E. (2002). Toward a Critical Hip-Hop Pedagogy: Literacy and Empowerment for African-American Males in Urban Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Rogers, J. and Morrell, E. (2002). Learning about Capital: Social Theory in the High School Curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Sociology of Education Association, Asilomar. Morrell, E. (2001). Building Cybercommunities of Practice Among Urban Youth: Implications for Academic and Critical Literacy Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Baltimore. Morrell, E., & Collatos, A. (2001). Toward a Critical Teacher Pedagogy: Using Student Sociologists as Teacher Educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle. Morrell, E., Collatos, A., & Rogers, J. (2001). Transforming Consciousness: The Role of Critical Theory in a College Access Intervention Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle. Morrell, E. & Rogers, J. (2001). Learning about Capital: Toward a Grounded Theory of Critical Capital. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle. Morrell, E. (2000) Curriculum and Popular Culture: Building Bridges and Making Waves. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Morrell, E. (2000) Using Hip-Hop Culture as a Bridge to Canonical Poetry Texts in an Urban Secondary English Class. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Morrell, E., & Rogers, J. (2000) ED 001: A Case Study in Reconstructing College "Readiness". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Morrell, E., Montaño, T., Lopez-Metcalfe, E., Pacheco, M., & Wilcher, M. (2000) Diversity and Teacher Education: Multicultural Perspectives of a Teacher Education Program as a Community of Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. GRANTS -- PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Contemporary Issues Facing Catholic Schools: Lessons from the UK, Ireland, and the United States. Institute for Studies in the Liberal Arts (2019). $3,000 Research Cluster on International Catholic Education, Kellogg Institute for International Studies. (2017-2020). $150,000 Health Literacy for City Youth. Recipient of a grant from the Provost’s Investment Fund (2014-2016). $20,000. The History of Education in Harlem. Recipient of a grant from the Provost’s Investment Fund. 2012-2014. $25,000. Gordon Commission on the Future of Educational Assessment (sub-contract from ETS). 2011-2013. $269,000. The Council of Youth Research. Three-year (2008-2011) project funded by: The Surdna Foundation. 2008-2011. $375,000. The Annenberg Foundation. 2008-2010. $150,000 The Stuart Foundation. 2008-2010. $150,000 Life in Our Schools: Youth Research, College Access, and Educational Reform. One-year project funded by the Institute for American Cultures. 2008. $7,000. The 21st Century Literacies of African-American Youth. A project funded by the Ralph Bunche Center for African-American Studies through their Ford-funded College Access Program for African Americans (CAPAA) grant. 2006-2007. $18,000. Critical Literacy, Teacher Development and Student Empowerment: A Case Study of a Critical Research and Writing Seminar. A postdoctoral research grant funded by the American Educational Research Association and the Institute for Education Sciences. 2001-2004. $150,393. Creating Interactive Software Programs for Critical Literacy Educators in K-12 Grades (with Ellen Cushman). Funded by the WIDE Research Center (Writing | Information | Design in E-Space). 2004. $15,000. The Urban Literacies Project. Seed grant funded through the Michigan State University College of Education. 2005. $3767. INVITED KEYNOTE ADDRESSES “High Leverage Literacy Practices for Diverse 21st Century Classrooms”—Region IV Reading and Writing Conference, February 8, 2019. “Critical Media Pedagogy: Culturally Responsive Literacies for Diverse Classrooms.”—Culturally Responsive Teaching Institute, Eastern Michigan University, January 14, 2019. “Teaching English Today.” Clark County Schools, December 8, 2018 “Culturally Responsive Literacy Teaching.” Culturally Responsive Teaching Institute—Eastern Michigan University—November 14, 2018 “Community Libraries and the Super Reader Movement.” Western Michigan University—November 2, 2018 “Inspiring Readers and Writers in 21st Century Classrooms.” LitCon Conference, Garland, TX, October 12, 2018 “Critical Pedagogy for Today’s Classrooms.” Excellence in Teaching Conference, University of Notre Dame, October 26, 2018 “High Leverage Literacy Practices for Vulnerable Children Attending Catholic and Government Schools.” Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies, September 19, 2018 “High Leverage Practices for Middle School Classrooms.” Carrolton, TX Schools, August 16, 2018 “High Leverage Practices for K-5 Schools.” Cy-Fair, TX Schools, August 14, 2018 “Every Child a Super Reader” Tomball, TX Schools August 15, 2018 “Critical Pedagogy for First Year Teachers.” Dallas ISD—August 8, 2018 “Literacy Practices for Diverse 21st Century Classrooms.” Parkway Schools—August 5, 2018 “New Directions in Literacy Teaching.” Wisconsin Literacy Summit—June 28, 2018 “Critical Pedagogy and Urban Catholic Education” Archdiocese of Philadelphia, St. Joseph’s College—June 20, 2018 “Disrupting Inequality through Teaching and Teacher Education.” University of Michigan—April 4, 2018 “Developing Powerful Readers and Writers in Perilous Times.” Stuart Greene Lecture, March 23, 2018 “Comprehensive Literacy for Families, Schools, and Homes.” Western Michigan University, March 6, 2018 “New Directions in Teaching English.” University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, February 16, 2018 “Building Powerful Family School Connections.” Eastern Michigan University-January 18, 2018 Culturally Relevant Teaching and the College of Education: Walking the Talk. Annual Jean B. Carlson Address. November 14, 2017. Pedagogies of Faith, Hope, and Love: Teaching in Urban, Multicultural 21st Century Catholic Schools. Invited lecture given at the UCCE Conference at the University of Notre Dame. The Power of Literacy in Prevention Work to Promote Mental Health and Social Awareness. Invited keynote given at the State of Delaware Prevention Conference, April 5, 2016. “New Directions in the College Teaching of English.” Invited Lecture, Borough of Manhattan Community College, April 2, 2016. “Developing Powerful Readers and Writers for 21st Century Classrooms.” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Keystone State Reading Association, October 23, 2015. “Powerful Teaching for Urban Catholic Schools.” Invited Lecture, University of Notre Dame, October 9, 2015. “Creating Powerful Readers and Writers for 21st Century Classrooms.” Invited Lecture, Florida State University, September 15, 2015. “Youth Civic Engagement and Racial Justice in Classrooms and Schools.” Invited Lecture, New York University, May 16, 2015 “New Directions in Teaching English: Socially, Culturally, and Technologically Relevant Instruction.” Invited lecture, Johnson County Community College, April 24, 2015. “Critical Media Pedagogy: Teaching for Achievement in City Schools.” Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Dean’s Distinguished Lecture. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 10, 2015. “Powerful Teaching, Powerful Schools: Engaging Youth in the Digital Age.” Inaugural Macy Endowed Lecture, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, March 4, 2015. “Revolutionizing Black Manhood: The Education Challenge.” Invited Keynote Lecture, Ohio State University, March 1, 2015. “Critical Pedagogy and Hip Hop in the College English Classroom” Invited keynote delivered at the Hip Hop Summit sponsored by Bergen Community College. Paramus, NJ, February 18, 2015. “Powerful English Language Arts: Socially, Culturally, and Technologically Relevant Instruction.” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Houston, TX, January 23, 2015. “Powerful Readers and Writers: Pedagogies of NOW.” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the North Carolina English Teachers Association. Raleigh, NC, October 10, 2014. “Developing Readers and Writers through Community Engagement.” Invited keynote delivered at the Western Michigan Community Summit, Grand Rapids, MI, September 29, 2014. “Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Race: Ethnic Studies and Literacies of Power in HS Classrooms.” Invited keynote delivered at the NYU Brown@60 Conference, May 16, 2014. “Critical Pedagogy and Media Production: Engaging Struggling Readers” invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA, May 9, 2014. “Pedagogies of Change and the Future of Engaged Research” William and Mary Jane Brinton Family Chair Lecture delivered at the University of California at Berkeley, May 6, 2014. “(Re) Inventing the Future of Literacy Education: Socially, Culturally, and Technologically Relevant Instruction” Invited keynote delivered at the 8th Annual Literacy Essentials Conference, New Berlin, CT, April 12, 2014. “Engaging ALL Students through Technology” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Philadelphia, PA, April 10, 2014. “Teaching English in the Digital Age” Invited keynote delivered at the annual convention of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of English, April 3, 2014. “Engaging Youth through Technology Across the Disciplines” Invited keynote given at the annual meeting of the TCEA, Austin, Texas, February 6, 2014. “Developing Powerful Readers in 21st Century Classrooms” Invited keynote delivered at the Secondary Reading Council of Florida annual conference, January 24, 2014. “Powerful Teaching, Powerful Schools: Engaging Youth in the Digital Age” Invited keynote delivered to the California League of Schools, January 10, 2014. “Integrating Powerful Reading and Writing Instruction Across the Disciplines” Invited keynote delivered at Nassau Community College, November 8, 2013. “Culture Matters: Teaching African-American Literature in the Digital Age” Invited keynote delivered at the Givens Foundation Culture Matters Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 2, 2013. “Teaching Literature in the Digital Age” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Florida Council of Teachers of English, October 18, 2013. “Teaching Writing in the 21st Century Classroom” Invited keynote delivered at the annual meeting of the Council of Language Arts Supervisors, October 17, 2013. “Cultivating Youth Voices: Powerful Writing Pedagogies for the 21st Century” Invited keynote delivered at the Rhode Island Writing Project Spring Conference. Providence, Rhode Island March 9, 2013. “Lifting Every Voice: Powerful Literacy Pedagogies for the 21st Century.” Invited keynote delivered at Nassau Community College. March 8, 2013. “Promoting Achievement and Justice in Perilous Times.” Invited keynote delivered at Siena College. Albany, NY February 28, 2013. “Promising Directions in Scholarship: Re-Imaging Race in American Education.” Invited keynote delivered for the Race in the Academy lecture series at the University of Pennsylvania. February 7, 2013 “Pedagogies of Access for 21st Century Youth.” Invited keynote delivered at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, January 9, 2013. “Hip-Hop and English Education: Production, Poetics, Pedagogy, and Praxis.” Invited keynote delivered for the Hip-Hop Education Videoconference Series, University of Wisconsin, November 19, 2012. “Powerful Teaching, Powerful Schools: Towards a Critical, Community-Centered, Culturally Sustaining Agenda for Educational Excellence.” Invited keynote address delivered at the annual meeting of the California League of Schools, October 27, 2012. “Powerful Teaching for Social Justice in City Schools” Invited keynote address delivered at Quinnipiac University, October 16, 2012. “Building Bridges to Literacy: How Libraries can promote literacy and agency for African-American males.” Invited Keynote delivered at the UNC Library Sciences Building a Bridge to Literacy Summit, June 3, 2012. “Powerful English Language Arts: Reading and Writing for the 21st Century”, Inaugural Correll Presidential Lecture delivered at the University of Maine, March 26, 2012. “Eliminating the Achievement Gap” Invited panel presentation at the Columbia University Law School, March 7, 2012. “Living MLK’s Dream: Youth Voice, Civic Agency, and the American Future” Invited address delivered at the annual MLK celebration of Baylor School, Chattanooga, TN, January 13, 2012. “Classroom Engagement and the Future of Arts Education” Invited keynote address given to the Berklee College of Music. Boston, Massachusetts, December 5, 2011. “Powerful English Language Arts: The Necessity of Cultivating Youth Voices,” Invited keynote given to the annual meeting of the New England Reading Association, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, September 29, 2011. “Youth Participatory Action Research: Critical Literacy and Civic Engagement in English Classrooms,” Invited keynote given to the annual meeting of the Colorado Language Arts Society, Golden, Colorado, September 24, 2011. “Nurturing Literate Communities through Participatory Action Research” Invited keynote address given to the annual meeting of the Whole Language Umbrella Conference, Las Vegas, July 24, 2011. “Youth Writing to Change the World.” Invited keynote give to the Student Press Initiative, New York, New York, July 11, 2011. “For Those Who Dare Teach: A New Pedagogy for the Global City” Invited keynote given at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, May 23, 2011. “Voice, New Media, and Literacy Teaching in the New Century,” Invited keynote address given at the Region VII Literacy conference, Fresno, May 17, 2011. “Language, Literature, and Learning: From powerful voices to powerful literacies in K-8 classrooms.” Invited keynote delivered at the International Reading Association Conference, Orlando, FL, May 10, 2011. “Navigating Urban Literacies: Empowering writing pedagogies for the 21st century.” Invited Keynote given to the annual meeting of the National Writing Project’s Urban Sites Network Conference, Boston, MA, April 30, 2011. “Youth Re-Writing the World: Literacy, Learning, and Civic Engagement in 21st Century Urban Schools,” Keynote address jointly sponsored by the Northridge Writing Project and the Council for Exceptional Children at California State University Northridge, Tuesday April 19, 2011. “Why You? Why Now?: Education, Human Rights, and Public Service During These Perilous Times,” Keynote address to be given at the 25th anniversary of the Peace Corps Fellows event at Teachers College, Columbia University, April 1, 2011. Youth Voice, Critical Literacy, and the Spirit of Cesar Chavez. Keynote address delivered to the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez conference on Literacy at Fresno State University, March 26, 2011. “Toward a Pedagogy of the Global City: Voice, Affirmation, Achievement, Purpose, and Love,” Invited keynote delivered as part of the Simmons College/Beacon Press Race, Education, and Democracy Lecture and Book Series, Boston, March 15, 2011. “Youth Participatory Action Research, Academic Literacy, and Civic Engagement in Urban Schools,” Invited keynote delivered as part of the Simmons College/Beacon Press Race, Education, and Democracy Lecture and Book Series, Boston, March 16, 2011. “Popular Culture, Media Production, and a Re-Imaging of Classroom Life,” Invited keynote delivered as part of the Simmons College/Beacon Press Race, Education, and Democracy Lecture and Book Series, Boston, March 17, 2011. “Breaking Barriers to Healthy African-American Development: Black Males in the 21st Century, Myths, Data, Reality” Invited keynote address given at the 144th Morehouse Founder’s Day Symposium. February 18, 2011. “Powerful English Leadership for 21st Century Classrooms” Invited keynote address given to the annual meeting of the Conference on English Leadership (CEL), Orlando, Florida, November 21, 2010. Cultural Transformations: Race and Youth Media. Invited keynote address delivered as part of an annual lecture series at Washington University, St. Louis, November 10, 2010, Using Multicultural Literature to promote social awareness. Invited keynote given to the St. Louis Suburban IRA, November 10, 2010. “Cultivating Youth Voices: Reading and Writing Pedagogies for the 21st Century” Keynote address given to the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, November 3, 2010. “Leading for Literacy: Youth Research and Academic Literacy in the Twenty-first century,” Invited keynote address delivered at the Kentucky Reading Association annual meeting, October 29, 2010 “Powerful Beyond Measure: Pedagogy and Production in Higher Education” invited keynote address delivered at the Art Institute of California, July 9, 2010. “Art and Critical Pedagogy: Rethinking Education” Invited keynote address given at the Biennial Educator Symposium of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, May, 4, 2010. “Youth Voice and Critical Literacy Development in Urban Schools” invited keynote co-sponsored by the Latino Resource Center and the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literacy (CISLL) at Northern Illinois University, April 22, 2010. “Towards a Pedagogy of the City: Voice, Agency, Achievement, Action, Purpose, and Love” invited talk given at Teachers College, Columbia University, March 23, 2010. “Civic Agency in Politically Dangerous Times” invited keynote sponsored by the Political Science department at Cal Lutheran University, March 11, 2010. “Critical Pedagogy for Cincinnati Schools” invited keynote to be given at the University of Cincinnati, March 4, 2010. “Motivation through Popular Culture and Youth Research” invited keynote given to the annual professional development seminar of John Muir Charter Schools, January 12, 2010. “Courageous Leadership, Literacy, and the Education of Black Boys,” invited keynote given to Pikes Township Schools, December 3, 2009. Invited member of NCTE Featured Panel, “Adolescent Literacy: What Works Best.” Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 21, 2009. “Reshaping the Landscape of Urban Education: Focusing on Possibilities” invited lecture given at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, October 1, 2009. “Successful Teaching Across Communities and Cultures: Academic Success, Cultural Competence, and Critical Consciousness” invited keynote given to the professional development conference of the Alliance for College- Ready Schools, Los Angeles, August 20, 2009. “Making Literacy Matter for Kids: Moving from Theory to Practice” invited keynote given to the professional development conference of Cherry Creek Schools, Cherry Creek, Colorado, August 15, 2009. “The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in New Century Schools,” Invited keynote address given to the annual meeting of the California Association of Freirian Educators (CAFÉ), Los Angeles, California, May 9, 2009. “Youth Voice and Powerful Writing in the English Classroom” Invited keynote given to the annual meeting of the California Association of Teachers of English, San Jose, California, February 19, 2009. “Ensuring Equity and Excellence for All Students: Engagement, Affirmation, Discipline, Purpose, Inspiration, and Love” Lecture and workshop given to the Equity and Excellence in Education Conference, Prince William County Schools, Manasas, Virginia, August 5, 2008. “Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogical Project and its Applications for American Urban Education,” Invited lecture given to the Paulo Freire Institute, Los Angeles, CA, July 8, 2008. “The Uses of Paulo Freire in Diverse 21st Century Classrooms.” Invited keynote delivered to the annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Center. Washington, DC, June 27, 2008. “Building Critical Literacy and Research Skills in Small Border Communities. Invited Address and workshop given at the University of Arizona, South, February 9, 2008. “Powerful English: Innovative Practices in Diverse 21st Century Classrooms.” Invited address given to secondary English Teachers in Clayton County, Georgia schools, October 19, 2007. “Creating Engaging Learning Environments: What Principals Can Do!” Invited keynote delivered to the annual conference of the Arizona School Administrators, October 8, 2007. “Motivating Hard to Reach Students through Community-Based Research” Invited keynote delivered to the Los Angeles County Office of Education Title I In-service, October 3, 2007. “Powerful Parenting: Achievement and Empowerment for African-American Youth,” Invited keynote delivered to the annual conference of the Council for African-American Parents, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, September 9, 2007. “African-American Art, Popular Culture, and Literacy Development in Urban K-12 Classrooms,” Invited keynote delivered to the summer program at Fowler Museum, UCLA, July 12, 2007. “Popular Culture and Literacy Development in Global Cities in the New Millennium” Invited keynote delivered to the annual convention of the United Kingdom Literacy Association, Swansea, Wales, July 7, 2007. “Powerful Pedagogies: Achievement, Empowerment, and Social Justice for Ethnic Minority Youth” Invited keynote delivered to the NEA Regional Minority Leadership Training Institute. Anaheim, CA, February 16, 2007. “Pedagogies of HOPE and Transformation in K-12 Education” Invited keynote delivered to the HOPE Foundation Institute. Sedona, AZ, January 24, 2007. “Popular Culture, Engaged Pedagogy, and Sustained Academic Achievement in New Century Schools,” Invited keynote delivered to the “Failure is NOT an Option” Institute sponsored by the HOPE Foundation. San Francisco, CA October 13, 2006. “Reaching the ‘Unreachable’: Engaging ALL students in 21st Century Schools.” Invited keynote address delivered to the Charleston Public School District. Charleston, SC August 17, 2006. “Innovating Approaches to Reaching Students Who Are Falling Through the Cracks,” invited keynote address delivered to the North American Summit on Courageous Leadership for School Success. Toronto, Ontario, May 6, 2006. “Education and the Disciplines: Promises and Dilemmas in Considering Research Agendas and Careers.” Invited address given as part of the Division G Fireside Chat for graduate students at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 8, 2006. “The Uses of Popular Culture in the Literacy Classroom.” Invited keynote address delivered at the annual conference of the Michigan Reading Association, March 19, 2006. “Critical Literacy Education in an Era of Accountability.” Invited keynote address delivered at the Bright Ideas Conference of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English, March, 18, 2006. “Intergenerational Organizing and the Pedagogy of Social Movements,” Invited address given to the Harvard Colloquium for Organizing and Community Reform, March 11, 2006. “Critical Literacy and Urban Education.” Invited address delivered as part of the annual lecture series on issues in urban education, co-sponsored by Barnard and Columbia universities, March 2, 2006. “Youth Participatory Research Literacy, and Power for Middle School Students: Lessons from practice” Invited keynote address given to the annual meeting of the Turning Points National Winter Institute for Middle Schools, February 9, 2006 “Critical Pedagogy, New Media, and the future of Secondary English Teaching,” Invited address delivered to the annual convention of the California Association of Teachers of English, February 2, 2006. “Participatory Action Research and the Literacy Achievement of Ethnic Minority Groups,” Invited Review of Research Address given to the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, December 3, 2005 “Decolonizing the Literacy Classroom,” Invited Lecture to be delivered to the Department of Education at the University of California at Irvine, November 10, 2005. “Popular Culture, Race, and Literacy Achievement in Urban Schools.” Invited Lecture delivered as part of the Race, Identity, and Achievement Series. Boston, Massachusetts, September 29, 2005. “Developing Critical Literacy through Popular Culture in Non-School Settings.” Invited lecture and workshop given at the Powerful Literacy conference sponsored by the Gilbert Foundation, July 6 2005. “Using Popular Culture to Improve the Academic Achievement of African-American Youth.” Invited address given to the Alliance of Black Educators of Massachusetts, April, 9, 2005. “Teacher Development and Critical Research in Urban Schools.” Invited talk for the Boston Plan for Excellence in Public Schools, April 8, 2005. “Critical Literacy and Popular Culture: Pedagogies of Access and Dissent.” Invited address given to the annual conference of the Michigan Reading Association, March 11, 2005. “Youth as Critical Social Researchers.” Invited address given to the Steans Center for Community-based Learning and the Graduate School of Education at DePaul University, February 3, 2005. “Teaching Popular Culture: From Urban Literacies to Academic Achievement and Social Change.” Invited address given to the Steinhardt School of Education, New York University, December 10, 2004. “Critical Research and Literacy Development Among Urban Youth.” Invited address to the Language, Literacy, and Culture Colloquium. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, November 10, 2004. “The Grandma Rule and other Important Lessons for Postdoctoral Fellows Transitioning into Tenure-Track Positions.” Presentation delivered at the annual retreat of AERA/IES Postdoctoral Fellows and Mentors. Princeton, NJ, July 11, 2004. “High School Students as Critical Researchers: Investigating the Struggle for Education on 'Equal Terms.'” Workshop given at the "Brown Plus Fifty: A Renewed Agenda for Social Change" conference at New York University from May 17 - 20, 2004. “Teaching Popular Culture and the Michigan Content Standards: Considerations for Beginning English Teachers.” Invited lecture given to the student affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English. Michigan State University, April 16, 2003. “Equity and Access in Literacy Development and Instruction: The Use of Critical Texts to Transform Student Achievement in the Urban Classroom.” Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE), October 18, 2002. “Putting Chaucer on Trial: Using Popular Cultural Schemata to Increase Critical Reading Among Urban Youth.” Paper presentation given at the Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE) “Bright Ideas Conference,” April 13, 2002. “Martin Luther King’s Border Discourse: Implications for Literacy Research and Education.” Invited address for the Michigan State University College of Education’s Martin Luther King Day Celebration. East Lansing, MI, January 21, 2002. “Using Popular Culture to Improve Writing Instruction for Urban Students.” Invited address to the California Writing Project Summer Institute. Los Angeles, July 26, 2001. “Veteran Teachers as Teacher Educators in a Time of Crisis. Invited keynote address to the annual banquet of the California Subject Matter Projects.” University of California, Los Angeles, June 11, 2001. “Critical Multicultural Education: Using Popular Culture to Make Meaningful Connections with Diverse Learners in Urban Schools.” Invited lecture to a graduate urban education course. University of California, Berkeley, July 17, 2001. “Using Popular Culture in the Bilingual Classroom.” Invited lecture to a graduate language acquisition course. University of California, Los Angeles, May 17, 2001. “Becoming Critical Educators: Teaching for Social Justice in New Century Schools.” Invited keynote to the annual banquet of the Teacher Education Program Alumni Association. University of California, Los Angeles, May 10, 2001. “Being Critical, and Still Getting the Job: Strategies for the Job Search and the Job Talk.” Invited lecture to a graduate student forum. University of California, Berkeley, April 30, 2001. “Academic and Critical Literacy Development through Apprenticing Urban Youth as Critical Researchers.” Invited lecture to an undergraduate sociology course. University of San Francisco, April 26, 2001. “Strategies for “Reforming” America’s Public Schools.” Invited lecture to an undergraduate urban education course. University of California, Berkeley, November 17, 2000. “When Urban Youth Become Sociologists: Implications for Academic Achievement and Urban Reform.” Member of invited keynote panel for the annual conference of the National Coalition of Educational Activists. Los Angeles, June 3, 2000. TEACHING AND MENTORING Graduate & Undergraduate Courses Taught Introduction to Postcolonial Literature and Literary Theory Advanced Qualitative Seminar in Participatory Action Research African-American Literature and Literary Theory English Education and the Media Age The Politics of Teaching English Great Thinkers and Theory in Educational Leadership and Research Advanced Graduate Seminar in Literacy Research and Education Contemporary Issues in African-African Education Critical Theory and Research Methodologies in Urban Education Sociocultural and Critical Perspectives on Literacy Theory and Research Social Foundations and Cultural Diversity in American Education Critical English Methods for Secondary Teachers Teaching Critical Research: A Seminar for Transformative Teachers Literacy Learning in Sociocultural Contexts Seminar in Critical English Education Reflection and Inquiry in Secondary English Teaching Practice Urban Education: Social, Cultural, Ecological, and Historical Perspectives African-American Cultural Perspectives on Teaching and Learning African-American Education Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Studies in Urban Education The State of Education in California and Educational Acts of Courage Life in Our Schools: Disinvestment and Engagement in LA Public Schools Urban Youth, Political Participation, and Educational Reform Education on Equal Terms: A Half Century of Struggle in Greater LA Researching Equity and Access in California’s Public Schools Education, Access, & Democracy in Los Angeles: LA Youth and Convention 2000 Language, Popular Culture, and Resistance in Urban Schools Critical Methods for Teaching Literature to Diverse Learners Experiencing Race and Ethnicity in American Education Social and Cultural Foundations of Education Introduction to College Writing Doctoral Dissertations (Sponsor and Reader) Pirsch, M. (2018). It’s Lit: A Critical Qualitative Case Study of the Intersections of Hip-Hop, Education, Spirituality, and Race. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Thompson, T. (2018). The Mind’s Eye: A Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in College English with Multilingual Populations. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Aman, R. Socratic Seminar in the Basic English Community College Classroom. (2018) (Columbia University, Teachers College) DuBose, B. (2018) Making Room: Creating Space for Black Boys to Tell Their Stories. (Columbia University, Teachers College). DeLazzero, C. (2018) Writing for Diversity: A Student-Centered Approach to Writing Assessment Research. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Alikhani, M. (2018) Technical Poetry: A Case Study of Teaching Technical Writing to Engineering Students. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Markiewicz, A. (2018) Beyond lurkers and trolls: An examination of college student literacy practices in online asynchronous discussion spaces. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Falkner, A. (2018) A Poet’s Room: Troubling Tolerance, Cultural Ruptures, and the Dialogic Curriculum. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Rose, C. (2018) What Really Goes On: Exploring a University-Based Critical Hip-Hop Teacher Education Course. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Filipiak, D. (2018). Tracing agency in a middle school, youth participatory action research class. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Villarreal, B. (2018) It’s Dangerous to go Alone: An Autoethnography of College English Students Reading Videogames as Texts. (Columbia University, Teachers College) van Orman, K. (2017). (Re) conceptualizing street fiction: A critical analysis of discourses, dialogical dynamics, and pedagogical possibilities. (Columbia University, Teachers College) de los Rios, C. (2017) Literacies of power: Exploring multilingual and multiliterate practices in a secondary Chicanx/Latinx Studies course. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Chen, C. (2017). Critical literacy as common ground: The possibilities of African immigrant girls in New York City Schools and Community-based organizations. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Khosa, K. (2017) Postcolonial narrative inquiries of Zimbabwean English teachers’ perceptions of powerful pedagogical practices. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Seltzer, K. (2017). Resisting from within: Reimaging a critical, translingual English classroom. (CUNY Graduate Center) Ramkellawan-Arteaga, R. (2017). Literary literacies: An examination of literacy practices in an urban New York City charter school. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Davis, A. (2016) Revealing the daily reading lives in two grade six Language Arts classrooms: A comparative case study. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Kelly, L. (2016) Broken glass everywhere: Deconstructing popular identities through critical hip hop literacy. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Johnson, J. (2016). Cultivating literacies of access and liberation: A case study on the use of oral language, hybrid literacies, and culture in the 21st century (Columbia University, Teachers College) Lewis, J. (2016). A Case for Critical Public Pedagogy in the Elementary Music Classroom. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Belle, C. (2015). Not Your Average Brotha: Examining the Educational Lives, Literacies, and Masculinities of Black Males. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Lyiscott, J. (2015). How Broken English Made Me Whole: Exploring Race, New Literacies, and Social Justice Within a Youth Participatory Action Research Framework. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Vega, B. (2015). Beyond Racial Incidents and Apologies: Towards a New Understanding of Campus Racial Conflict in Higher Education. (Teachers College, Columbia University). Reid, H. (2015). Jamaica on a Mission: Educational Policies and Student Outcomes in a “Post-Colonial Attempt to Use School Reform to Advance National Development. (Teachers College, Columbia University). Shurtleff, A. (2015). Human maps for the digital age: Classics-based core curricula and new media technology. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Watson, W. (2015). Putting up a fight: Exploring a youth of color social justice praxis. (Columbia University, Teachers College) Lofton, R. (2014). Plessy’s Tracks: Tracing the Routes, roots, and tracks. (Teachers College, Columbia University) White, T. (2014). Culture, power, and pedagogy(s) in market-driven times: Embedded case studies of instructional approaches across four charter schools. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Martinez, A.N. (2014). Movement of the people: Teacher development in a teacher-led inquiry group and the application of teacher-generated knowledge. (UCLA) Gentry, C. (2014). Speak, memory: Oral storytelling in the high school classroom. (Teachers College, Columbia University.) Becker, C. (2014). Reflective artistry: African-American high school students’ artistic identities and programs of engagement. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Watson, V.V. (2014). Literacies, learning, (re) imagining identities, and envisioning civic imaginaries: Youth remixing discourses of production. (Teachers College, Columbia University) Golden, N.A. (2013). In a position I see myself in: Young men of color (re) negotiating educational identities: (CUNY Graduate Center) Ryoo, J. (2013). Pedagogy matters: Engaging diverse students as community researchers in three computer classrooms. (UCLA) Alford, J. (2013). For Alma Mater: Fighting for change at historically Black colleges and universities. (Teachers College) Garcia, V. (2013). Voices from the juvenile justice system: What we learned from the life histories and literacy experiences of formerly incarcerated young Latino males. (USC) Moya, J. (2012). Apprenticeships in power and critique: How classrooms and youth organizing spaces provide Latino youth with opportunities for critical civic development (UCLA) Ford, A. (2012) In the struggle for new meanings in the education of African-Americans and other students of color. (UCLA) Bautista, M. (2012). Pedagogy of Agency: How Urban Youth Use Critical Research as a Tool for Agency and Empowerment (UCLA) Bertrand, M. (2012). Working Toward Social Change: Youth Researchers Using Discourse to Challenge Systemic Racism in Education. (UCLA) Viola, M. (2012). Toward a Filipino/a Critical (FilCrit) Pedagogy: A Study of United States Exposure Programs to the Philippines. (UCLA) Lee, C. (2012). Culturally Relevant Pedagogy 2.0: Recognizing and affirming the life experiences and cultural practices of urban youth in critical computational literacy through a serious video game project. (UCLA) Moreno, D. (2012). La Cultura Cura en Nuestra Escuela: A Narrative Inquiry of Ancestral Praxis and Computer Science Learning Para el Buen Vivir Comunitario en El Sereno. (UCLA) Martinez, D. (2012). Expanding Linguistic Repertoires: An Ethnography of Black and Latina/o Youth Transcultural Communication In Urban English Language Arts Classrooms. (UCLA) Mirra, N. (2012). Getting the News from Poems: Critical Civic Pedagogy in Urban Secondary English Classrooms. (UCLA) Garcia, A. (2012). Good reception: Using mobile media and games to develop critical inner-city agents of change. (UCLA) Johnson, S. (2011). Powerful pedagogies: An examination of effective culturally relevant English instruction for high-achieving African-American males in Advanced Placement classes. (UCLA) Pacheco, D. (2011). Writing Out Loud: Apprenticing Youth Poets in an Urban Elementary School. (UCLA) Carroll, J. (2011). Guess who’s coming to class? Examining the pedagogy of a black male teacher educator. (UCLA) Anya, O.C. (2011) Communities of learners in communities of speakers: How African-American Portuguese students negotiate ethno-racialized and gendered identities in second language learning. (UCLA) Tunstall, J. (2011). Moving from Critical Consciousness to Critical Action: A phenomenological study of high school students’ experiences in a social justice intervention program. (UCLA) Mun, V. (2011). Moving beyond basic skills in community colleges: The beliefs and practices of culturally responsive peer mentors. (UCLA) Jimenez, R. (2010). Educación and Empowerment: Community Cultural Wealth and Family Histories in a Sixth Grade Class with Mexican Immigrant Students. (UCLA) Zavala, M. (2010). An Auto/Ethnography of Teacher Led Community Organizing and Its Implications for Developing a Decolonizing Raza Research Methodology. (UCLA) D’warte, J. (2010). Literacy in the History Classroom: A Cross Case Analysis of Teacher Implemented Participatory Action Research. (UCLA) Desai, S. (2010). Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery, None But Ourselves Can Free Our Mind: Spoken Word as a Site of Resistance, Reflection, and Rediscovery. (UCLA) Kim, G. (2010). The Popular as the Political: Critical Media Pedagogy as a Condition for Grassroots Collective Action Mobilization via YouTube Videos. (UCLA) Cassie, J. (2010). The effects of a participatory action research intervention on middle school students’ understanding of schools, culture, and place. (UCLA) Mosqueda, C. (2010). The Effect of a First Year Experience Program on Transfer Readiness and the Transfer Process of Community College Students. [Winner of the UCLA GSEIS Outstanding Dissertation Award] Marcy, R. (2010). How Teachers Experience and Think about Race in Professional Development. (UCLA) Schoon-Tanis, K. (2010) Wait! I Can Use That in My Classroom: Popular Culture in/and English Language Arts. (Michigan State). Carbone, P. (2009). Investigating a Critical Writing Pedagogy: Implications for Classroom Practice. (UCLA) Martinez, R. (2009). Spanglish as Transformative Literacy Tool: Toward an Understanding of the Role of Spanish-English Code-Switching in the Development of Critical Literacy. (UCLA) Camangian, P. (2009). Teaching Like Our Lives Matter: Critical Pedagogy and Classroom Research. (UCLA) [Winner AERA Division-B Outstanding Dissertation Award] Pineda-Scott, C. (2009). Maximizing College Pathways for Urban Youth: An evaluative, quasi-experimental study of a university-based partnership. (UCLA) Chang, B. (2009). The Platform: Liberatory Teaching, Community Organizing, and Sustainability in the Inner-City Community of Los Angeles Chinatown. (UCLA) Crawford, J. (2009). Navigating Actions and Social Justice Educators: A Study of the Instructional Practices Used By Three Teachers Working for Change in California’s Public Schools. (UCLA) Katz, J. (2009). The Presidency as Pedagogy: A Cultural Studies Analysis of Violence, Media, and the Construction of Presidential Masculinities. (UCLA) Terry, C.L. (2009). An Exploration of the Impact of Critical Math Literacies and Alternative Schooling Spaces on the Identity Development of High-School Aged Black Males in South Los Angeles. (UCLA) Barajas, F. (2009). Between the Border of Hope and Despair: Immigrant Students’ Narratives of Schooling and Mathematics Learning. (UCLA) Bailey, B. (2009). Reel Literacies: Digital Video Production as Literacy Practice. (University of Rochester) Petrone, R. (2008). Shreddin’ it up: Rethinking “Youth” Through the Logics of Learning and Literacy in a Skateboarding Community. (Michigan State) Pepper, K. (2007). Creative Bytes: Literacy and Learning in the Media Arts Practices of Urban Youth. (UCLA) Francis, J. (2007). English as Myth: Uncovering the Mythology of Secondary English Language Arts. (Michigan State University) Gallagher, D. (2006). Negotiating English, Literature, and the New Literacies: Maintaining and Expanding Boundaries in One 9th Grade English Language Arts Classroom. (Michigan State University) Tate, S. (2006). That Which the Soul Lives By: Critical Literacy and Critical Pedagogy in an Urban Secondary Classroom. (Michigan State University) Kirkland, D. (2006). The Boys in the Hood: Exploring Literacy in the Lives of Urban Adolescent Black Males. (Michigan State University) Hall, T. (2005) Media and Children: Emerging Literacies Among Urban Middle School Students. (Michigan State University) Burns, L. (2005). Moving Targets: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Literacy, Ideology, and Standards in English Language Arts Teacher Preparation Guidelines. (Michigan State University) Reynolds, J. (2005). Preservice Secondary Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching for Understanding, Adolescents, and Literacy Within Content Areas. (Michigan State University) Smith, J. (2004). A tension in the mind: Meditations on ascriptive citizenship, the general welfare, and Rawlsian justice in the education of citizens. (Michigan State University) Buursma, D.(2004). Traveling with a New View: How Four Course Features Supported Transformative Teacher Learning Journeys. (Michigan State University) Basmadjian, K. (2004): Interpretive Discussions of Literature: Teacher Learning and Opportunities to Learn. (Michigan State University) Damico, J. (2003). Education as Practices of Freedom: Critical Literacy in a 5th Grade Classroom. (Michigan State University) [Winner AERA Division B Outstanding Dissertation Award] Lowenstein, K. (2003). Conceptualizing White preservice teachers as learners about diversity: A study of Undergraduates’ perceptions of whole class discussions. (Michigan State University) EDITORIAL APPOINTMENTS Consulting Editor, Review of Research in Education Guest Editor, Special Issue, Learning, Media, and Technology Series Editor, Black Studies in Critical Thinking, Peter Lang Advisory Board, Lumina Foundation Report on Black Males in Higher Education Editorial Advisory Board (Inaugural), International Journal of Critical Pedagogy Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (JAAL) Editorial Advisory Board, Research in the Teaching of English (RTE) Editorial Advisory Board, American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) Editorial Advisory Board, Reading Research Quarterly Editor, Professional Book Reviews, Language Arts Editorial Advisory Board, Yearbook of the National Reading Conference Advisory Board, Publications Committee, International Reading Association Advisory Board, Pearson Learning Group Reviewer, NCTE Publications Advisory Board, IRA; The Literacy Dictionary Reviewer, Stenhouse Publishers Reviewer, Teachers College Press, NCRLL Language and Literacy Series Reviewer, State University of New York Press Reviewer, Qualitative Studies in Education Reviewer, Pedagogies: An International Journal Reviewer, International Journal of Learning Reviewer, Language Arts Reviewer, Research in the Teaching of English Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal Reviewer, Teaching Education Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education Reviewer, English Education Reviewer, Equity and Excellence Reviewer, Urban Education Reviewer, Prentice Hall, Secondary English Education PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS & SERVICE Professional Organizations Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) American Educational Research Association (AERA) International Literacy Association (ILA) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Conference on English Education (CEE) Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Literacy Research Association (LRA) Professional Service Member, NCTE Position Statement Committee, “Defining English Language Arts Education” Chair, NCTE Position Statement Committee, Parents and Educators Working Together for Literacy Elected Member, AERA Council Chair, James R. Squire Award Committee, NCTE Appointed Member, NCTE Nominating Committee Appointed, Outstanding Book Award Selection Committee, AERA Appointed, ELA Academic Advisory Committee, College Board Appointed, Ambassador’s Circle, National Council of Teachers of English Appointed, Pre-AP English Development Committee, College Board Participant in Higher Learning Series @Schomburg Center for Research on Black Culture Planning Committee, National Academy of Education Annual Postdoctoral Fellows Retreat Appointed Member, Standing Committee on Research, NCTE Appointed Member, Social Justice Action Committee, AERA Invited Participant, NSF-sponsored Colloquy on Minority Males in STEM Reader of Proposals for NSF’s Gender in Science and Engineering Section Co-chair, Division K, Area 3, AERA Chair, Janet Emig Award selection committee, Conference of English Education AERA, Co-chair, Division G Dissertation Award Committee AERA, Appointed Member, Committee on Scholars of Color in Education IRA, Member of Publications Committee AERA, Section Chair, Division B Area 5; Curriculum and Diversity AERA, Reviewer of Proposals Division B, Curriculum Studies, AERA, Reviewer of Proposals Division G, Social Contexts of Education, AERA, Reviewer of Proposals Division K, Teaching and Teacher Education, Chair, AERA Invited Presidential Symposium on Critical Research in Education, Discussant, AERA, Teaching and Research for Social Justice in LA and Urban Mexico: At the Intersection of Learning, Culture, “Street Socialization,” Immigration and Community Change (Invited Presidential Session) University of California, Berkeley—Teacher Education, CLAD advisory board, Oakland High School--English Department Representative, Faculty Advisory Council, Oakland High School--Faculty Sponsor; African American Student Union Oakland High School--Faculty Representative to the School Site Council, Appointed member, Standing Committee on Research, NCTE Appointed member, Assessment Commission, NCTE Invited panel, Adolescent Literacy: What works Best, NCTE, Invited keynote for the 10th Annual Middle Mosaic, NCTE, Invited panel participant on Adolescent Literacy, NCTE Invited participant, Centennial Retrospective Documentary, NCTE Appointed member, Standing Committee on Research, NCTE. Co-Chair, CEE Colloquium, “Multimodal Technologies and English Education” Member, Janet Emig Award selection committee, CEE Co-Chair, CEE Colloquium, “Popular Culture & the English Methods Course” Organizing Committee, CEE Leadership Summit, Chair, James Britton Award selection committee, CEE2 Member, James Britton Award selection committee, CEE, Nationally elected member of CEE Executive Committee, Commission on English Methods, Teaching, and Learning Liaison to the commission on creating and maintaining student affiliates, CEE, Invited member of Urban Teacher Education Network (UTEN), Stuart Foundation, California Writing Project (CWP) Invited Presenter for Summer Invitational Program, National Coalition of Educational Activists Member of invited keynote panel Invited educational roundtable participant with U.S. Representative Barbara Lee SELECTED UNIVERSITY SERVICE Elected Member, Provost’s Advisory Committee, University of Notre Dame Appointed Member, Provost’s Research Vision Committee, University of Notre Dame Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame Fellow, Institute for Educational Initiatives, University of Notre Dame Faculty Advisory Committee, Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame Faculty Committee, Institute for Educational Initiatives, Notre Dame Executive Committee, Alliance for Catholic Education, University of Notre Dame Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate, University of Notre Dame McGrath Institute for Church Life, Life Fellow, University of Notre Dame Search Committee, Global Education, University of Notre Dame Faculty Representative, University Senate, Columbia University Chair, Education Leadership Search Committee, Teachers College Faculty Executive Committee, Teachers College Faculty Development Advisory Committee, Teachers College Co-Chair, Race, Culture, and Diversity Subcommittee, Teachers College International and Transcultural Studies Search Committee, Teachers College Selection committee, TC Minority Postdoctoral Fellowship, Teachers College Selection Committee, TC 2015 Medal for Distinguished Service, Teachers College Selection Committee, TC 2014 Medal for Distinguished Service, Teachers College Ad Hoc committee member, Regina Cortina Promotion to Full Professor Arts and Humanities Representative to the Faculty Executive Committee, Teachers College Educating Teacher Educators Professor Search Committee, Teachers College Affirmative Action Committee, Teachers College Standing Committee on Appointment to Tenure, Teachers College Klingenstein Center School Design Project Reviewer, Teachers College Teachers College Centers & Institutes Directors Council, Teachers College Assistant Professor in Health Education, Search Committee, Teachers College Office of School and Community Partnerships Advisory Board, Teachers College Director, Educational Studies Minor, Department of Education, UCLA Search committee, Ralph Bunche Center for African-American Studies, UCLA Search committee, MacArthur Chair of Media Studies, UCLA Selection committee, Roxanne Chisholm Endowed Scholarship, UCLA Appointed member, Educational Executive Committee, Department of Education, UCLA Member, Committee on Degrees & Academic Standards (CDAS), UCLA Co-author, UCLA Department of Education; Eight-year review, UCLA Member, Ad hoc committee for promotion to full professor, Marjorie Orellana, UCLA Division Head, Urban Schooling, Department of Education, UCLA Faculty Mentor, Stone Scholars Program, UCLA Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, Center for African-American Studies, UCLA Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Latin American Institute, UCLA Member, Search committee for Teacher Education, Department of Education, UCLA Elected member, Academic Personnel Committee, Department of Education, UCLA Chair, Commencement Speaker Selection Committee, UCLA Faculty Mentor, McNair Research Scholars Program, UCLA Reviewer of Applicants, McNair Research Scholars Program, UCLA Reviewer of Proposals, Institute for American Cultures Research Grants, UCLA Fellowship Review Board, Ralph J. Bunche Center for African-American Studies, UCLA Appointed member, University Writing Task Force, Michigan State Associate Member, Literacy Team; Teachers for a New Era Grant, Michigan State Chair, Teacher Education Ph.D. Admission, Planning, and Policy Committee, Michigan State Elected Member, Ph.D. Admission, Planning and Policy Committee, Michigan State Faculty Leader, Secondary English Team, Michigan State Member, Department of Teacher Education Curriculum Committee, Michigan State Member, Search Committee, Science Education, Michigan State Member, Search Committee, Literacy Education, Michigan State Member, Search Committee, Assistant Director of the Writing Center, Michigan State Member, MSU-Lansing School District Partnership Committee, Michigan State Member, Post BA- Urban Education Emphasis Design Team, Michigan State Member, College Urban Study Project (CUSP), Michigan State Member, Literacy Specialization Ph.D. Committee, Michigan State Faculty Mentor, Spencer Research Training Program, Michigan State Faculty Mentor, Beaumont Tower Scholars Program, Michigan State