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nLab formal category theory



Enriched category theory

2-Category theory



There are many flavours of category:

and so on. In each flavour of category theory, one finds essentially the same definitions and theorems:

and so on. Rather than define these concepts and prove these theorems in each of the different flavours of category theory independently (as has been done traditionally), one would rather be able to define these concepts and prove these theorems abstractly, and then specialise to each of these flavours, obtaining for instance the statements for enriched category theory as a corollary of the more abstract version. This is the motivation for formal category theory.

Formal category theory may be thought of as applying the philosophy of category theory to category theory itself. Typically, this takes the form of applying 2-dimensional category theories (e.g. 2-category theory or double category theory) to study 1-dimensional category theory. This may be viewed as a synthetic approach to category theory.

This may be seen as a categorification of the approach of structural set theory, which is a synthetic approach to set theory. (In fact, just as a topos is intended as an axiomatisation of the logical nature of the archetypical topos Set, Street & Walters introduced Yoneda structures, one of the earliest approaches to formal category theory, as an axiomatisation of the “logical” nature of the archetypical 2-topos Cat.)


An important question is: what is the appropriate setting in which to study the formal theory of categories? There is not one obvious answer, and several approaches have been proposed in the literature.

Roughly speaking, there are four main approaches (listed in chronological order of the first time they were proposed).

  1. 2-categories with property-like structure

    (cf. Gray 1974)

  2. Yoneda structures

    (cf. Street & Walters 1978)

  3. proarrow equipments/framed bicategories/(augmented) virtual equipments

    (cf. Wood 1982, 1985; Shulman 2008; Cruttwell & Shulman 2010; Koudenburg 2022)

  4. lax-idempotent 2-monads

    (cf. Bunge & Funk 1999, Trimble’s epistemologies)

The relationship between the approaches, for the most part, is not laid out clearly in the literature, but a basic intuition is that:

  1. 2-categories may be equipped with various property-like structure possessed by the 2-category Cat, e.g. 2-limits and 2-colimits, exponentials, etc.

  2. Yoneda structures are based on formalising the presheaf construction.

  3. Proarrow equipments and related structures are based on formalising distributors/profunctors.

  4. Lax-idempotent pseudomonads (also called KZ-doctrines) are based on formalising the free cocompletion-construction.

The first, purely 2-categorical, approach is unsufficient to capture enriched categories (though captures many aspects of ordinary and internal category theory), and is therefore not viable as a general approach to formal category theory.

On the other hand, in nice settings, e.g. in enriched category theory for a well-behaved base of enrichment (eg. a Bénabou cosmos), approaches (2 – 4) are all viable, and are distinguished primarily by their methodology. However, in weaker settings, some approaches are no longer viable.

For instance, one may not in general have a presheaf category-construction or free cocompletion, and so Yoneda structures and lax-idempotent pseudomonads are not applicable in general. Without enough coequalisers in the base, distributors do not compose, and so proarrow equipments and fibrant double categories are not applicable. For instance, for a general monoidal category VV, only the formalisms of virtual equipments and augmented virtual equipments? capture the structure of VV-enriched categories. These are thus the most general approaches to formal category theory. Here it is possible to formalise presheaves as in Koudenburg 2022, thus recovering Yoneda structure; as well as free cocompletions (though this had not been developed in the literature): these approaches consequently strictly subsume the others.

Theorems in formal category theory

Below, we list some fundamental theorems in category theory that have been formulated in formal category theory.

For instance, one motivation for the development of this theory in the setting of (augmented) virtual equipments is to develop enriched category theory without the assumptions taken, for instance, by Kelly in Basic concepts of enriched category theory. This therefore gives a development of enriched category theory for categories enriched in a nonsymmetric monoidal category, a bicategory, or even a virtual double category.

Intramural and extramural formal category theory

There are two distinct aspects to the theory of categories. One aspect is concerned with the structure of an individual category, with regards to its objects and morphisms. For instance, the study of monomorphisms and epimorphisms, limits and colimits, and so on. We shall refer to this aspect as intramural category theory.

The other aspect is concerned with the relation between different categories, constructions on categories (e.g. product categories, functor categories, adjoint functors), and so on. In essence, this is the theory of the 2-category Cat. It is important to note that this latter aspect is not the more general theory of objects in an arbitrary 2-category (which would be the study of formal category theory). We shall refer to this aspect as extramural category theory.

In the same way, there are both intramural and extramural aspects to formal category theory. Intramural formal category theory is what we have meant by “formal category theory” above, i.e. developing category theory inside some 2-dimensional structure (e.g. a Yoneda structure or proarrow equipment). On the other hand, extramural category theory is the theory of such 2-dimensional structures, e.g. the theory of Yoneda structures, or the theory of proarrow equipments. Note that, just as extramural category theory is distinct from formal category theory, so too is extramural formal category theory distinct from what might be called “formal 2-category theory”, “formal 2-dimensional category theory”, or “formal formal category theory”.

Extramural formal category theory is motivated by formal category theory. For instance, an important construction in extramural formal category theory is the monads and bimodules construction, which constructs a new proarrow equipment Mod(X)Mod(X) from an existing proarrow equipment (there are analogues for other approaches to formal category theory). This provides a family of new examples of formal category theories, in which one can perform intramural formal category theory. For instance, proarrow equipments of the form Mod(X)Mod(X) are very well behaved, which equips them with a rich intramural category theory (as studied in Wood 1985): for instance, the existence of a factorisation system, and the existence of Kleisli objects and Eilenberg–Moore objects.


An axiomatization of (just) the (very large) 1-category of all categories, but fully in formal logic is the elementary theory of the category of categories (ETCC) due to:

The undertaking of laying these foundations instead for the 2-category of all categories is famously associated with:

Review and further discussion, including on the relationship between the different approaches:

The relation between lax-idempotent pseudomonads and Yoneda structures is due to:

  • Charles Walker, Yoneda Structures and KZ Doctrines, arxiv

Discussion in double category-theory:

A domain-specific type theory for formal category theory:

On the intuition for Yoneda structures as 2-toposes:

  • Ross Street, An Australian conspectus of higher category theory, talk at Institute for Mathematics and its Applications Summer Program: nn-Categories: Foundations and Applications at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, 7–18 June 2004), in: Towards Higher Categories, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 152, Springer (2010) 237-264 [pdf, pdf, doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1524-5]

Papers developing general theorems in (intramural) formal category theory:

Papers developing general theorems in (extramural) formal category theory:

Another approach, related to Yoneda structures:

  • Michał Przybyłek?, Analysis and construction of logical systems: a category-theoretic approach (2014), PhD thesis (pdf).

Last revised on April 6, 2024 at 09:25:54. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.